Day: August 17, 2024

Laughter and Joy

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Shani T. Night Author Interview

Mr. Nap A. Lot’s Merry Christmas Adventure follows a man strolling through the streets observing the Christmas magic present in the families he sees. What was the inspiration for your story?

The inspiration for Mr. Nap A. Lot’s Merry Christmas Adventure comes from a long-standing saying in my home for over 20 years. It started with my husband, the real Mr. Nap A. Lot, and his way of explaining Christmas to our kids. His belief that “the spirit of Christmas lives in us all” has always touched me deeply. This heartfelt sentiment sparked the idea for the story, capturing the magic of Christmas through the eyes of a Mr. Nap A. Lot strolling through the streets and observing the joy in the families he sees.

Christmas is my favorite time of year, not for the gifts but for being with family and friends. What comes to mind when you think of Christmas Magic in your own life?

Christmas is my favorite time of year, and when I think of Christmas Magic in my life, I think of the love shared, the stories told, and the memories made. The air feels magical as we prepare for the Holiday Season. It’s truly a time to believe in something bigger than ourselves. I’ve always noticed how people come alive during this season, filling rooms with laughter and joy. There’s something about the lights, the evergreen smell, the fireplaces, the family togetherness, the freshly baked goods, and the sound of children laughing – all of these ingredients make Christmas so memorable for me.

What was your favorite scene in this story?

I have so many favorite scenes from beginning to end, but the one where he finds love and the magic of Christmas sets his spirit free is my absolute favorite. I also can’t help but cherish the moments where he witnesses kindness and selfless giving. Finding the true meaning of Christmas is another favorite scene, making it a tough choice. Every time I re-read the book, it feels like a toss-up between these wonderful moments.

I hope the Interesting Tales series continues in other books. If so, where will the story take readers?

Thank you! I hope the Interesting Tales series continues as well. I initially planned for six books in the series, so I’m thrilled it’s continuing to grow. This series is one of my favorites because it allowed me to have fun and not set boundaries. I want kids to gain a love for reading, and if one of my stories can do that, I’ve done my job. This series has given me so much joy and has allowed me to be a kid at heart. I have five new books already written, each covering new and funny events about families, animals, and another fun holiday. I’m continuously inspired to add to this series and take readers on delightful journeys. For an author, I think the best ingredient is inspiration, and that’s all I can ask for.

I can say that the Interesting Tales collection has three more books written and ready for release in 2025, all aimed at continuing the tradition of bringing imaginative and clever stories to young audiences.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Mr. Nap A. Lot returns for a captivating Christmas adventure, a whimsical tale that beautifully captures the true spirit of the season. Join him on a heartwarming journey that will spark the Christmas magic within you. This delightful story, sprinkled with simple rhymes, is perfect for readers of all ages. So, cozy up and let the enchantment of Christmas unfold in the most whimsical way!

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A Sense of Purpose

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David Kneisler & Stefan Lukjanczuk Author Interview

Darien Shockra & The Bermuda Triangle follows three friends living in Bermuda who are unaware of their destiny to become the protectors of the universe till their 21st birthday when their unique abilities emerge. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

One of the main inspirations for writing this story was living through a near-death experience when my appendix burst in 2011. I left it for 4 days before going to the hospital, which was a silly thing to do. Once I recovered and was well enough to leave the hospital, I was inspired to write a book, which I wanted to do for a long time.

I decided that while I was not working and in further recovery I would start to write a book that consisted of a cross between fiction and personal experiences that I wanted to share in a relatable way. My mother passed away from cancer when I was 21 years old, so I felt this was an age where I had to grow as a person in many aspects of my life. It was a time where I transitioned as a person to find my own unique abilities which emerged as I learned more about myself and my capabilities.

My near-death health ordeal occurred just after the final release of the last Harry Potter film. At the time, I was a senior support worker for mental health and special needs clients. One of those clients with Downs Syndrome was a huge Harry Potter fan, and I would take him to the cinema to watch all of the Harry Potter series. In turn, I appreciated J.K. Rowling’s creation, and the three friends were inspired by her concept.

