The Pendant & The Prophecy

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It’s here! The Pendant & The Prophecy, the thrilling second installment of The Forbidden Tears Series. “Mammon said I was lucky it was she who found me. That I had no idea who was looking for me. ‘Dastardly fiends with horrible plans’. It begs the question – Who will they send after me next?” Brie and her guardian angel Cameron are summoned to Elysium with their friends in tow to solve the mystery of Brie’s pendant and answer for Cameron’s crimes. Will his motives matter? Will their relationships survive? Will the court allow Brie to keep her memories? And what fresh Hell descends upon the Virginia shores hidden within that strange storm? The Pendant & The Prophecy, by award-winning authors Sam Withrow & Amelia Pinkis. Grab your copy today and delve into a world where angels, prophecies, and secrets intertwine.

Coming Soon

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