Little River of Amazements: New and Selected Poems

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Little River of Amazements is a captivating poetry collection that delves into a diverse range of themes, from the intimate dynamics of family to the boundless horizons of travel. Mary Kay Rummel’s poems invite readers to contemplate the complexities of the human experience. Her exploration of spirituality, particularly in pieces like “Life is Losing and Reinvention,” is both compelling and relatable, offering a candid perspective on faith and religion.

Rummel’s keen observation of the natural world is evident throughout the collection. Her ability to capture the essence of her surroundings is truly remarkable, as showcased in “Seven Ways to Change the Names of the Days.” The warmth and nostalgia in her portrayal of her deep connection with her grandmother add a poignant layer to the collection. These evocative poems stir memories of time spent with loved ones, creating a sense of intimacy between the reader and the author.

The author’s mastery of language is undeniable. Rummel crafts intricate sentence structures and employs vivid imagery, creating a truly immersive reading experience. Her poetry is both inspiring and challenging, encouraging readers to view the world through a fresh lens. Ordinary experiences are transformed into extraordinary poetic moments through her skillful use of language.

For those with a wanderlust spirit, Rummel’s travel poems offer a vicarious adventure. Her words transport readers to distant lands, inviting them to share in her experiences and insights. Through her poetry, one can almost feel the sun on their skin, the wind in their hair, and the wonder of new cultures. Little River of Amazements by Mary Kay Rummel is an invitation to view the world through the lens of the author. Rummel’s work is a testament to the power of language to evoke emotion, inspire thought, and broaden perspectives. Her ability to find beauty and meaning in the ordinary is a gift she generously shares with her readers.

Pages: 236 | ISBN : 978-1421835570

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