Day: August 26, 2024

Thirst for Sin by Kennedy Layne

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Narrated by Daniela Acitelli, Thirst for Sin is the first audiobook in the Touch of Evil thriller series by Kennedy Layne. Brooklyn Sloane, is a special consultant for the FBI who finds herself in the field when she thinks she has discovered a serial killer’s first victim. An intense tale and a great start to an intriguing series.

Thirst for Sin by Kennedy Layne

Thirst for Sin
by Kennedy Layne
Series: Touch of Evil #1
Narrator: Daniela Acitelli
Length: 9 hours and 9 minutes
Genres: Thriller
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

Brooklyn Sloane works as a special consultant to the FBI as one of the most adept profilers in the agency’s history. She had been recruited at a relatively young age from her career in academics, but her colleagues have no idea the disturbing motive for her success.

While her current investigation into a cold-blooded serial killer garners the attention of the media, Brook is able to discover the unsub’s first kill. When a tragic shooting takes place involving one of the agents assigned to the case, Brook finds herself unexpectedly out in the field searching for evidence that will eventually lead her to a viable suspect.

As Brook moves closer to her target, her own troubling past is breathing its familiar breath down the back of her neck until she finds herself at a crossroad with the very transgression that shaped her moral fiber. As her past and present collide, which one will rid her of the sin that stains her soul?


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This was a great start to a series with an overall ARC that both intrigues and terrifies me. Brooklyn Sloane is a brilliant profiler and a consultant for the FBI. She prefers consulting so that she can hunt for her brother, someone that only a few people at the FBI know she is related to.

The story starts slowly as the author lays out the series arc and sets us up for the case she is currently working. It also introduces her FBI partners, boss, and an outsider who is interested in her services.

I like Sloane, and learning her backstory, which led her to become a profiler. The author revealed things about her brother slowly and the more we learned, the creepier he became.

Right now, she is working on catching a serial killer. She is tenacious in creating her profile and searching for his first kill. A lead forces her into the field, and she ends up in a small-town investigating the unsolved murder of a young girl. The tale was twisted with small-town secrets and judgements. The climatic wrap up to the case while not perfect kept me listening.

The case wraps up, but things are shaken up regarding the overall series arc. I am excited to dive into the next audiobook. Daniela Acitelli narrated and brought Sloane and the other characters, including her brother and the serial killer, to life. I highly recommend listening.

Amazon* | Audible


About Kennedy Layne

Kennedy Layne

Kennedy Layne is a USA Today bestselling author. She draws inspiration for her romantic thrillers in part from her not-so-secret second life as a wife of a retired Marine Master Sergeant. He doubles as her critique partner, beta reader, and military consultant. Kennedy also has a deep love for cozy mysteries, thrillers, and basically any book that can keep her guessing until the very end. They live in the Midwest with their menagerie of pets. The loyal dogs and mischievous cats appreciate her writing days as much as she does, usually curled up in front of the fireplace.

About Daniela Acitelli

Daniela Acitelli

Daniela Acitelli

Daniela Acitelli is an American dual national and calls both California and London home. She spends her days narrating not only thrillers, but many time-travel books, edgy fiction and romance titles filled with quirky characters that break your heart. With her distinctive husky tone, she specializes in building suspense while bringing a gritty, edgy voice to thriller, horror, time-travel, and sci-fi novels. A classically trained actress, Daniela has a circus background and is a trained red nose clown.

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The Valley of Your Life

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The Valley of Your Life, by Mari-Carmen Marin, is a collection of moving poems that draws inspiration from iconic works of art. Marin’s poetry breathes new life into visual masterpieces, offering readers a meditative journey through themes of love, pain, contemplation, and resilience. Each poem is a reflection not just on the artwork it describes, but on the universal human experiences that art evokes.

Mari-Carmen Marin’s writing is deeply emotive, often weaving a delicate balance between vivid imagery and raw emotion. In the poem Vincent’s Night Sky, inspired by Van Gogh’s The Starry Night, Marin captures the swirling turbulence of the painting while simultaneously conveying a sense of longing and transcendence. Her ability to mirror the mood of the artwork while exploring her inner landscape is a testament to her skill as a poet. The reader is invited to experience these emotions as if they are standing right beside the poet, gazing at the same piece of art, lost in its depths.

