Imagine Your True Purpose

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Kathleen Welton Author Interview

In Pigs Have Wings, a pig who aspires to sing and dance is encouraged to pursue her dreams with the support of her friends. Where did the idea for this book come from?

For the past few years, I have taken classes in the Writer’s Program at UCLA Extension. My confidence gradually increased with the excellent instructors and colleagues in the classes. I realized that creative writing was something that I really wanted to keep doing. When a few colleagues and a good friend encouraged me to write my own books, I leaped at the chance.

The line “And whether pigs have wings” from Lewis Carroll’s “The Walrus and the Carpenter” stuck with me and deserved some sort of answer from me. Whether I could be a writer or not?

A challenging time in my life led me to understand that if you “believe in yourself” and imagine your true purpose, then you can achieve your dreams. So I started writing lots of lines and this book Pigs Have Wings was the result. The illustrator, Chau Pham, was wonderful to work with. I love her owl illustrations.

What draws you to writing books for young readers?

My mother was a kindergarten teacher and one of the first books I remember reading was a book from her, A Friend Is Someone Who Likes You, by Joan Walsh Anglund. I treasured that book and still have a copy on my bookshelf. In my mind, introducing young readers to books is more important than ever. Giving back has always been an important part of my upbringing. I am hoping that my books can inspire a love of learning as well as increased literacy.

Is there anything from your own life included in your characters’ experiences?

Inspiration, collaboration, and creativity have always been important to me. I am grateful to many people who encouraged my writing career and helped my dreams take flight. They believed in my abilities to write a book. They encouraged me to embark on a journey as a creative soul. And others truly understood the importance of having a room of one’s own. My parents built a family library of classic works and encyclopedias—one book at a time—and inspired a love of learning at an early age. All those positive activities came together.

My publishing career has shown time and time again how books enrich lives. At this point in my career, I value what I learned from the many authors and colleagues that I have worked with over the years. They believed in me and my talents and for that, I am forever grateful.

Can readers look forward to more books from you soon? What are you currently working on?

There are several projects that I am excited about publishing and writing over the next few years. As an independent publisher, the first book in a series of puzzle books for kids is coming soon in 2025. Going forward, I value the opportunity to continue to work with amazing editors and illustrators on my picture books—more are in process. In addition, I have partial manuscripts for a YA novel trilogy and concepts for perhaps a novel or two down the road.

Collaboration with partners and working with others are the keys!! It all forms a connection with something greater than yourself. And I always like to learn new things.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | AKABooks | Myrtle the Turtle | Amazon

Readers’ Choice Book Awards Finalist

Miz Peg dreams she can dance and sing, but it‛s harder for a pig than you‛d think! With a little help and inspiration from her friends, Miz Peg finds she can do almost anything.

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