Trapped by Your Own Thoughts

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Andrew DiVincenzo Author Interview

In MINDFARM: The Harvest, a man trying desperately to stay grounded discovers the truth about mankind when he finds himself part of a unique group of people each battling their own mental illnesses. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Well, I often found myself falling victim to my own mental illness. The resulting battles in my own mind would leave me exhausted…questioning why I would spend so much of my own mental energy belittling myself or imagining catastrophic events. That’s when the idea came to me, to focus my mind on creating a story that was filled with some of the most ridiculous imaginative thoughts I could have. I wanted to bring conspiracies to life that the protagonist would be left questioning until the very end.

What was your favorite character to write for and why? Was there a scene you felt captured the character’s essence?

I loved writing the main character because so many of his qualities (BiPolar, funny, Dad,) are my own…you write what you know. There’s a scene where he is laying in bed in Old Victoria, thinking about his loved ones back home…but his mind quickly changes its train of thought to despair… that scene perfectly encompasses what it is like to be trapped by your own thoughts.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from MINDFARM?

I hope people will ultimately understand what it is like living with particular mental illnesses… and how hard life can be. I hope the book will inspire people to pursue more creative hobbies to direct their brain power to something that can benefit them and others.

Can you give us a peek inside Book 2 in the series? What can readers expect?

Book 2 is in development! Expect more fun and even more action in this book…. I plan on having a few twists and turns. We will also be getting more backstories from our current DOA members with their own internal dialogues/narration!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

A man’s search for his own sanity leads him to uncover the truth behind the history of mankind, as well as the imminent destruction of it. He finds himself part of an odd group of unlikely heroes, struggling to overcome their mental illnesses while also trying to save something much bigger than themselves. Will the choices he makes be the salvation of humanity? Or is his mind playing its usual self-destructive and delusional tricks?

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