Day: August 14, 2024

Celebrating 13 years of Blogging

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In August 2011, I began my book blog and slowly it evolved and expanded to include audiobooks, challenges and a weekly meme that bloggers join. Today we celebrate 13 years of blogging with a follower giveaway.

One lucky follower will win a $25.00 Amazon gift card. Open to anyone eighteen years or older. May the odds be forever in your favor….

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Pixie and the Elethunk

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Pixie and the Elethunk by Angel Dunworth is a whimsical and heartwarming story that follows a young child’s imaginative adventure in search of the perfect pet. A young girl named Katie dreams of owning an exotic animal like an “elethunk,” believing that such a unique pet would make her unique and special. With the help of a magic pixie, she gets her wish granted, only to discover wild animals are not quite what she expected. Through a series of humorous and eye-opening experiences, Katie learns an important lesson about appreciating the love and companionship of her loyal dog, who was there for her all along.

What I enjoyed most about this book is how it skillfully conveys its moral in a way that feels both fun and relatable. The story is simple yet impactful, illustrating that sometimes what we truly need is already within our reach. The imaginative scenarios with the elethunk, giraffe, and lion are not only entertaining but also serve as clever metaphors for the unexpected consequences of our desires. The writing is rhythmic and engaging, making it an ideal read-aloud story for children. The illustrations by Angel Dunworth are another highlight of the book. They are vibrant and full of life, perfectly capturing the whimsical tone of the story. Each page is a visual delight, with cut-paper illustrations that add depth and texture to the narrative. The combination of colorful art and playful text makes the story come alive, keeping young readers captivated from start to finish. One aspect I particularly appreciated is the book’s subtle message about gratitude and contentment. The pixie’s advice to “count your blessings every day” is a timeless reminder that happiness often comes from appreciating what we already have. This lesson is conveyed in a gentle, non-preachy manner that feels natural within the story’s context, making it accessible for children and thought-provoking for adults.

Pixie and the Elethunk is a delightful and meaningful read that I would highly recommend for young children and their parents. It’s perfect for bedtime storytelling, with its charming illustrations and a message that resonates well beyond the final page. Whether you’re looking to entertain or impart a valuable life lesson, this book is a wonderful choice.

Pages: 34 | ISBN : 1956581464

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Catalina Plays the What?

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Catalina Plays the What? is an utterly charming children’s book that takes us on a delightful journey into the world of music, specifically focusing on the often overlooked yet magnificent double bass. Catalina, a young girl with a passion for this enormous string instrument, shares her love and knowledge with her classmates during a show-and-tell presentation. With the help of her supportive grandpa, she teaches the other children and the readers about the double bass, its different names, and the unique sounds it produces. The book is educational and heartwarming, as it beautifully captures Catalina’s growing confidence and pride in her musical abilities.

Now, let me just say I absolutely adored Catalina’s character. Her nervousness at the beginning of the presentation was so relatable, and watching her grow more confident as she talked about something she loves was just so uplifting. The way the author, Antonia Aviles, builds this progression feels real, and I found myself rooting for Catalina from the moment she sneaked a peek through the classroom door. The interactions with her grandpa were a highlight for me. His gentle encouragement and fun, supportive nature really brought a smile to my face. Their bond adds such a sweet layer to the story, making it more than just a tale about an instrument but also one about family, tradition, and passing on knowledge.

Aviles has a knack for making the technical aspects of music accessible to children without dumbing it down or making it feel like a lesson. For example, when Catalina explains the different names for the double bass depending on the genre of music, it’s done so naturally that you’re learning without even realizing it. And that moment when Catalina’s grandpa mimics the sounds of a double bass and a violin had me chuckling. It’s these little touches of humor that make the book so enjoyable for both kids and adults alike.

It’s clear that Aviles has a deep appreciation for music, and that passion shines through on every page. This picture book makes you feel the music. It’s a celebration of an instrument that might not be in the spotlight but is nonetheless vital to the world of music.

Catalina Plays the What? is a wonderful picture book for any young reader who has an interest in music or for those who might need a bit of encouragement to find their own passions. It’s perfect for parents, teachers, and music lovers who want to introduce children to the beauty of musical instruments in a fun and engaging way.

