A Call To Action

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Karen S. Bell Author Interview

Like a Lily Among the Thorns follows a young woman longing for a family connection who meets a woman who becomes more than a friend; she helps transform her life. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

To me subconsciously, we all assign roles to acquaintances in our lives based on our unfulfilled needs. In this particular narrative, the MC has a real need for connection. Sometimes my muse uses my personal experiences but in others like this story my natural empathy for people in distress carries the load.

What are some things that you find interesting about the human condition that you think make for great fiction?

The pursuit of happiness, connection, and dignity.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

One main theme the reviewer failed to mention was the purpose of this book for me. I believe it is a call to action for the climate crisis that may possibly end life on this planet as we know it. Just like the characters in this story, the awareness of the danger is slow in forming and even at the end of this novel the lack of action to totally change one’s life in anticipation of this problem is just too much work. Eveyone hopes the problem is exaggerated and will just disappear. Like is actually happening right now.

What next book are you working on, and when will it be available?

My next novel explores the notion of what is reality. Can we move through different realities by choice? Scientists have postulated that the multiverse exists. In this work, I take the liberty of having proof that multiverse exists and that we can somehow move around these alternate worlds at will. It also is a nod to my gloomy attitude of the possible demise of humanity due to climate change. Enlightened souls will have the ability to save our species by traveling to another reality where climate issues do not exist yet.

Author Links: Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook | Website | Book Review

There are those who are born into loving families and then there are the less fortunate who must forge their own families through strong friendships.
At a local small library in New York City, one such family was born. And just like so many capricious happenstances in life, this family unit embraced newcomers and grew exponentially. But this clan was also charged with far more than spreading love and joy and a sense of belonging. This clan was formed by divine Providence to help save the planet.
Gabrielle Bernstein, the MC of Like a Lily Among the Thorns, is a woman in her twenties and has started her career as a librarian at a NYC public library. Abandoned by her father as a young girl and now orphaned by her deranged mother, Gabby longs for a family connection. Coincidentally, she finds this connection at the same time she inherits a B&B in Vermont from her estranged and now-deceased father. This enchanted inn is under the watchful eye of goddesses of myth and legend who have been tasked to save mankind from destroying itself and this planet. These goddesses will use their powers to try and stall the onslaught of the effects of droughts, floods, and rising temperatures. But as a safety net, they have collected human saviors all over the planet to erect safe havens at high altitudes away from flood waters and blistering temperatures.
Woven through this tale is Gabrielle’s inherent understanding that she must be grateful, mindful, and present in this journey called life.
Author’s note: In response to the feedback from several reviews, I offer some clarity to the book’s ending. As a call to action, the other message of this book is the reality that humans would prefer to do nothing when all appears normal. Doing nothing and waiting for the worst to happen is a terrible approach and has been the mindset for a long time no matter the solid info that has been available for many years.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/09/04/a-call-to-action/

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