Marin’s poems also explore darker, more somber themes, where she uses Doris Clare Zinkeisen’s haunting depiction of the aftermath of war to confront the reader with the atrocities of history. The visceral imagery and the poignant reflections on suffering and humanity are powerful, leaving a lasting impact. Marin does not shy away from exploring the shadows within the light, making her work deeply resonant and thought-provoking.

The poems are infused with a deep reverence for the artwork, which beautifully captures the essence of each piece. In The Veil That Burned, the tension between the characters’ desires and the constraints they face is masterfully conveyed, reflecting the emotional restraint depicted in the painting. This approach aligns perfectly with the ekphrastic tradition, and while it maintains a certain artistic distance, it invites the reader to explore the layers of meaning and emotion within the work, encouraging a thoughtful and introspective engagement with the poet’s voice.

The Valley of Your Life is a beautifully crafted collection that will appeal to lovers of both art and poetry. Mari-Carmen Marin’s work is a testament to the enduring power of art to inspire and provoke thought. This book is ideal for readers who appreciate a contemplative, art-inspired journey through the complexities of life and emotion. Whether you’re an art enthusiast or simply someone who enjoys well-crafted, evocative poetry, this collection is sure to leave a lasting impression.

Pages: 104 | ISBN : 1962082245

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Harriet’s Hungry Worms

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Harriet’s Hungry Worms is an absolute delight of a picture book that takes us on a wiggly adventure into the world of composting with Harriet and her squirmy friends. The story revolves around Harriet, who’s been given the important task of taking care of the 983 worms in her family’s compost bin. As Harriet watches her wiggly companions eat their way through the week, she discovers the magic of composting and the wonders of nature in her own backyard.

Author Samantha Smith has a knack for blending humor with education, making learning about composting and worms feel like a playful game rather than a lesson. The way Harriet describes the worms’ meals is both hilarious and gross in the best way possible, like when they didn’t seem too fond of Nanna Trudy’s two-year-old tomato relish. Kids are sure to giggle at these quirky details and artwork while unknowingly absorbing important environmental lessons.

I also loved how the book introduced children to the idea of sustainability without being preachy. Harriet’s excitement over the “worm wee” and her joy in seeing her veggie patch thrive because of it is contagious. The “Worm Facts” at the end of the book are a brilliant touch, providing additional tidbits for inquisitive minds, and I found myself learning a thing or two right alongside Harriet.

Melissa Johns’ illustrations complement this perfectly, bringing the story to life with vibrant colors and expressive characters. The illustrations are just as much a part of the storytelling as the text. The pictures are full of energy, much like the worms themselves, and there’s always something new to discover on each page.

Harriet’s Hungry Worms is a must-read for young eco-warriors, curious gardeners, and any child who loves a good laugh. It’s the perfect picture book for kids aged 4 to 8, though I suspect that older readers will also find themselves charmed by Harriet and her hardworking worms.

Pages: 32 | ISBN : 1922539473

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Until It Was Gone

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Francis and Laney Stafford’s 40th anniversary meant to celebrate their enduring love, instead marks the beginning of a tumultuous period in their lives. This milestone sets the couple on a challenging journey to repair severed and estranged relationships. Along the way, they confront personal struggles, face a modern illness, and unearth long-hidden secrets. As they navigate their complicated relationships and confront their turbulent past, hope seems elusive—until a life-changing accident shifts their perspective. Will this pivotal event bring their fractured family back together, or is fate steering them toward a different outcome?

David B. Seaburn’s Until It Was Gone offers a nuanced exploration of marriage and family, skillfully weaving subtle tensions into the fabric of everyday interactions. Seaburn draws readers into the complexities of long-term relationships, illustrating how past mistakes and unspoken struggles shape his characters’ lives. His portrayal is both thoughtful and authentic, revealing the layers of emotion and motivation that drive his characters. Seaburn’s strength lies in his restrained handling of emotion. He steers clear of melodrama, opting instead for a genuine approach that makes each experience feel real and impactful. The emotional moments resonate deeply without overwhelming the narrative, striking a careful balance between realism and sensitivity. The plot is engaging and multi-layered, with enough twists and revelations to keep readers hooked. While occasional flashbacks may momentarily disrupt the pacing, they add depth to the characters and enrich the overall narrative. These reflective moments help to illuminate the characters’ motivations, adding complexity to their relationships. The novel concludes in a bittersweet yet fitting manner. Rather than tying everything up neatly, Until It Was Gone offers a realistic portrayal of resilience and connection, leaving readers with a lasting impression of the unpredictable nature of life and relationships.

