An Exciting Journey

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Kevin Albin Author Interview

Stonechild follows a teenage girl living in London who is determined to discover how and why the city’s statues are coming to life. What inspired the setup of your story?

As a mountain guide, I was already involved in the climate crisis and sharing the word on what needs to be done. This particular day, I was working in London on some corporate training. It was a hot day, we had walked a lot and my clients were taking a long time in solving a clue, which was based around the Royal Tank Regiment Memorial statue in Whitehall. I pictured the statue coming to life with the answer to the clue, and the idea grew from there. I sometimes joke that, as in the story, the statues share a telepathy, and so perhaps they gave me the idea!

Molly has lived her life traveling and exploring, giving her a unique perspective on the mystery but still allowing her to grow and learn from the experiences. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development?

Molly is a combination of my own experiences and those around me. My own son travelled extensively from a young age, and I have friends who home-educated their children. Being curious has opened many doors for me during my life. I used to work in youth development and so I wanted to briefly touch on the subjects that affect us as teenagers, and in doing so, Molly’s character developed further. It was also interesting to explore Molly’s relationship with her brother and how that was changing when he had a girlfriend.

When you first sat down to write this story, did you know where you were going, or did the twists come as you were writing?

This was a really interesting and at times, an exciting journey for me. I had ideas of why the statues would come to life and how. Climate was to be the reason behind the plot. The rest just grew as I wrote. I did a lot of research and ideas often sprung from that research. Sometimes, I would wake up at four in the morning with an idea, and would just have to get up and write. I was a police officer in the UK, so quite methodical in what I do. My writing place had files on each character and a map of London on the wall placing where the statues are and Molly’s adventures.

Will there be a follow-up novel to this story? If so, what aspects of the story will the next book cover?

Stonechild finishes with the opening to the sequel, which I am currently researching. We will have moved on by about five years, and as readers might guess, we still haven’t done much to stop climate change. The story won’t be a repeat of what happens in Stonechild, I have something different in mind and it won’t be in London. As with Stonechild, I want a really good story that also makes us reflect on what we should be doing with this beautiful planet and how we live our lives.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Where do we go to when we die? Imagine human consciousness embedded in the molecules of a statue. So, when the famous statues of London come to life, it is a spectacle never seen. They come with a specific message, and an offer we cannot refuse. As the world reels in this wonder of science and religion, Molly Hargreaves has other plans, and she sets out to prove that things are not as they seem. Chased, captured and confined, Molly confronts the statues and her own fears. But who can she convince? The people are welcoming, the government has succumbed, and the police try to act, but how do you shoot stone and metal? What would you do? Be prepared to be run ragged around London on a mystery worthy of the great Sherlock Holmes!

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