Day: September 11, 2024

Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh

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Sophia Rose is here with a review of Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh. This is the eighth book in the Psy-Changeling Trinity. If you are a fan of paranormal romance filled with suspense, you’ll want to grab this one!

Primal Mirror by Nalini Singh

Primal Mirror
by Nalini Singh
Series: Psy-Changeling Trinity #8
Genres: Paranormal Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne Flame

New York Times bestselling author Nalini Singh takes us into a family dark with shadowy secrets, as the world of the Psy hangs on the edge of a final catastrophic collapse…

Daughter of two ruthless high-gradient telepaths, Auden Scott is not the child her Psy parents wanted or expected, even before her brain injury. Her thoughts are scattered, her memories fuzzy—or just terrifyingly blank. The only thing she knows for certain is that she must protect her unborn baby…a baby she has no recollection of conceiving and who draws an abnormal intensity of notice from her dead mother’s closest associates.

Leopard alpha Remi Denier is a man driven by the primal instinct to protect. Protect his pack, protect his allies… and protect the mysterious woman who has become a most unlikely neighbor. With eerie eyes that see too much and a scent that alters in ways disturbing and impossible, Auden Scott is the enemy…but nothing about this strange Psy is what it seems, Remi’s feline heart as fascinated by her as the human half of his soul.

Then Auden asks Remi to help her shatter the wall of secrets that is the Scott bloodline. What they unearth will reveal a nightmare beyond imagination. This time, the battle is to the death…

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Sophia Rose’s Review

A new pack alpha stumbles on a mysterious Psy woman and further contact leaves him with great interest and few answers even as the woman finds herself trusting this Changeling outsider with everything she holds dear.  Nalini Singh’s Psy Changeling Trinity world continues to offer that exciting blend of sexy paranormal romance and tension-wrought, intriguing urban fantasy.

Primal Mirror is the eighth in the Psy-Changeling Trinity series which is a sequel to the original Psy-Changeling series.  Definitely read them in order to get the most out of the world of both series.

Though Auden Scott is a new character, her parents were characters I loved to hate and wanted to see them defeated throughout the earlier series.  I found it interesting seeing their dark legacy thwarted in Auden.  Auden is purposefully nothing like either parent.  She has imperfect Silence, for one thing.  She always did because her powerful Psy affinity is telemetry.  She reads emotions and visions from what she touches and this never allowed her not to feel.  There is a mystery surrounding her and the baby she carries.  As the story progressed, I had a horrible suspicion about what was going on and I really was hoping to be wrong, but no, I was way too right.  Thank goodness, Auden had an inner strength and she had Remy.

Remy is a leopard changeling and the alpha of a newly-formed pack.  Up until now, all the Changeling stories have involved established packs and I found it exciting and fascinating that details were given of how Remy and his people are working to establish themselves.  Remy is a treasure.  He went through hard times himself with a bully alpha, abandoned by his dad, and having to lose his beloved mom to a long-term illness and this honed him to being a protective, loving, and loyal alpha to his own people.  He doesn’t see himself as anything special so is always surprised that such good people have come to work alongside him and help build the pack.  Auden gains Remy’s interest from the start first because of the oddity and mystery about her, but then he slowly gets to know her and their friendship grows into something more right when she needs him most.

And, as Auden and Remy’s story is going on, there are brief moments with the greater situation of the world as others are working to fix the Psy Net to save the Psy race and the situation with the Scarabs.  I was on the edge of my seat when the failing psy net situation came to a head and a surprise twist happens at zero hour.

All in all, this was so good and leaves me craving the next installment.  If you haven’t already, do yourself a favor and make a bookdate with the Psy-Changeling and then Psy Changeling Trinity series.

Amazon | Audible

About Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh

Nalini Singh is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author of the Psy-Changeling, Guild Hunter, and Rock Kiss series. She lives in New Zealand but travels as much as possible (the travel bug bit hard from when she escaped working as a lawyer to run away and teach English in Japan). Nalini loves to write, loves to read, and thinks chocolate is a food group.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


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From Wall Street to the White House and Back

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Anthony Scaramucci’s From Wall Street to the White House and Back is a candid and often irreverent exploration of his tumultuous career, weaving together lessons learned from the boardrooms of finance to the chaotic corridors of political power. This book isn’t just a memoir; it’s a guide to resilience, peppered with personal anecdotes, sharp humor, and brutally honest self-reflection. Scaramucci takes readers on a whirlwind tour of his life, from his early days on Wall Street to his infamous eleven days in the Trump White House, offering insights that are as much about survival in high-stakes environments as they are about personal growth.

