The Lessons I Learned

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Libor Jelenek Author Interview

My Health & Fitness Journey provides multi-stage approach to better health and personal wellness transformation along with advice on setting and reaching fitness goals. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Throughout my fitness career I mentored people from all walks of life, and I had the pleasure to be part of their journey achieving some truly amazing goals. I have also witnessed clients, friends, colleagues, and strangers struggling to get on the right path and stay the course towards their health and fitness goals.
Unfortunately, we live in the world filled with life challenges making our dreams harder to fulfil.

With all the conflicting advice out there, I found myself driven to present a fresh perspective. And that’s why, ‘My Health & Fitness Journey’ is quite different to most fitness books and journals. It’s not just about logging workouts and meals; it’s my way of extending a virtual hand to mentor people through the ups and downs of their journey.

My goal from the start was simple, share the lessons I learned, help people cut through the chaos of today’s fitness world, offer a no-nonsense practical approach providing clarity, a touch of humour, whole lot of guidance, and be that friendly voice cheering them on as they achieve their wellbeing goals.

In your book, you address common mistakes people make on their journey to better health. What mistake did you make on your journey that had the greatest impact on your later success?

My own fitness journey began about 25 years ago, and I’ve made many mistakes throughout. The one biggest mistake was to believe that I can achieve any goals if I simply put in the hard work. Just like many, I viewed fitness and nutrition as a one-size-fits-all. In reality, there is no single perfect diet or exercise routine. We are all unique in our biological makeup and requirements. Additionally, I failed to regularly assess and evaluate my exercise and nutrition strategies. Only much later, I realized that having the knowledge about my body is key to everything. The more I understood myself physically, the clearer I became mentally, and the better I felt emotionally. My personal journey into discovering my own unique needs was a perfect starting point.

I have written my book based on the principle that we are all unique, and the journey should match everyone individually, with easy-to-follow practical guidance and motivations. For that reason, My Health & Fitness Journey contains two distinct parts, Part 1, My Journal and Part 2, My Mentor, that go hand in hand. They go beyond just documenting one’s journey; together they serve as a roadmap to success.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from My Health & Fitness Journey?

My book will take you through a self-discovery journey. Take the time to learn about yourself, your values, beliefs, and motivations, as well as understanding how this shapes the decisions you make in life. By engaging in self-reflection, embracing new experiences and personal growth, cultivating mindfulness, and seeking support; you can uncover your true essence and live a more fulfilling life. As an individual seeking optimal health, it’s up to you to discover what diet and lifestyle suits you best. While it may take some extra time and effort, it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Remember, the path to better health, fitness, and self-discovery is unique for everyone, and it requires patience, self-compassion, and an open mind. So, whatever the journey, embark on it with courage and determination, for within lies the incredible potential to find yourself and create a life of authenticity and purpose.

Can readers look forward to seeing more from you soon? What are you currently working on?

I feel like the ink on My Health & Fitness Journey has barely dried off and at this point, I’m just extremely grateful for being able to share it with the world and to connect with my readers.

I’m currently working on partnering with One Tree Planted; a non-for-profit organization focused on global reforestation and supporting World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as a ‘Partner in Conservation.’ I believe it’s important we give back nature its resources, and protect communities, wildlife, and the places in which we live. That is why I have founded iKohaWorld with the intention to raise awareness about climate change and play my part in supporting global nature conservation efforts.

For readers who are interested to learn more about the book and iKohaworld, they can visit my website A FREE digital copy of the My Health & Fitness Journey is also available there.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

itness Journal & Complete User Guide All-In-One.

With EDUCATION, GUIDANCE & MOTIVATION in its core, this book distinguishes itself from the rest. It transcends the mundane elements of simple workouts and meal logs; rather, it embodies its deep-seated commitment to accompanying you during your unique journey towards health and wellbeing.ACHIEVE your dream body, IMPROVE your physical well-being and TRANSFOM your life.
Avoid most common mistakes. No more guess work or hoping for the best; with My Health & Fitness Journey you are setting yourself for success.
Every detail of this book has been carefully crafted on the principle that we are all unique and our journey should match the individual with clear, PRACTICAL ADVICE and education.

My Health & Fitness Journey contains two distinct parts that go hand in hand. They go beyond merely documenting your journey; together they serve as a ROADMAP TO SUCCESS.

Part 1, My Journal, you’ll encounter several pivotal STAGES that lay the foundation for your path to personal growth and success while keeping you accountable.Three Challenges that span 10, 12, and 14 weeks (36 WEEKS in Total) are included to propel you ever so closer to achieving your Ultimate Health and Fitness Goals.
Mark your commitment by signing your Health & Fitness Agreement. Focus on your goals both long and short term.
Build strong and positive habits, record your progress, thoughts, and experiences. Part 1 is your personal diary, a canvas for painting your own journey.
Part 2, My Mentor, interconnects with Part 1, providing essential knowledge and actionable advice to fortify your road to robust health and improved fitness.Explore pivotal subjects like developing the right mindset, understanding body composition, fueling body with proper nutrition, maintaining physical activity, practicing self-control, sustaining motivation, and beyond.
Tip the scales in the right direction, evaluate and learn from your results and reach the physique you always wanted. No more YoYo effects, frustrations and lost time.
Each CHAPTER in Part 2 is instrumental in equipping you with the necessary tools to flourish. Envision this part as your personal mentor, steadfastly dedicated to education, guidance, and motivation.
My Health & Fitness Journey will ignite your motivation, strengthen your resolve, and propel you towards a brighter, healthier future.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative path of self-discovery and wellbeing?

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