Blending Music, Art, and Faith

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Joe Guadagno & Victoria Winifred Author Interview

The Prodigal Son: Illustrated Lyrics of Faith is a poignant adaptation that blends Joe Guadagno’s lyrical poetry and scriptural passages with stunning illustrations, retelling the parable of redemption and forgiveness for both young and old readers. Why was this an important book for you and your husband to publish? 

Producing Christian children’s books has been a long-standing aspiration of mine, but finding the right entry point into the genre was a challenge. Then, an idea given to me from above came all at once, providing incredible inspiration. I could hardly sleep that night, so eager was I to begin this new project.

My husband, Joe Guadagno, led a Christian band called JGnFriends where I contributed with keyboards and vocals. Over the years, Joe composed many beautiful original songs that conveyed parables and inspirational biblical messages resulting in two CDs of heartfelt music.

In my recent moment of inspiration, it became clear that while Joe’s music is available on major streaming platforms, his reflective lyrics could also be shared in a different way—through a book that families, starting with young children, could enjoy together. This led to the creation of The Prodigal Son: Illustrated Lyrics of Faith, a picture book that combines Joe’s lyrics with stunning watercolor-style illustrations to retell the parable of redemption and forgiveness.

The book offers a unique experience by integrating QR codes that allow readers to listen to the accompanying music while they read. “The Prodigal Son” is one of Joe’s most cherished and popular songs, making it the perfect choice for the first installment of our “Illustrated Lyrics of Faith” series. This project is important to me because it merges my faith and my passion for children’s literature with Joe’s musical legacy, creating a rich, multi-sensory experience that fosters discussion and can be enjoyed by readers of all ages.

The positive feedback from our live audiences and listeners on streaming channels plus the beautiful review from Literary Titan Book Reviews have been heartening. In today’s world, where we often face challenges and uncertainties, “The Prodigal Son” serves as a poignant reminder of the power of God’s love and forgiveness, showing that He is always waiting for us, ready to help and welcome us with open arms.

Can you share more about the creative process behind the watercolor-style illustrations and how they complement the narrative?

Creating the illustrations for The Prodigal Son: Illustrated Lyrics of Faith was a collaborative journey. We spent countless hours searching for the perfect style and imagery to complement each part of the song and communicate its message deeply. Each illustration was thoughtfully crafted to enhance the accompanying lyrics and evoke the emotional depth of the story. Our aim was to create a visual experience that truly resonates with readers and enriches their engagement with the music.

How did the collaboration between you and Joe Guadagno influence the final version of the book, especially regarding the integration of his song?

The collaboration between us profoundly shaped the final version of The Prodigal Son: Illustrated Lyrics of Faith. Every element of the book was meticulously crafted to enhance the lyrics and convey the story’s emotional depth. The discovery that QR codes could be included and make the music newly accessible to many was an awe-inspiring moment for us. Additionally, including the actual scripture of the parable at the end of the text provides context and encourages further discussion.

Bringing Joe’s music to life in this new way was deeply moving for us both. Translating his song into book form allowed us to explore and express its message through both text and illustrations. The final images often moved us to tears as they resonated with the lyrics, guiding us to ensure the book was both emotionally impactful and true to the song’s spirit. We hope this unique product brings joy, meaningful discussions, and the message of God to many.

This project has been a significant experience for us and has inspired us to continue this journey together. We look forward to adapting more of Joe’s songs into new books for our series, creating additional opportunities to share our passion for God’s truth and Word with readers.

As this is the first book in a series, can you give us a glimpse into what other biblical stories or themes you plan to explore in future installments?

Absolutely! We have an exciting lineup planned and can’t wait to share it with our readers. Future installments will explore a variety of biblical stories and themes through Joe’s music and beautiful lyrics. Upcoming entries will include the book of Jonah, the story of a woman healed by Jesus, and Jesus calming the storm. We’ll also delve into songs of invitation and inspiration, the wisdom of the Father, and the heartfelt prayers Christian parents have for their children, and more.

Each book will follow the same format, featuring captivating illustrations and providing access to Joe’s words, music, and the related scriptures for your family’s enjoyment. We’re eager to continue this journey and bring more of these timeless Bible truths to others through our series.

Author Links: GoodReads | X | Facebook | Istagram | LinkedIn | Website

A Heartwarming Story of Forgiveness and Redemption
Experience one of the world’s most beloved parables in this beautifully illustrated book, where each page is adorned with stunning artwork that vividly brings Joe Guadagno’s touching song, The Prodigal Son, to life. His lyrics, which form the text of this captivating picture book, are complemented by images that enhance the story’s emotional depth.
Based on the timeless biblical account, this book explores themes of decisions and consequences, repentance, and the profound power of forgiveness. It will resonate with families and readers seeking a message of hope and reconciliation, as well as those who love Scripture.
As the first book in a series, it is an excellent read for families, Sunday school classes, and anyone interested in exploring biblical stories. Future installments will continue to draw from Joe’s many Christian songs, offering additional inspirational picture books for the whole family. The actual verses of the biblical account of the prodigal son are included in the text, and readers can access the song through an included QR code as they read for a truly immersive experience.

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