Scaramucci’s style is punchy and direct as he breaks down big ideas by tying them to what he’s been through. Take his thoughts on ego, for instance. He doesn’t just say it’s dangerous; he shows it by talking about how his craving for status led him to join Trump’s team. This kind of honesty makes his advice hit harder and feel more genuine. Scaramucci doesn’t shy away from admitting his screw-ups. In a world where folks often dodge responsibility, he’s refreshingly upfront. He shares stories of failure—from a bad investment in Centocor to political missteps—with a level of self-awareness that’s both engaging and relatable. The chapter on his White House days is a must-read, not just for the events, but for the reflection that comes with them. Each chapter contains a new lesson and the author mixes stories with solid advice, giving you both entertainment and takeaways you can use. Scaramucci’s tips are clear and powerful, backed by real-life experiences.

From Wall Street to the White House and Back is a solid read for anyone interested in leadership and bouncing back from setbacks. Scaramucci’s no-filter approach is perfect for readers who value straight talk and practical wisdom. It’s a great pick for aspiring leaders, entrepreneurs, or anyone trying to rebound from failure.

Pages: 226 | ASIN : B0CPZ162KK

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On The Wings of Wishes

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Ash, a magic seeker, spends her days searching for enchantment and hunting fairies, convinced that magic is the only thing that can solve her problems. As she continues her quest, she begins to discover that magic is everywhere, often found in the most unexpected places. But just as she starts to unravel these mysteries, disaster strikes. A Category 5 hurricane threatens her village, putting not only her family but her entire community at risk. Ash finds herself wondering if there’s enough magic to save everything she holds dear.

In On the Wings of Wishes: True Magic Still Lives, Angel Dunworth invites readers into a world brimming with magic, offering a story that feels timeless and appeals to readers of all ages. The book effortlessly taps into that childhood sense of wonder, where an ordinary girl can become a hero, and magic can be found in the most unlikely places. The journey Ash embarks on is one that feels familiar yet fresh—it’s not about being a superhero but about being a regular girl trying to save her home and the fragile state of her parents’ relationship. What stands out most is how Dunworth uses this magical narrative as a metaphor for a broken home. Seeing the world through Ash’s eyes, a child frightened that her world might fall apart, adds a layer of emotional depth to the story. Despite her fear, she discovers hope and magic along the way, which makes the book not just a tale of adventure but one of resilience and belief in the unseen. Dunworth captures that delicate balance of fear and wonder, making it easy for both children and adults to relate to the emotions and lessons within the story. I absolutely enjoyed the writing style. It’s beautifully simple, with a flow that’s easy to follow, making it accessible for younger readers while still captivating for adults. The language used is charming and fits perfectly with the magical tone of the story. The characters, including Ash, don’t feel fully fleshed out, so you don’t get the chance to truly connect with them on a deeper level. This lack of development sometimes keeps the reader at a distance from the story’s emotional core.

On the Wings of Wishes is a delightful read, filled with heart and imagination. It’s perfect for readers who long to recapture that childhood sense of wonder or for young readers ready to lose themselves in a world where magic is real, and hope is always just around the corner. Angel Dunworth has crafted a lovely, whimsical story that reminds us all that true magic still lives even in the darkest moments.

Pages: 107 | ASIN : B0D9GLX5X6

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Matilde’s Empress: Book Three of the Visigoth Saga

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Matilde’s Empress by Robert Philips delves into the turbulent aftermath of Gainas’ failed coup, leading to his death and Matilde’s desperate flight to her maternal home. There, her family embraces her, offering solace as she mourns both her husband and their unborn child. Soon after, Matilde marries her stepbrother Alaric and gives birth to their son, Theodoric. When Matilde is summoned for her connection to Gainas’ rebellion, Alaric steps in to protect her, but at a heavy cost. His intervention results in the loss of his position within the Roman Empire and his people being deprived of critical resources. Tragedy strikes again when Matilde’s tribe is attacked, and she, along with her son and servant, is taken prisoner. After enduring these hardships and eventually reuniting with her family, Matilde faces more losses, with several close family members having perished. For a brief time, she finds love and achieves high status within the Roman Empire, but it is short-lived. Though peace is eventually restored, Matilde is left with only a bittersweet resolution.

