Phoebe PhobiCat Versus Broccoli

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Phoebe PhobiCat Versus Broccoli by Brianna Brown is a delightful tale that tackles a common childhood fear in a fun and relatable way. The story introduces us to Phoebe, a charming little cat who is absolutely terrified of broccoli. When dinner time rolls around, and she’s faced with the dreaded green veggie, Phoebe reacts with sheer panic, clambering onto the kitchen chandelier to escape. What follows is a sweet and clever exchange between Phoebe and her mother, who uses playful logic to help Phoebe overcome her fear. By the end, Phoebe takes a brave bite of broccoli and realizes that it’s not so bad after all.

I absolutely adored how this picture book balances humor with a subtle but important message. The exaggerated fear Phoebe shows is something that will resonate with kids, making it easier for them to see their own anxieties in a different light. The way Mama PhobiCat gently coaxes Phoebe into trying the broccoli through a series of comparisons is both clever and effective. Comparing the stinky broccoli to Daddy after yard work or the floppy vegetable to Phoebe’s favorite bunny was great because it’s a fun and accessible way for kids to reframe their fears.

The writing is simple yet engaging, making it perfect for young readers or a read-aloud session with parents. The repetition of Phoebe’s protests—“They’re stinky!” “They’re floppy!”—is sure to get giggles while also reinforcing the main point. The resolution is satisfying, as Phoebe realizes that trying new things isn’t so scary after all. I especially liked the way the story doesn’t just dismiss Phoebe’s fear but rather acknowledges it and works through it, making the lesson feel organic rather than forced.

On top of the story’s charm, the illustrations by Kashif Qasim are wonderfully vibrant and bring Phoebe’s world to life. The expressions on Phoebe’s face, from her wide-eyed terror to her eventual pride, are just priceless and add an extra layer of emotion to the narrative. The kitchen scene where Phoebe is clinging to the chandelier is particularly well done and will likely be a favorite among readers.

Phoebe PhobiCat Versus Broccoli is a must-read for any child dealing with the fear of trying new things. It’s a lighthearted yet impactful children’s book that would be perfect for kids aged 3-7, especially those who might be going through a “picky eater” phase.

Pages: 36 | ISBN : 1787883183

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