Day: August 4, 2024

Kamala Harris’s Big-Business Choice

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Before the 2020 election, I wrote an ill-received column about Joe Biden’s close ties to Wall Street. In it, I argued that Biden would have trouble taking on Trump’s extreme corruption, because he himself had engaged in the transactional style of politics that puts big money over public interest: in 2005, for instance, he pushed […]

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Sunday Post #639 Storms, Heat Wave, Clean Up

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The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

For the month of July, I read & listened to 14 books. Not bad, since we were on vacation for over half of it. I am, however, still 10 books behind in my Goodreads challenge 106/200. This week we had storms that knocked out our power for about 4 hours. All during the time we planned a party for our daughter’s 30th. So no dinner, but we all had cake and sang by candlelight. The grandkids couldn’t believe their luck at getting cake before dinner. LOL I sent everyone out after the storm, with a little money for fast food dinners since no one had power at home. We lost some trees, but neighbors lost fences and more. Many folks still do not have power and we are grateful that our neighborhood was restored so quickly. Our children all have power and I am grateful they didn’t lose food or work. My husband’s office finally got power back on Friday. The storms produced high winds similar to a Category 2 Hurricane. I have never seen so many tree braches covering our lawn. We are now experiencing a heat wave and while I will never complain about warm temps; I do hope power is restored quickly for everyone affected. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
  • A Dead Man’s Favor by Chris Tullbane (audiobook review)
  • Take His Likeness By Lyndsay Constable (guest post/ book review)
  • The Love Shack By Lori Foster (book review)
This Week on the Blog
  • The Withering Storm by Amy Boyles (audiobook review)
  • A Novel Love Story by Ashley Poston (audiobook review)
  • My Brother Michael by Mary Stewart (guest post/ audiobook review)
  • Drow Guardian by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle (audiobook review)
New Arrivals at the Caffeinated Cafe
  • The Murders in Great Diddling by Katarina Bivald

A special thanks to Hachette Audio

Around The Blogosphere
  • COYER Unwind Summer Reading Challenge Now Open
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Powerless Victims

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Tuula Pere Author Interview

The Bird Prison follows a gardener with a vision of what a perfect garden should look like and even sound like, so when birds are drawn to her garden, she does her best to chase them away. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

This story isn’t really about gardening at all. It tells about a power struggle in which the ruler of a particular area keeps its inhabitants in a tight grip. It is also a story of selfishness, lack of empathy, and an inability to see the beauty that lies in diversity.

Although I always think about child readers and their needs when I write books, I may choose difficult societal situations as topics. Despite its apparent lightness, The Bird Prison belongs to such books because the themes beneath the surface are challenging.

Current events in the world of adults often make me think about the questions in this fairy tale’s background. Who has the right to define different boundaries, and in which situation is it right to cross them? How far can one go in using power without considering the status and well-being of others? How can families be protected against hostile and unfair behavior? Do the weaker parties have any means at their disposal? What kind of opportunities can be achieved through cooperation and helping?

I found the title of this story interesting, and it made me curious about the story within. How did you decide on the title of this book?

The name of this book was challenging to find. I first thought of many options related to the garden, but I had to reject them all. They were misleading and suggested a harmonious and tame story.

I wanted the title to indicate the book’s actual conflict, represented by the cage rising in the garden. Although the big cage—the bird prison—only appears in the middle of the story, it is clear from the beginning that the birds are not free. There is an ever-increasing threat to their nesting and existence, ultimately leading to captivity.

When I finally settled on The Bird Prison, I knew I was taking a risk because the word prison has such a strong emotional charge. I was willing to take that risk because the conflict with a beautiful garden and capturing birds requires a sufficiently strong title. It’s nice to hear that my choice has aroused interest and curiosity towards the story.

What were the morals you were trying to capture while creating your characters?

There are three main parties in my story. The cruel and selfish gardener, Griselda, represents the most prominent threat to the others in the garden. Her counterparts are the innocent birds, who alone are powerless in the face of evil, and the little but numerous group of ants.

As the story progresses, Griselda’s behavior becomes increasingly inhuman. By describing her progress through various demands and actions, I want readers to notice how gradually the effects of evil spread and grow. This happens in real life as well. If injustices and their progression are not paid attention to in time, fighting them becomes increasingly difficult and may eventually become impossible.

In the description of the birds, I emphasize the pressure and priority for living creatures to take care of their offspring. Birds’ behavior is mainly driven by the focus on securing the nest and caring for the chicks. In that situation and state of mind, their attention and strength are not enough for anything else. This makes the birds, in a way, powerless victims who could not survive without help from the outside.

