Laughter and Joy

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Shani T. Night Author Interview

Mr. Nap A. Lot’s Merry Christmas Adventure follows a man strolling through the streets observing the Christmas magic present in the families he sees. What was the inspiration for your story?

The inspiration for Mr. Nap A. Lot’s Merry Christmas Adventure comes from a long-standing saying in my home for over 20 years. It started with my husband, the real Mr. Nap A. Lot, and his way of explaining Christmas to our kids. His belief that “the spirit of Christmas lives in us all” has always touched me deeply. This heartfelt sentiment sparked the idea for the story, capturing the magic of Christmas through the eyes of a Mr. Nap A. Lot strolling through the streets and observing the joy in the families he sees.

Christmas is my favorite time of year, not for the gifts but for being with family and friends. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas Magic in your own life?

Christmas is my favorite time of year, and when I think of Christmas Magic in my life, I think of the love shared, the stories told, and the memories made. The air feels magical as we prepare for the Holiday Season. It’s truly a time to believe in something bigger than ourselves. I’ve always noticed how people come alive during this season, filling rooms with laughter and joy. There’s something about the lights, the evergreen smell, the fireplaces, the family togetherness, the freshly baked goods, and the sound of children laughing – all of these ingredients make Christmas so memorable for me.

What was your favorite scene in this story?

I have so many favorite scenes from beginning to end, but the one where he finds love and the magic of Christmas sets his spirit free is my absolute favorite. I also can’t help but cherish the moments where he witnesses kindness and selfless giving. Finding the true meaning of Christmas is another favorite scene, making it a tough choice. Every time I re-read the book, it feels like a toss-up between these wonderful moments.

I hope the Interesting Tales series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

Thank you! I hope the Interesting Tales series continues as well. I initially planned for six books in the series, so I’m thrilled it’s continuing to grow. This series is one of my favorites because it allowed me to have fun and not set boundaries. I want kids to gain a love for reading, and if one of my stories can do that, I’ve done my job. This series has given me so much joy and has allowed me to be a kid at heart. I have five new books already written, each covering new and funny events about families, animals, and another fun holiday. I’m continuously inspired to add to this series and take readers on delightful journeys. For an author, I think the best ingredient is inspiration, and that’s all I can ask for.

I can say that the Interesting Tales collection has three more books written and ready for release in 2025, all aimed at continuing the tradition of bringing imaginative and clever stories to young audiences.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Mr. Nap A. Lot returns for a captivating Christmas adventure, a whimsical tale that beautifully captures the true spirit of the season. Join him on a heartwarming journey that will spark the Christmas magic within you. This delightful story, sprinkled with simple rhymes, is perfect for readers of all ages. So, cozy up and let the enchantment of Christmas unfold in the most whimsical way!

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