Pages: 43 | ASIN : B0D9ZDZYJ2

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Higher Love: A Psychedelic Travel Memoir of Heartbreak and Healing

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Anne Kiehl Friedman’s memoir, Higher Love, offers a candid and powerful recount of her journey with drugs, psychedelics, and medicinal products. Within its pages, Friedman delves into the societal pressures placed on women in North American culture—pressures to be thin, beautiful, marry young, and have a large family—expectations ingrained from a young age that followed her into adulthood. Friedman’s life took a significant turn when she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which led her to grapple with her mental health, self-medication, and self-worth, often defined through her relationships. After ending her engagement with a man also struggling with self-worth, she decided to leave everything behind and travel.

One of the strengths of Higher Love is Friedman’s upfront message at the beginning of the book, cautioning readers against seeking quick fixes for mental and physical health issues. This “Don’t Do What I Did” message is crucial in memoirs addressing drug addiction and substance abuse, as it emphasizes the importance of avoiding actions that can cause irreparable harm. The memoir tackles profound and meaningful subjects such as mental health, body dysmorphia, and relationships, areas increasingly highlighted by social media. Friedman’s narrative sheds light on the damaging impact of societal beauty standards on youth. Her honest recount of feeling pressured to be thinner, happier, and in a loving, long-term relationship is both dark and heart-wrenching. Particularly poignant is her reliance on cannabis to manage her emotional state rather than its intended use for alleviating Lyme disease symptoms, which adds a layer of emotional depth to the memoir. Friedman could enhance her memoir by delving deeper into how the thoughts and actions of those around her affected her mental state. The initial chapters quickly outline her relationship with David, focusing more on her feelings about the relationship rather than how David’s actions influenced her. Expanding on how David shaped her thoughts, actions, and weight could provide greater insight into how these relationships contributed to her mental state and personal growth.

Higher Love raises important and controversial topics surrounding drugs and mental health. It is exceptionally well-written and profoundly engaging. Psychedelics are potentially dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of their effects but under professional guidance, they may benefit some individuals.

Pages: 259 | ASIN : B0CZ4SH4FL

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Climate Dragon: Treachery, Pestilence & Weirding Weather

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Climate Dragon is a thrilling and intellectually stimulating novel that delves into the multifaceted challenges of our rapidly changing world. Through a mix of speculative fiction, scientific discourse, and suspenseful narrative, author S W Lawrence presents a tale where the existential threats of climate change, cyber warfare, and pandemics collide in a world that feels unnervingly close to our own. The novel’s protagonist embarks on a journey that not only confronts these global crises but also offers a glimpse into the ethical and personal struggles that come with facing such overwhelming challenges.

From the outset, I found Lawrence’s writing to be both engaging and deeply informative. On one hand, the in-depth exploration of nuclear energy, climate science, and cyber threats adds a layer of authenticity and urgency to the story. For instance, the chapter “Quantum Weirdness” meticulously breaks down the intricacies of nuclear physics in a way that is both accessible and relevant to the plot. However, there were moments when I felt the technical exposition might feel overwhelming to those not already familiar with these subjects. Lawrence strikes a delicate balance.

Lawrence crafts characters that are both relatable and complex, each embodying different facets of the larger themes at play. The protagonist’s internal conflict, caught between personal desires and a sense of global responsibility, is particularly compelling. I found the dynamic between the protagonist and secondary characters, such as Emmanuelle and Ben, to be a highlight, adding depth and emotional resonance to the narrative. The portrayal of the protagonist’s evolving perspective on the ethical implications of their actions was thought-provoking, especially in the context of the novel’s broader commentary on climate change and human impact on the planet.

Despite the novel’s many strengths, there are sections where the pacing slows, particularly when the story delves into more technical discussions or philosophical musings. While these segments are integral to the book’s thematic depth, they may not appeal to readers looking for a more fast-paced, action-driven narrative. However, for those willing to engage with these slower moments, they offer valuable insights and add layers of meaning to the overall story.

Climate Dragon is a novel that will resonate with readers who enjoy speculative fiction grounded in real-world science and contemporary issues. Lawrence’s ability to weave complex themes into an engaging narrative makes this book a standout in the genre.  

