Content in the Present

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Kimlyn Stanyon Author Interview

Eithanjewel follows a celestial being on a quest for self-discovery who, along with his soulmate, visits Earth to uncover the answers he is looking for. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for this story was to create a self-help book that wouldn’t be an instruction manual with specific steps on how to live one’s life but rather show one how to identify one’s life lessons and appreciate the steps or missteps one has to make to learn them.

This book is a genre-crossing with elements of Fantasy, philosophy, and imaginative fiction as well. Did you start writing with this in mind, or did this happen organically as you were writing?

I did intend for the genre-bending nature of the book as I wanted to showcase the polarity of the incarnations and deal with multiple topics and themes.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The biggest theme that I wanted to explore in this work was acceptance. This was important to me because it is a necessary theme in everyone’s life. To accept yourself, the people around you, and your circumstances is the first step towards living your most fulfilled life. Acceptance does not mean that you cannot strive for more but it allows you to be content in the present moment.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

I have not decided if I will write a sequel. However, a sequel has been requested by most of the beta readers. I am currently working on a YA series. The first book looks like it may be published towards the end of the year or beginning of 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

“In the beginning there is energy. I am somewhere between darkness and colour. I move my hand about my face, following it with my eyes. My creator is dancing. He contorts between planets and stars. There is a circle of beings like me but I only see her; the one who shares my soul.”

Eithanjewel is a celestial being who wakes up at the moment of creation. Unlike his siblings and soulmate, Eithanjewel cannot find contentment within his existence without fully understanding the meaning of his life and universe. He relentlessly follows around his creator nagging him with questions until God offers him an opportunity to go to Earth and search for his own answers.
Eithanjewel is a story of self-discovery, love, invention and magic. It is a collection of universal truths hidden within fiction. It is a great companion for those who seek out old magicks.

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