Day: August 24, 2024

Taking the Joke Further

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“Weird,” wrote Ian Frazier for the NYR Online on August 13, “[Tim] Walz’s now famous one-word description of Trump & Co. is solidly Nebraskan and from the school of Carson.” This forthright Midwestern quality, Frazier argues, is what distinguishes Kamala Harris’s running mate from the last several generations of presidential and vice-presidential candidates. “Governor and […]

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The Essence of a Being

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Ian Moran Author Interview

The Gemini Project follows a seventeen-year-old boy who discovers his entire life has been a lie and now must find a way to escape the school he lives in in order to survive. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration is a bit of a spoiler alert. I had a thought what if this certain event happened, and that became a brain-worm. Each day I would expand on the story and new characters would enter my head, and I knew it wouldn’t go away until I wrote something down!

I find the world you created in this novel brimming with possibilities. Where did the inspiration for the setting come from and how did it change as you were writing?

As I wrote the story, it hit me that I was naturally writing about the future in past tense. At one point in the text, when something happens to the protagonist, I suddenly found myself writing in the present tense. Although this change in style just seemed natural to the flow, I hope that it also helps draw the reader into the experiences of the protagonist.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The story covers parental relationships, especially those where a parent is detached from their child, as in the case of a parent who outsources the upbringing of their child. The story also explores neurological development and tries to answer the question of what the soul consists of, or more accurately the essence of a being. Finally, the story takes place in a dystopian world, however, not a fantasy world. The overarching theme is a warning as the world that is developed is in the realm of the possible.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

This is a stand-alone story, however my next novel Nothing but the Truth takes a very similar path in its style of story-telling.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Jan Ericson spends his days on the campus of the Corpo Academy participating in sports and playing games. The Academy has never formally taught Jan, or any of its 42 students, to read or write. Jan looks forward to moving to New London, where he will live with his father and start his career. That day will be his 18th birthday after a celebration known as the renaissance.

Dr. William Osler works at the Academy and considers himself an amateur philosopher and would-be comedian. He befriends Jan and sees the boy’s keen desire to learn. Quietly in the background, the doctor teaches his student to read. Dr. Osler knows that the 17-year-old boy will die, the same way his older brother died, in less than two weeks. However, addicted to a designer drug, the doctor is constantly high as he tries to fight his own demons.

Tre Ericson is Jan’s father. He sees his son four times a year but feels no love for him. While desperately trying to please his father, Jan discovers a tunnel that runs under the school. The tunnel contains a dark secret, which initiates a chain of events that might save Jan’s life!

The Gemini Project is must-read coming-of-age novel that deals with a dystopian future and the world of neurology. The story of Jan Ericson will take you to unpredictable places in a battle of life and death.

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There’s Always Hope

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Joline Lim Author Interview

Before I Go follows a teenage girl dealing with the death of her brother who struggles to heal from this loss and seeks solace at the lake where they used to find joy and laughter. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for Before I Go came to me during the pandemic, a time when so many people were grappling with the loss of loved ones. In my city, we not only faced the pandemic but also endured a devastating typhoon that brought even more hardship to families. Grief and struggle were everywhere, yet people had to keep moving forward, often without the chance to truly process their feelings.

This got me thinking—what if someone couldn’t move on as quickly as those around them? What if they were still stuck in their grief while the world had already moved forward? That’s where the seed for the story was planted. From there, I leaned into the idea of exploring this through a teen fiction romance, which felt like the right fit to tell this kind of emotional journey.

I wanted to show that there are different ways of coping with loss. Some people have to move on quickly because life demands it, while others need more time. And that’s okay. We all handle grief in our own way, and there’s no right or wrong pace for healing.

In a lot of contemporary coming-of-age fiction novels, authors often add their own life experiences to the story. Are there any bits of you in this story?

    There’s a big piece of me in Before I Go. Rory’s likes and dreams mirror my own in many ways. Like her, I’m a huge Harry Potter fan, and I adore Taylor Swift and Harry Styles—both of whom get a nod in the book. I’ve always dreamed of becoming a librarian or at least working in a library, just like Rory. And the little things, like cheap cupcakes from the grocery store, are straight from my life—I even once celebrated a birthday with one as my cake!

    On a deeper level, Rory’s emotions are very much a reflection of my own. Harper, in particular, is inspired by my father. He’s the person who makes me laugh so easily and has become a safety net in my life. When he fell into critical condition during the pandemic, I was terribly afraid. I was juggling everything—family responsibilities, work, all while battling COVID myself. It was an incredibly tough time, and looking back, I’m not sure how I managed to keep it all together. Even after everything settled down, I carried this weight in my chest—a fear of what could have happened if I hadn’t stayed strong.

