Sharing Good Things

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K.A. Bloch Author Interview

Sow Seeds of Wisdom is a poetry and prose collection that serves as a call to action for readers, urging them to share their innate knowledge for the collective growth of society. What inspired this collection of poems and writings?

When I started writing my second book, Scatter Seeds of Kindness, I didn’t have a name for the book but as I was reading through the poems, I started to notice the theme of kindness emerging, so that book named itself. The same thing happened with my third book, Gather Seeds of Hope when I noticed the theme of hope that kept appearing in many of the poems. So when I started to write this book, Sow Seeds of Wisdom, I wanted to keep with the theme of sharing good things in life, like kindness and hope. So I asked myself what other good things could be shared, and I thought about knowledge and wisdom. What better gift is there than to be able to share your life experiences and what you have learned, which could possibly help someone out in a similar situation, or just give someone some hope and inspiration? Not every poem or prose has to do with finding wisdom in every situation, but many do. I think there is a lesson to be learned or shared in most of the writings in this book. Even the fun “The Morning After” has a lesson of drinking too much the night before. So the theme of this book was more intentional and deliberate than the last two in the same series.

What was one of the hardest parts of this collection for you to write?

Just finding the wisdom, or the lesson, in each poem. Sometimes it was obvious and other times I had to look a bit deeper within myself or into the world around me to find the lesson or the wisdom. Other times I drew on my own past experiences, so some got a bit personal which is a little outside my comfort zone. The other challenging part was just putting out a book about spreading wisdom when I can sometimes be a bit of a silly person. I was not sure friends and family who know me best would take me seriously. I can be self-deprecating sometimes. I am clumsy (I trip over my own two feet), or I open my mouth and something really silly comes out. But every now and then I have some wisdom to impart, and I hope that shines through in this book.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from Sow Seeds of Wisdom?

That everyone, no matter how young or old, has something to share in the way of knowledge. Sometimes the older people brush aside the younger generation because they think they are flighty and unfocused, but now that I am diving into more technology via YouTube and social media, I rely on their vast knowledge and how they can figure stuff out so quickly. And the younger generation sometimes views the older folks as stuck in their ways and rigid, but there is so much that generation can teach; history, money tips, working on older cars, etc. I wrote about this in the last poem in the book, Wisdom…Pass It On, about how we can all learn from each other if we would put our preconceived notions or limiting beliefs aside.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when can your fans expect it to be out?

I am taking a little break this summer after putting out four books in four years. But I just recently started working on some new stuff so hopefully within a year or so. I am really just taking my time to see what evolves and what theme the next book will bring forth.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

In her multiple award-winning second book, Scatter Seeds of Kindness, author and poet K. A. Bloch encouraged readers to spread kindness to others and to themselves. In Gather Seeds of Hope, the author’s award-winning third book, she encouraged readers to hold onto hope for themselves, but also give some away to those in need. In Sow Seeds of Wisdom: A Collection of Inspirational Stories That Just Happen to Rhyme, the author shares little bits of her wisdom and knowledge, while also encouraging readers to evaluate what they have learned on their own journey—and to pass what they have learned along to others. Wisdom, like kindness and hope, is meant to be shared.

Told in her usual lighthearted, slightly self-deprecating manner, the author shares wisdom through both prose and poetry on such topics as common sense, betrayal, things we keep hidden—or choose not to reveal, things we hold onto long after we should have let them go, and spirituality, among many other topics. Sometimes deep and profound; sometimes lighthearted and humorous; the poems in Sow Seeds of Wisdom always provide fresh insights for the reader to learn from and ponder.

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