Pages: 298 | ASIN : B0CWPRTVD9

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Old-Fashioned Country-House Murder Mystery

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Gwyn Parry Author Interview

The Chesterfield Clue follows a former school teacher and his wife who come into a large inheritance and purchase a vineyard in the Finger Lakes. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I had introduced Chesterfield, Carrie, their very vivid parents, and even the baroque French barrister Alaistre (“Swifty”) Treves-Alsace in THE CHESTERFIELD HOURS, a pure romantic comedy that earned a starred review from Kirkus and was ultimately named to their Best of 2012 and LOL lists.  With the supernatural provenance of the Ffoulkes Fortune, I saw a chance to move them up in the world, to a beautiful Finger Lakes wine estate, where I could essay a good old-fashioned country-house murder mystery.

Your characters are richly developed and complex, really allowing readers to get to know them. Do you incorporate any emotions or memories from your own life into your characters’ lives?

Well, I had a Shakespeare-loving mother of Welsh parentage, for a start.  The dad was a veteran, though not of the ferocious exploits of Captain Jack Chesterfield.  Beyond that, I fell in love with the idea of making Carrie a girl next door type, and her 50 yr. old mother Barbara a seductress of almost terrifying erotic power.  I also love writing master scenes for Swifty, and hope readers indulge me to their profitable enjoyment.  Finally, it was only with two Chesterfield novels completed that I realized something mysterious and unconscious about character creation.  Two “minor” characters — Jeanine the Gym Chick in THE CHESTERFIELD HOURS, and Deputy Dibberly in THE CHESTERFIELD CLUE — each became in the end sort of working-class, underdog heroes:  conceived to fill a function, they took on such life that they were fully in the arena at the climax.  Somehow I found justice in that, and wonderment.

When will book two be available? Can you give us an idea of where that book will take readers?

A good question, as slow cooking works for me.  I do have a title, and a bit of scribbling.  It’s THE CHESTERFIELD NIECES, and those nieces will be quite a contrast and quite a handful together.  One will be rich and spoiled (Barbara’s), the other a daughter of Juanita’s brother Johnny, a border sheriff in Texas.  And she’s also, sharp readers of The Clue will surmise, cousin to the late Miguel.  At least one character from The Clue is going to get killed, and though it won’t be at the hands of either niece, their misadventures won’t be a bit of help in solving anything!

How do you balance story development with shocking plot twists? Or can they be the same thing?

It is always an organism with me, not schematic.  Characters come first, like Adam and Eve.  I have to clearly see and hear them or they are not there.  They have not only their own voices but their own drives, upon which they act for good or evil.  OK then.  For a shocking plot twist I will cite the decision, quite late in the game, to write a second murder.  The primary murder follows country-house tradition:  a wealthy, rather disagreeable older family member has cruelly treated many, and created motive all around.  A second murder, I felt, would really turn the screw and open up new dimensions, yet be almost traumatically painful.  I went on and wrote it, and feel right about it.  So that was a battlefield decision, more than halfway through, and so were some character creations made spontaneously:  Fauncebroke (“Fancy Boy”) Mountjoy IV, Hannes the winemaker, Mrs. DeChambeau.  They made their impact, and I like to think the two judges, one male one female, registered as distinct personalities with distinct bench styles.

Author Links: GoodReads | LinkedIn | Website

“Our happy ending by now you know…” Picking up from his comic masterpiece THE CHESTERFIELD HOURS (Kirkus Reviews starred review*, Best of 2012 and LOL lists) Gwyn Parry moves with the newlywed, and newly wealthy, Chesterfield and Carrie to a new world of miraculous beauty and murderous cunning, in the Finger Lakes wine country.

Mother knows best, eh what? At least while mainly sober. Thus when the “mythical” Ffoulkes Fortune actually comes through – and to the only pair who didn’t scheme for it – the ghost of Daphne Ffoulkes Chesterfield instructs her son to “put a bit of it back into the land.” This advice he dutifully follows by purchasing the Finger Lakes wine estate of Carrie’s father, a “reformed” Brooklyn gangster. Ensuing are roomsful of lust, triumph and scandal in the vineyards, humour bone-dry as a fine Cab Sauv, classic country-house murder, and masterly courtroom chessplay from the anciently wise French avocat Alaistre (“Swifty”) Treves-Alsace.

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