    It took me a long time to process those feelings because I had to keep them in, and it wasn’t easy. In writing this story, I created Walker because, in a way, I wanted someone like Walker in my life—a strong, supportive character who could have lifted me out of the darkness I was feeling. So yes, this story holds a big part of my heart.

    What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

      The main theme I wanted to express in Before I Go is hope. It’s a simple, common word, but I feel like not everyone gets to truly experience its depth. We often overlook hope, take it for granted, or even forget it entirely. Life can sometimes drown us in fear, pain, anger, and grief, making hope feel distant or unreachable. And that’s not anyone’s fault—we all go through different things and handle them in our own ways.

      But even in the midst of all that, I wanted this book to send a clear message: there’s always hope, especially for those who seek it. I pray that those who are struggling can find that thread of hope somewhere, and if they do, I hope they grab onto it and hold tight. Because no matter how tough things get, hope is there, waiting to be found.

      What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

        I actually just released a new book called Heart of the Moon Goddess. It’s a retelling of Philippine mythology about the Moon Goddess and the Bakunawa, a sea serpent that wants to devour the moons in the sky. It’s now available on Amazon, and it will be available for printing and distribution soon!

        This book is a bit different from my first, but I’ve always been a huge fan of romance and fantasy, so I’m really excited to see what people think of it.

        I’m also currently working on another fantasy romance, but I’m keeping the details under wraps for now. Here’s a little clue: there are dragons involved! Who doesn’t love them? Stay tuned!

        Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

        In the wake of her brother’s tragic car accident, Rory finds solace at the lake where they once shared laughter and dreams. A chance encounter introduces her to Walker, a mysterious boy who brings unexpected warmth to her grieving heart. Their connection grows, and the lake becomes a place of healing, echoing with shared laughter and whispered confessions. Walker mends Rory’s shattered spirit, offering a bittersweet escape from grief.
        Just as she learns to navigate life with newfound hope, a revelation tests her strength. Reality’s twists guide her toward an unexpected journey of forgiveness, teaching Rory that love, loss, and healing are intricate threads woven into the tapestry of life.

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        Appreciate the Differences

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        Jen Kirkley Author Interview

        Willard DoGooder and the Trail of Friends follows a dog in a new class who has trouble making new friends until he gets the following advice: name the difference, find the good, and move on with kindness. What was the inspiration for your story?

        My kids are the inspiration for the story. There was one specific situation that was the catalyst for the book. My kids were at the playground and a curious friend repeatedly asked what was wrong with one of my kid’s eyes. It upset one of my other kids and also caused the curious friend to walk away. This all happened around the time we found out that my child with the beautiful, and maybe a little differently shaped eyes, has a syndrome. I knew we would be getting more questions. How could my husband and I teach our kids how to navigate differences in a way that is kind and inclusive, instead of isolating and divisive? I wrote the story as a way to process everything. A poignant playground situation led to reflecting on how we are all different in some way. We all feel different at times. The characters are based on my kids and situations we have worked through together. The three-step process has been helpful for our family, but there are many ways to handle differences. My hope for the book is that it will encourage conversation about differences in an open, positive, respectful, and inclusive way.

        I loved the unique characters you have created in your book, especially Layla Squirrel. What character did you enjoy writing for? Was there one that was more challenging to write for?

        Thank you! All of the characters are based on my dog and 4 children. Willard is based on my dog, a German shorthaired pointer, who is not named Willard, but I always thought he looked like one. The four friends that Willard meets on the trail are based off of my kids and situations we have navigated with them. Each character has personality traits and gifts that I see in my kids. For example, my oldest wears glasses, and when he was 4 years old, he recruited two of his friends to help him bury his glasses in the mulch on the school playground. It took two days to find them. He really did not want to wear glasses. One of his gifts that is so fantastic is that he is a magic maker. He enjoys elevating any situation to make it extra special. This became Tommy Tiger. The character that I found the toughest to write was Layla Squirrel. I knew I wanted to have her bring everyone together, but went back and forth over what all these animals could realistically eat together. Throughout the story are bits and pieces of my family with a story behind the story.

        What educational aspects were important for you to include in this children’s book?

        My mission was to write a story that promotes kindness and embracing differences. Each friend that Willard DoGooder meets on the trail, teaches him how we can approach differences, learn from one another, and appreciate each other. The world feels more polarized these days, and I think it is important for my kids to know that if you don’t think the same, or look the same, or act the same, you can be friends. Also, sometimes you may not have a friendship, but you can still be kind and appreciate the differences. My hope is that reading the book together will encourage conversations about difference in an open, curious, positive and inclusive way.

        Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

        This is my first children’s book and I am excited to write more Willard DoGooder books! Currently, I am working on a story about affirmations for kids. After that, I have a few ideas for the next Willard DoGooder tale.

        Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | Facebook | Website | Amazon

        Willard DoGooder has trouble making friends in his new class. Things are just … different. One day, he spots a magical trail and sets out on an adventure where he meets new friends, learns how to think through differences, and celebrate others just as they are.

