Moving Forward

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Cherie Burbach Author Interview

The Space Between Dreaming follows two women struggling to have a family of their own who meet at an art gallery and form an unlikely friendship. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I had always wanted to write a story that featured strong friendships that was perhaps a bit unexpected. I decided to do this through friendships that spanned different generations and different circumstances as a way to show the strength we gain from women who are in our corner. Since I’m also an artist, I took a lot of inspiration from my own experience in showing in galleries and working at art fairs.

Grace and Jane are both relatable characters that readers are drawn to and want to help. Are there any emotions or memories from your own life that you put into your characters’ lives?

I used my real-life great-grandmother’s name for one of the characters, although the personality of the character is totally different. The character of Jane loves the Milwaukee Art Museum and has since she was a kid, which is something I took directly from my own life.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

My love of art and the power of expressing emotions through painting is something I wanted to convey. I wanted readers to feel how valuable the practice and appreciation of artistic endeavor can be in healing, decision-making, and everyday life. Also the theme of moving forward despite difficult circumstances was an important one to include. I wanted this to be an inspiring, hopeful book for someone to pick up.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

I just released an art book called Poetry and Paint. It features my original paintings and poetry. I’m also working on another novel, but I don’t have a date for its release yet.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

Grace and Jane both crave family but for much different reasons. Grace longs for the child she was never able to conceive and Jane for the new family she will have once she marries her boyfriend. They meet and become unlikely friends when Grace’s husband paints his masterpiece and Jane’s gallery represents him.

As they ponder their future, Jane’s meddling 80-year-old landlady helps them see the beauty in letting go of expectations. Grace and Jane each see something different in the painting, and it causes them to look beyond their stubborn dreams to a fresh reality that could hold the key to their happiness.

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