Coco’s Courage: Meeting The Dentist

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Coco’s Courage: Meeting The Dentist, by Dr. Shon Shree Lewis, is an engaging and educational children’s book that follows Coco on her first day of kindergarten. Eager to make new friends and learn new things, Coco’s excitement is palpable. However, during lunchtime, she finds a bag of fruit candy on the floor and, with no one around, decides to take it and hide it in her pocket. She brings the candy home and hides it in her closet, planning to indulge in the sweet treats whenever she wants. As Saturday arrives, Coco is thrilled about a sleepover at her grandmother’s house. That night, after her grandmother falls asleep, Coco helps herself to more candy from a jar on the table without asking for permission, intending to add it to her secret stash at home. But soon after consuming the hidden candy, Coco starts experiencing pain in one of her teeth. She confesses to her parents, who then make an appointment with a children’s dentist to check for cavities. Aware of her wrongdoing, Coco decides to come clean to her parents about sneaking the candy. During her dentist appointment, Coco learns she does indeed have a cavity. Despite her mistakes, she feels relieved that God has forgiven her and grateful for the strength and courage to face the dentist.

I thoroughly enjoyed reading about Coco’s journey. She made mistakes by taking the candy from school and her grandmother’s candy jar, but deep down, she knew it was wrong. This story is highly relatable for children and teaches them that actions have consequences. Through Coco’s experience, young readers can understand the importance of honesty and the inevitable consequences of their actions. Parents, grandparents, guardians, and school staff will appreciate the valuable lesson conveyed in this delightful children’s book.

The illustrations, by Viona Betzy and C. Lola, are vibrant and captivating, perfectly complementing the story. The pictures bring the narrative to life, making readers feel as if they are right there with Coco. Each page features beautiful illustrations that enhance the overall reading experience.

Coco’s Courage: Meeting The Dentist is a wonderful story that teaches children the importance of making the right choices to avoid negative consequences. This book serves as an excellent teaching tool, delivering an essential lesson in an engaging and memorable way.

Pages: 28 | ISBN :  978-1667892337

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