        Each friend that Willard DoGooder meets on the trail teaches Willard exactly how we can approach differences, learn from one another, and appreciate each other’s gifts. Over the course of the book, Willard learns a three-step process for approaching differences in others: name the difference, find something good about it, and move on with kindness.

        With characters based on the author’s children and the real-life issues they’ve learned how to work through together, Willard DoGooder and the Trail of Friends is a fantastic adventure grounded with a message that we can all use in our daily life. Willard DoGooder and the Trail of Friends is a beautifully illustrated story about how our differences aren’t that different when we love and accept one another just as we are. Parents and caregivers will appreciate the book’s straightforward and simple message that show kids exactly how to treat someone when they notice a difference between them, and start conversations about appreciating and encouraging each other.

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        Navigating Darkness, by Eric Greene, is a captivating psychological thriller that immerses readers in the tumultuous mind of sixteen-year-old Lucas Mofit. Seeking an escape from his daily pressures, Lucas’s night of indulgence takes a terrifying turn when he encounters a dog chasing its tail in a ring of smoke—a sinister omen that marks the beginning of his descent into a world of supernatural horrors. Lucas is bombarded with relentless visions, voices, and nightmares that test his sanity. Despite his friends’ efforts to console him, he feels increasingly isolated, yet he is never truly alone. A malevolent presence stalks him, pushing him to the brink of madness. In his desperation, Lucas cries out to God, finding a brief respite before the darkness returns with renewed vengeance. His struggle between lust and salvation, reality and delusion, forms the crux of this chilling narrative.

        Navigating Darkness masterfully blends psychological horror and the elements of a supernatural thriller, capturing the harrowing journey of a young boy tormented by inner demons and external malevolent forces. Greene deftly explores the fragile boundary between reality and insanity, urging readers to question what is real and what is imagined. Lucas Mofit is a compelling protagonist whose struggles with fear and isolation are deeply relatable. His supernatural encounters are vividly described, drawing readers into his nightmarish experiences. The recurring motif of the dog chasing its tail serves as a haunting reminder of Lucas’s inescapable dread.

        The narrative is enriched by Greene’s introspective style, which delves into Lucas’s psyche, revealing his innermost fears and desires. The supporting characters, particularly Lucas’s friends, add depth to the story, highlighting themes of friendship, loyalty, and helplessness in the face of overwhelming darkness. The pacing is relentless, with each chapter building suspense and intensifying the reader’s sense of unease. Greene’s ability to maintain this tension throughout the novel is commendable, making this book a page-turner from start to finish. Lucas’s cries to God and subsequent moments of peace offer a stark contrast to his experiences of terror, providing a nuanced portrayal of the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness.

        Navigating Darkness is a deeply engaging and thought-provoking read that will linger in the minds of readers long after they have turned the last page. It is a testament to Greene’s skill in crafting a story that is as emotionally resonant as it is terrifying. Highly recommended for fans of psychological thrillers and supernatural horror.

        Pages: 106 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D4N1L33G

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        BLINDSIGHTED: A Journey of Identity, Faith, and Healing

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        Blindsighted, by Rich Christiansen, transforms the simple curiosity of DNA testing into a profound exploration of lineage and faith. Christiansen embarks on a deep dive into his family’s history, beginning with his immigrant grandparents, and along the way, he redefines his understanding of what family truly means. The journey he takes readers on is rich with intimate details, tracing his legacy and how it shaped him. What he discovers through his DNA test results, however, is far from what he expected.

        This story is masterfully crafted. Christiansen’s writing is precise, with every heartfelt word carefully placed to deliver a deeply engaging reading experience. The book is free from unnecessary details, maintaining a clear and focused narrative that comes together beautifully. It’s an eloquent work that spans multiple generations, weaving together engaging stories that will resonate with many readers. Christiansen’s talent for distilling vast amounts of research into a compelling and comprehensive narrative is particularly impressive. One standout section is the story of his father, John Christiansen, whose life is portrayed with rich and fascinating detail. The author’s passion is evident as he recounts his father’s remarkable journey, overcoming blindness to become Beaver County’s Attorney. This segment of the book is especially inspiring and showcases the depth of Christiansen’s connection to his family’s legacy.

        Blindsighted is a remarkable journey through the complexities of family history and identity. Rich Christiansen’s ability to blend personal stories with broader themes of faith and lineage makes this book both deeply personal and universally relatable. It’s a compelling read for anyone interested in the intersections of genealogy, personal discovery, and the enduring impact of family legacies. Whether you’re drawn to stories of overcoming adversity or simply appreciate a well-crafted narrative, Blindsighted is a book that will leave a lasting impression.

        Pages: 297 | ASIN : B0D9R7SS9B

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