Set between 400 CE and 422 CE, Matilde’s Empress is rooted in historical fiction, drawing from real events of the Roman Empire. Some characters, like Matilde, are fictional, while others, such as Constantius, are based on historical figures. The novel explores the complexities of life in the Roman Empire, particularly highlighting how women’s femininity often overshadowed their intelligence. Matilde, a woman of sharp mind and wisdom, consistently provided sound advice, something Constantius himself acknowledged. However, her failure to bear him a child distanced him from her, favoring Placidia as empress due to her ability to give him an heir. Despite Matilde’s many contributions, she is never granted an official position, emphasizing the harsh reality that her influence depended on her attachment to powerful men. As she ages and is considered past her prime, her ability to make a significant impact fades, and she spends her later years bonding with her grandchildren. Philips excels in exploring the theme of “death by natural causes,” which adds an unexpected twist and depth to the narrative.

Matilde’s Empress is a richly layered tale of survival, loss, and resilience in a time when a woman’s worth was measured more by her ability to bear children than by her intellect. The novel succeeds in painting a vivid picture of life during the Roman Empire and offers readers a thoughtful exploration of the complexities faced by women in history.

Pages: 273 | ASIN : B0DBGQQ26F

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Rhyming Riley, The Dog That Rhymes All the Time

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Rhyming Riley: The Dog That Rhymes All the Time by Tracy Markley is a delightful celebration of the joy, loyalty, and fun that dogs bring into our lives. Riley, an endearing Labradoodle, invites readers into a day in his life, narrating his experiences with warmth and charm. He introduces himself, shares his quirky behaviors, and showcases the tricks he knows. Riley also discusses his favorite pastimes, such as watching the world go by and enjoying the sounds of his toys. His routine highlights the care he needs, from daily walks and grooming to having a cozy spot to rest. And, of course, no day is complete without savoring his beloved dog treats.

Tracy Markley’s writing shines with its engaging, easy-to-understand style. Her use of short, rhythmic phrases paired with a lively sense of humor makes the story accessible and entertaining. She masterfully blends playful storytelling with educational moments, like reminding readers of the importance of cleaning up after their pets—a subtle but essential lesson for young readers, particularly those learning about pet care. The story is a fantastic resource for teaching children the responsibilities that come with owning a pet, from daily tasks to the long-term commitment needed to keep animals healthy and happy. It also emphasizes the emotional connection between pets and their caregivers, helping young readers understand how their actions affect their pets’ well-being. The illustrations, while generally appealing, have moments where the style feels inconsistent. Riley’s design is charming, but some images featuring hyper-realistic elements clash with the otherwise whimsical tone. A more uniform artistic approach would have enhanced the visual experience.

Rhyming Riley offers a fun, engaging way for children to learn about the responsibilities of pet ownership. The rhymes make it memorable, while the story encourages empathy and a deeper understanding of a dog’s needs. Young readers will not only enjoy Riley’s adventures but also walk away with valuable lessons on caring for animals.

Pages: 24 | ASIN : B0DBW289TY

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Starving For Some Excitement

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Author Interview
D E Nelson Author Interview

The Devil’s Den—A Phoenix Thriller Vol. 1 follows a young woman looking for a fresh start in New York who gets herself into danger with a serial killer as she seeks revenge for her missing roommate. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I’m an avid reader whose favorite genres are mysteries and thrillers. However, after a while, the concepts and plots of the books I read became redundant. I started craving for something new and realized I couldn’t have been the only one who felt this way. After fantasizing about the kind of story I’d love to read, I grabbed my laptop and started writing it instead.   

Phoenix is a complex character who keeps readers in suspense, unable to anticipate her next move. What inspired the main character’s traits and dialogue?

Phoenix’s character is a fusion of some of my favorite heroines – fictional and literal. She needed to be fiery and fearless, but also vulnerable. She needed to be extraordinary in some traits yet fractured in others so as to connect with the reader. These qualities often reveal themselves in her internal dialogue, as well as her external dialogue. Phoenix’s attributes are what makes her, and other heroines, unforgettable.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Starving for some excitement, I wanted this novel to explore two themes I felt I hadn’t come across in a while: the fine line between madness and genius, and the price of revenge. However, I am curious to know if the readers’ interpretations of the book’s themes differ from what I intended.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This is most certainly the beginning of a greater story. The next novel will be released in early-to-mid 2025. I intend for this particular series to be a trilogy; however, throughout my creative process, the number of books this series has could change. Nonetheless, the readers can expect major character development and shocking revelations. As they continue this journey with me, they’ll be grinding their teeth and ceaselessly turning the pages.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Book Review

Following a tragedy in her hometown, Phoenix Gerard decides to start fresh in New York. Despite the fact there is a serial killer running rampant in the city, the move comes with little to no challenges. That is until her beloved roommate goes missing. The only question that remains is “Will Phoenix lose herself in search for revenge, or will she lose her life?” The outcome is impossible to predetermine when one plays a game of cat and mouse with a psychopath. Then again, Phoenix isn’t exactly the epitome of sanity.

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