Vice and Virtue

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Ian Johnson Author Interview

Notes From After Dusk follows two people through their journal entries as they explore psychological and philosophical topics and how childhood experiences impacted their adult mental health and personality issues. What inspired the setup of your story?

I decided to write Notes From After Dusk during a particularly difficult time in my life. I had been reading books such as On the Heights of Despair, Nausea, and Lolita. I had been interested in experimenting with the epistolary format, and I wanted to write a novel about love, sadness, and philosophy. 

What are some things that you find interesting about the human condition that you think make for great fiction?

I believe in the existence of free will. Moreover, I believe that every human being is capable of vice and virtue alike. I believe that these aspects of human nature fuel literary fiction. 

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I knew from the beginning that I wanted Notes From After Dusk to explore Existentialism, love, and depression. As the novel developed, I realized that I also wanted to explore Marxism and Liberalism as well. 

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’ve been working on some prose that I think is very promising. I want my next book to be more intensely philosophical than Notes From After Dusk. Hopefully, it’ll be published within the next two or three years.

Author Links: Website | Book Review

Ian’s debut novel, Notes From After Dusk, explores Hegelianism, Existentialism, Marxism, Liberalism, and a myriad of other thought provoking themes. Notes From After Dusk will be made available on on August 31st 2024.

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