Until It Was Gone by David B. Seaburn compellingly portrays family dynamics and personal struggles. Readers who appreciate realistic, emotionally charged narratives will find this novel both engaging and rewarding.

Pages: 308 | ASIN : B0DBHYF11G

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The Happiest Cat in the World

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Prepare to be swept into the thought-provoking world of The Happiest Cat in the World. This charming picture book by Chiyuki Krider introduces us to a cat who believes it is living in the lap of luxury with endless freedom, food, and fun. The catch? It’s all a dream. Our feline friend lives a starkly different reality, surviving on the unpredictable kindness of strangers. This story elegantly dances on the line between dreams and reality, encouraging young readers and adults alike to reflect on the concepts of freedom and happiness, sparking reflection and engagement.

Krider uses the cat’s innocent perspective to delve into heavy themes such as autonomy and the harshness of life without becoming too heavy for its intended audience. The way the cat narrates its imagined freedoms juxtaposed with its real-life struggles adds a layer of poignant irony. You can’t help but hope for the cat’s dreams to somehow become reality, even as the book subtly hints at the impossibility of such an outcome.

Visually, the book is just as impactful. The illustrations, also crafted by Krider, are charming hand-drawn sketches that reflect the simplicity of the narrative. The straightforward style fits beautifully with the narrative’s nature.

By using a cat’s perspective to explore the theme of freedom, Krider invites young readers to consider what freedom means to them. It’s a great way to introduce such a complex idea to children, making it relatable and understandable through the eyes of an animal. The story’s end, tinged with a bittersweet note as we come to terms with the cat’s reality, invites discussion and reflection, making it an excellent book for parents and teachers to explore with their kids.

The Happiest Cat in the World is a gentle exploration of dreams versus reality through the eyes of a hopeful cat. This children’s book would be an excellent addition to any young reader’s library, especially for those who love animals or need a thoughtful nudge to discuss deeper topics.

Pages: 44 | ASIN : B0D33NMRNK

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The Repression Of Armenian Repatriates During The Stalin Era

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The Repression of Armenian Repatriates During the Stalin Era by Armine Carapetian Koundajian stands as a significant scholarly work meticulously grounded in archival research. Drawing from the National Archives of Armenia and various Eastern European libraries, Koundajian, a historian with deep roots in her Armenian heritage, presents a compelling account of this dark chapter in history. Her deep respect for Armenia and its people, particularly those who suffered repression, permeates the book. The interplay between diaspora and repatriation is explored with precision, highlighting the devastating human toll exacted by Communist regimes. The Stalin era, from 1920 to 1953, emerges as a period of profound tragedy, one that irreversibly altered the course of the Armenian nation.

Koundajian does not shy away from depicting the brutal realities of the time. Through detailed accounts, she reveals the repression, displacement, and destruction of countless Armenian lives. The inhumane violence perpetrated against these individuals is documented with an unflinching honesty that may be unsettling for some readers, potentially necessitating a content warning. The author’s work serves as a moving tribute to the repressed, from artists to scientists, whose contributions were tragically cut short. By meticulously recording their names, locations, and professions, Koundajian ensures that their legacies are not forgotten. This documentation also underscores the profound loss of intellectual and cultural capital, illustrating the far-reaching consequences of Stalinism.

The Repression of Armenian Repatriates During the Stalin Era is an invaluable educational resource, offering readers a comprehensive understanding of this complex period. Enhanced by a guide to abbreviations, thorough citations, and Koundajian’s thoughtful reflections, the book equips readers with a deep and nuanced grasp of the Stalinist repression, Armenian repatriation, and the enduring impact on the Armenian people. By the end of this book, readers are left both informed and profoundly moved by the harrowing history it recounts.

Pages: 356 | ISBN : 978 9939 69 025 4

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