Higher Love: A Psychedelic Travel Memoir of Heartbreak and Healing

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Anne Kiehl Friedman’s memoir, Higher Love, offers a candid and powerful recount of her journey with drugs, psychedelics, and medicinal products. Within its pages, Friedman delves into the societal pressures placed on women in North American culture—pressures to be thin, beautiful, marry young, and have a large family—expectations ingrained from a young age that followed her into adulthood. Friedman’s life took a significant turn when she was diagnosed with Lyme disease, which led her to grapple with her mental health, self-medication, and self-worth, often defined through her relationships. After ending her engagement with a man also struggling with self-worth, she decided to leave everything behind and travel.

One of the strengths of Higher Love is Friedman’s upfront message at the beginning of the book, cautioning readers against seeking quick fixes for mental and physical health issues. This “Don’t Do What I Did” message is crucial in memoirs addressing drug addiction and substance abuse, as it emphasizes the importance of avoiding actions that can cause irreparable harm. The memoir tackles profound and meaningful subjects such as mental health, body dysmorphia, and relationships, areas increasingly highlighted by social media. Friedman’s narrative sheds light on the damaging impact of societal beauty standards on youth. Her honest recount of feeling pressured to be thinner, happier, and in a loving, long-term relationship is both dark and heart-wrenching. Particularly poignant is her reliance on cannabis to manage her emotional state rather than its intended use for alleviating Lyme disease symptoms, which adds a layer of emotional depth to the memoir. Friedman could enhance her memoir by delving deeper into how the thoughts and actions of those around her affected her mental state. The initial chapters quickly outline her relationship with David, focusing more on her feelings about the relationship rather than how David’s actions influenced her. Expanding on how David shaped her thoughts, actions, and weight could provide greater insight into how these relationships contributed to her mental state and personal growth.

Higher Love raises important and controversial topics surrounding drugs and mental health. It is exceptionally well-written and profoundly engaging. Psychedelics are potentially dangerous due to the unpredictable nature of their effects but under professional guidance, they may benefit some individuals.

Pages: 259 | ASIN : B0CZ4SH4FL

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Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/08/14/higher-love-a-psychedelic-travel-memoir-of-heartbreak-and-healing/

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