After writing several chapters, and life “getting in the way,” I parked the book idea intending to return to it at some point. Then in 2020, I wanted to revisit the book and continue with the journey. I remembered that the reason I became a huge fan of fiction/fantasy/urban fantasy was due to my dear high school friend, Stefan, who introduced me to Dragonlance: The Chronicles, by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman. I was hooked! I knew that Stefan also wrote, both of us mostly writing lyrics for songs and poetry, amongst others, but I felt that if we collaborated this story could go in a direction that was much greater than doing it alone. I am so glad that Stefan accepted because we have rekindled our age-long relationship and have been able to do what we love while sharing it with the world.

When Darien, Ecio, and Serenity wake up on their 21st birthday, they find out they are not who they thought they were, and they are destined to save the universe. What were the driving ideals behind the characters’ development throughout the story?

I think there is something amazing about being surprised when you receive a gift that is unexpected and special and that brings you a sense of purpose. I know that I would never be able to “save the universe,” however, writing to create characters that may do just that offers Stefan and me a sense of hope.

In fantasy novels, it’s easy to get carried away with the magical powers characters have. How did you balance the use of supernatural powers?

Although we have briefly touched on the supernatural powers of each character, we wanted to start off slowly by having our readers ease into

Can you tell us more about what’s in store for the three friends and the direction of the second book?

We can definitely let you know that we are building momentum so that part 2 maintains a compelling storyline with the introduction of some new characters that add to the journey.

It will not be easy for Darien, Ecio, and Serenity. In our story, we look to bake in life experiences that people can relate to or learn from. This will hold true for the three friends and the other supporting characters.

Without giving too much away, the three friends still need to understand and learn about their newfound powers, along with understanding themselves. They also need to learn how to work together as one collective. Each character is a unique individual with their own strengths and weaknesses, which will become apparent in part 2.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Heroes that protect the Universe are merely myths and legends…as is the Bermuda Triangle. The balance of good and evil have shifted and there is only one way for this balance to be restored. Lucifer and Ophidion lead the army of evil. War threatens to consume the Universe. Kai, a mystic sage from the farthest known solar system of Harikane, is called to help restore balance, along with a loveable cat named Nebula who can communicate through telepathy. Three dear friends, whose bloodline originates from the mysterious planet of Nibiru, have been raised in the Bermuda Triangle completely unaware that they are destined to become the protectors of the Universe, known as the Tritem.
When Darien Shockra, Ecio Ohm and Serenity Ken wake up on their 21st birthday on the island of Bermuda, they discover that they have become the destined successors of the Tritem to restore Universal balance…and that time portals offer a means of travel. Up until now, they have been blissfully unaware of their inherited roles and that their lives are about to change forever.
Evil is hell bent on destroying Darien Shockra and the Tritem… mainly focusing on Darien Shockra.. Why?
Join Darien and his friends on an epic adventure as they travel the Universe to try and restore balance, learning invaluable lessons along the way…

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Trapped by Your Own Thoughts

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Andrew DiVincenzo Author Interview

In MINDFARM: The Harvest, a man trying desperately to stay grounded discovers the truth about mankind when he finds himself part of a unique group of people each battling their own mental illnesses. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Well, I often found myself falling victim to my own mental illness. The resulting battles in my own mind would leave me exhausted…questioning why I would spend so much of my own mental energy belittling myself or imagining catastrophic events. That’s when the idea came to me, to focus my mind on creating a story that was filled with some of the most ridiculous imaginative thoughts I could have. I wanted to bring conspiracies to life that the protagonist would be left questioning until the very end.

What was your favorite character to write for and why? Was there a scene you felt captured the character’s essence?

I loved writing the main character because so many of his qualities (BiPolar, funny, Dad,) are my own…you write what you know. There’s a scene where he is laying in bed in Old Victoria, thinking about his loved ones back home…but his mind quickly changes its train of thought to despair… that scene perfectly encompasses what it is like to be trapped by your own thoughts.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from MINDFARM?

