Living Together Harmoniously

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Victoria Winifred Author Interview

Come Home, Papa Jed! follows a family of bears and woodland creatures working together to search for Papa Jed, who did not return as expected from a fishing trip. What was the inspiration for your story?

The inspiration for Come Home, Papa Jed! came from a memorable experience my husband Joe and I had some time ago. We visited a secluded fly-fishing resort nestled deep in the woods, where we were the only guests for two nights at a beautiful mansion with large, elegantly decorated rooms, including our own, which featured charming black bear-themed decor. While Joe embarked on a longer fishing excursion with a guide, I decided to explore the estate. Despite my initial apprehension about walking alone in the woods, I was able to release my fears entirely and fully enjoy the experience. I spent hours wandering through the secluded acres and encountered an array of wildlife, one species after another, that seemed to welcome me into their world. As the sun began to set, I had a slightly anxious wait for Joe’s return, and I was so relieved and happy to see him come back safely after his adventure. The entire experience was so enchanting that I documented it with photos and a poetic journal entry. In that original journal entry, I imagined the animals helping Joe find his way home. This idea eventually evolved into the woodland creatures in Come Home, Papa Jed! who join forces to find Papa Jed. The memory and the journal entry I wrote long ago eventually blossomed into the sweet tale of Jed and Daisy, their little ones Huck and Lila, and their supportive community.

One of the highlights of your children’s book is how you captured the emotions of the family, both their anxiety and fear and their relief and joy. What was your approach to writing the interactions between characters?

When writing the interactions between the characters, I aimed to capture tender and genuine moments that reflect the natural world around us. I wanted to highlight the emotions of anxiety, fear, relief, and joy in a way that resonates deeply with readers. Observing wildlife, I’ve seen their fierce loyalty, emotions, and the hard work they put into staying together and caring for their young—qualities that mirror the best of our own and that I find deeply moving. In my book, these scenes are crafted to reveal the gentle and cooperative side of nature, emphasizing the beauty and harmony that can exist even among diverse creatures.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

In Come Home, Papa Jed!, I aimed to convey several key ideas. One of the main themes is the beauty of the creatures that inhabit the Smoky Mountains, which I wanted to present through a lens that reflects my deep appreciation for them. Another important idea is the significance of family among animals, which I’ve observed throughout my life. To illustrate peaceful coexistence, I drew inspiration from my observations of the animals that visit my property, which I often watch through one of my security cameras. It’s fascinating to see foxes, skunks, raccoons, and deer all at a short distance from one another, peacefully sharing the same space despite their differences. This concept of living together harmoniously highlights the broader themes of cooperation and unity that I wished to convey in the story. As a gal from Brooklyn, I hope this story and its images reach kids in urban areas similar to where I grew up, giving them a taste of nature’s beauty and perhaps inspiring them to care about animals and visit a place like the Great Smoky Mountains.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

Yes, Come Home, Papa Jed! is the first book in my broader series, “Animal Adventures of the Smoky Mountains,” specifically under the subseries title “Bear Adventures in the Smoky Mountains.” Fans can soon expect additional adventures with Jed and his family. Currently in the works are a Thanksgiving adventure and a Christmas quest, with hopes of releasing them in time for the respective seasons. Following the “Bear Adventures,” the series will expand to include other subseries focused on different animal families and their unique stories within the Smokies. I’m eager to hear suggestions from my readers about which animals they’d like to see featured next!

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Uh-oh! Papa Jed Bear has been out fishing for far too long, and Momma Daisy Bear, along with cubbies Huck and Lily, are starting to worry. As the sun dips low over the Smoky Mountains, the bear family sets out on a search. Along the way, they help other forest friends, and soon all the critters rally to join the effort. Together, they vow to find Jed and bring him safely home to his family. Join this heartwarming adventure filled with friendship, teamwork, and the beautiful wilderness of the Smokies! In this story, you’ll encounter many familiar furry, feathered, and leathery faces, representing the magnificent wildlife of the Smoky Mountains.

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