The ABCs of Motivation

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Dr. Rebecca Block and Grace Edwards Author Interview

Can You Help Me Give a Sh*t?: Unlocking Teen Motivation in School and Life combines real-life stories with research-backed strategies, providing a comprehensive resource that can rekindle a teen’s enthusiasm for learning. What was the inspiration for writing a book on this topic?

A student asked one of my (Becca’s) colleagues, who was teaching a class on study skills, “Can you help me give a sh*t about high school? I want to, but I just don’t know how.” That colleague came to me and another colleague for advice. In the process of offering support, I realized that most of the books out there only offer token anecdotes about students’ experiences, without really collaborating with them on building solutions. So I began interviewing young people about their most and least engaging experiences in high school, and what made the difference between them. In the process, my first interviewee, Grace, became my co-author. We interviewed high school and college students from across the country, and integrated their anonymized stories into insights for parents and educators in this book.

How much research did you undertake for this book and how much time did it take to put it all together?

It took us about two and a half years to conduct the research, write, and revise this book. We formally interviewed 20 young people from all over the country and identified the themes in their experiences. We also reviewed secondary research from education and psychology to confirm if the themes students were surfacing had shown up for other researchers, and interviewed professionals (educators, researchers, and psychiatrists) and parents to generate actionable insights for the end of each chapter.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

The most important idea is that student motivation, like any human motivation, doesn’t exist in a vacuum. It’s not just a personality trait that some people have and other people don’t. It’s heavily influenced by environmental factors, and students, educators, and parents can do things to make those factors more supportive of motivation. If you make environments that support what we refer to as the ABCs of motivation (ability, belonging, and choices), motivation increases.

The other key idea is that this can’t happen for people, it needs to happen with them: students, educators, and parents need to collaborate to build solutions together. Parents and educators also struggle with their motivation – they’re overburdened and stressed out, frequently in situations that limit their own ABCs. Respectful, creative, and thoughtful collaboration is the only sustainable way to build solutions that will work for everyone.

What is one thing that you hope readers take away from Can You Help Me Give a Sh*t??

If you’re a student, parent, or educator feeling overwhelmed, stressed out, or apathetic about school – you’re not alone! These are flip sides of the same coin, and a natural response to a system that, on the whole, isn’t designed to help anyone in it maintain sustainable motivation for learning, curiosity, and growth. At the same time, waiting on systemic change can take too long for the people stuck in difficult situations right now. This book will help give ideas on what to do right now to improve motivation, as well as start conversations that can improve the broader system over the long term.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Instagram | Website

          “Can you help me give a sh*t about high school? I want to, but I just don’t.”

          Sparked by this student’s request, educator and parent Dr. Rebecca Block and undergraduate student Grace Edwards began talking with teens across the country. Students spoke about when and how school fell short and what made the difference when it didn’t.

          Can You Help Me Give a Sh*t? shares those stories, alongside research in psychology and education, to explore how to help young people build lasting motivation – not the kind that leads to short, panic-driven bursts of productivity, but the kind that energizes over the long haul.

          Don’t wait for systemic changes. Discover engaging stories and practical strategies to empower parents and educators to:

          – Build relationships that support sustainable motivation
          – Encourage student voice and agency
          – Make school feel more relevant
          – Manage screens’ impact on motivation

          A must-read for anyone invested in rekindling students’ love of learning. Get this book to start making a difference in your teens’ lives today.

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          Categories: Uncategorized

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