I hope people will ultimately understand what it is like living with particular mental illnesses… and how hard life can be. I hope the book will inspire people to pursue more creative hobbies to direct their brain power to something that can benefit them and others.

Can you give us a peek inside Book 2 in the series? What can readers expect?

Book 2 is in development! Expect more fun and even more action in this book…. I plan on having a few twists and turns. We will also be getting more backstories from our current DOA members with their own internal dialogues/narration!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

A man’s search for his own sanity leads him to uncover the truth behind the history of mankind, as well as the imminent destruction of it. He finds himself part of an odd group of unlikely heroes, struggling to overcome their mental illnesses while also trying to save something much bigger than themselves. Will the choices he makes be the salvation of humanity? Or is his mind playing its usual self-destructive and delusional tricks?

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Choo! Choo! Choo! The Train at the Zoo

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Choo! Choo! Choo! The Train at the Zoo, by Kathleen Welton, is a delightful and educational journey for young readers. The story begins with Peg the pig, who gathers the animals to board the train. Throughout the journey, children are introduced to a wide variety of animals, including lions, giraffes, and owls, all enjoying their own train cars. The book also incorporates sounds of objects like the train’s bell and wheels, helping children expand their vocabulary and improve their ability to identify and reproduce sounds in an engaging way.

Kathleen Welton’s narration is captivating, using short phrases and simple language while maintaining a rhythmic flow. This makes the story feel like an educational game. The animals are depicted with kind and friendly behaviors, creating a pleasant and inviting atmosphere. The charming illustrations feature enthusiastic characters radiating happiness. One particularly appreciated detail is the changing background, reflecting different scenes and transitioning from daytime to nighttime, enhancing children’s ability to make associations and recognize patterns. The diversity of animals, including monkeys, penguins, and polar bears, adds to the book’s appeal. While not every animal’s sound is represented, the focus on maintaining the story’s rhythm and interest is clear.

Choo! Choo! Choo! The Train at the Zoo is an excellent choice for sparking children’s interest in animals and their surroundings. It also helps enhance their attention and concentration skills through sound imitation. This book is undoubtedly a fantastic option for fostering a love for reading.

Pages: 26 | ISBN : 978-1962202237

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A Father’s Love

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A Father’s Love, by Alicia Smith, is a heartwarming story that beautifully captures the bond between a father and his daughter, Rachelle. The narrative follows little Rachelle as she enjoys a day of fun and adventure with her biggest hero—her dad. From playful outings at the playground to indulging in sweet treats, Rachelle’s day is filled with joy. However, as evening approaches, she begins to feel nervous about her upcoming ballet performance. With her father’s unwavering love and support, Rachelle must summon the courage to face her fears and step onto the stage for the first time in front of a large audience. The question lingers: Will Rachelle find the confidence to shine, or will her doubts hold her back?

This tender story is a touching portrayal of a father’s supportive role in his child’s life. I was particularly moved by how the father instinctively knew when to let Rachelle take charge and when to offer reassurance. The narrative seamlessly illustrates the powerful connection between love, support, and self-confidence. The gentle pacing of the story, coupled with Olivia Smith H.’s lovely illustrations, enhances the emotional depth of the tale. Each page is brought to life with soft, vibrant colors that add another layer of warmth and charm to the book.

A Father’s Love is as sweet as summer strawberries—a delightful read for all ages. The story’s message of love and support is perfectly conveyed, making it a comforting and uplifting choice. It’s a beautiful depiction of gentle parental guidance and familial love, leading to a conclusion that leaves the reader feeling cherished and embraced. This exceptional collaboration between author and illustrator has created a book that resonates deeply, and I eagerly look forward to more from this talented duo. Alicia Smith’s engaging tale makes a wonderful addition to a family library.

Pages: 26 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C9FNBNZV

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