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Angel Dunworth Author Interview

Pixie and the Elethunk follows a young girl who believes having an exotic animal as a pet would make her unique and special and the adventure she goes on to learn an important lesson. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

When I was quite small I begged my grandparents to get me a monkey. Believe it or not, they did. I was so excited, but the monkey for its part was not thrilled to meet me. It was very aggressive and I saw clearly that some animals weren’t capable of being gentle pets. I realized that the perfect pet would have to be as sweet as my two dogs were. They were black labs. To be honest, this is a lesson from my own childhood, a value that I seem to return to daily.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Gratitude is my favorite theme. I believe that if we live in gratitude we won’t want for much. There is an exercise that I love called, “Gimme five.” That means when you awaken, every morning think of five things that you are thankful for. The thing I love most about the exercise is that once it becomes daily, for the rest of the day you’ll have blessings popping into your head. It’s awe-inspiring!

What scene in the book did you have the most fun writing?

My favorite scene was, of course, the giraffe that’s stuck in the fireplace. I giggled the whole way through!

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I’ve just finished releasing a tween novel called, On The Wings Of Wishes It is by far my best writing. Pick it up on Amazon!

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Amazon

Katie tells her Mom, that in order to be special, they should get an elethunk! Afterall, everybody has a plain, old dog. After her mother assures her that a pet that loves her is enough, she goes to the wishing well where a magic pixie promises to grant her wish! But wishes coming true, might not always have the best outcome. Will an elethunk make life perfect?
Or will she discover that the love that’s right under her nose is even better?

Award-wining artist, author, and poet, Angel Dunworth has penned a story with an interesting moral, that can soothe kids of all ages. The story, “Pixie and The Elethunk” asks kids to find the blessing that they already live in. Dunworth’s colorful, cut-paper illustrations bring this imaginary tale to life. Best of all, this lesson in gratitude is valuable every day of the year. “Pixie and The Elethunk”
is an amazing addition to any library.

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