Ants play a central role in the story. Although they are small, there are an impressive number of them. I want to encourage everyone who feels small and insignificant by highlighting the ants’ role and possibilities as they join their forces for a good purpose. I’m glad illustrator Sofia Panchyshyn managed to bring the ant characters so much friendly determination. The pictures of them wearing boots and shovels fit well into the scene where the birds escape prison through a tunnel.

What is one thing that people point out after reading your book that surprises you?

This book is still so new that I haven’t been able to discuss it with readers very much. The comments I’ve received so far show precisely what I’ve been waiting for. The readers’ reactions, mainly from the book-buying adults, could be divided into different groups based on what they pay attention to—illustrations, gardening, parenting, or powerplays in society in general.

For some readers, book illustrations are crucial—even so important that they rise above the story. The Bird Prison has exceptionally detailed pictures, which are the delicate art of Ukrainian Sofia Panchyshyn. Many visual-art-oriented people have admired them for a long time and devoutly also at the illustration exhibition I arranged at my Wickwick Summer Bookshop in July. Some of the most enthusiastic
home gardeners have studied the flowers and their colors in the drawings and told me about their gardening activities.

Children’s attention is often intensely focused on how to free the birds from the prison cage. So it’s no surprise that they think the most important heroes of the book are the ants, who dig a tunnel under the edge of the cage in the dark of the night.

Some adults immediately notice how serious the book is. The beautiful pictures do not fool them, but they see the themes of imprisonment, freedom, and rights behind the story. I have had good discussions with them about how even serious topics can be handled gently and encouragingly. In general, they find such a book necessary.

I’ll have an excellent opportunity to discuss my book further and hear readers’ comments when I present some of my books at the next Turku Book Fair on the Finnish Youth Authors’ Stage. My theme will be “Freedom and imprisonment in fairy tales”—a topic I like to talk about.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

In Griselda’s garden, everything is in perfect order. Every flower and stone border is carefully placed. No weeds or flowers with clashing colors grow there.

So when noisy, colorful birds start nesting in her garden, Griselda gets angry. Their feathers shimmer in all different colors, and they constantly chirp songs.
It’s time for a merciless battle against the birds!

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The Lessons I Learned

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Libor Jelenek Author Interview

My Health & Fitness Journey provides multi-stage approach to better health and personal wellness transformation along with advice on setting and reaching fitness goals. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Throughout my fitness career I mentored people from all walks of life, and I had the pleasure to be part of their journey achieving some truly amazing goals. I have also witnessed clients, friends, colleagues, and strangers struggling to get on the right path and stay the course towards their health and fitness goals.
Unfortunately, we live in the world filled with life challenges making our dreams harder to fulfil.

With all the conflicting advice out there, I found myself driven to present a fresh perspective. And that’s why, ‘My Health & Fitness Journey’ is quite different to most fitness books and journals. It’s not just about logging workouts and meals; it’s my way of extending a virtual hand to mentor people through the ups and downs of their journey.

My goal from the start was simple, share the lessons I learned, help people cut through the chaos of today’s fitness world, offer a no-nonsense practical approach providing clarity, a touch of humour, whole lot of guidance, and be that friendly voice cheering them on as they achieve their wellbeing goals.

In your book, you address common mistakes people make on their journey to better health. What mistake did you make on your journey that had the greatest impact on your later success?

My own fitness journey began about 25 years ago, and I’ve made many mistakes throughout. The one biggest mistake was to believe that I can achieve any goals if I simply put in the hard work. Just like many, I viewed fitness and nutrition as a one-size-fits-all. In reality, there is no single perfect diet or exercise routine. We are all unique in our biological makeup and requirements. Additionally, I failed to regularly assess and evaluate my exercise and nutrition strategies. Only much later, I realized that having the knowledge about my body is key to everything. The more I understood myself physically, the clearer I became mentally, and the better I felt emotionally. My personal journey into discovering my own unique needs was a perfect starting point.

I have written my book based on the principle that we are all unique, and the journey should match everyone individually, with easy-to-follow practical guidance and motivations. For that reason, My Health & Fitness Journey contains two distinct parts, Part 1, My Journal and Part 2, My Mentor, that go hand in hand. They go beyond just documenting one’s journey; together they serve as a roadmap to success.

What do you hope is one thing readers take away from My Health & Fitness Journey?

My book will take you through a self-discovery journey. Take the time to learn about yourself, your values, beliefs, and motivations, as well as understanding how this shapes the decisions you make in life. By engaging in self-reflection, embracing new experiences and personal growth, cultivating mindfulness, and seeking support; you can uncover your true essence and live a more fulfilling life. As an individual seeking optimal health, it’s up to you to discover what diet and lifestyle suits you best. While it may take some extra time and effort, it’ll be worth it in the long run.

Remember, the path to better health, fitness, and self-discovery is unique for everyone, and it requires patience, self-compassion, and an open mind. So, whatever the journey, embark on it with courage and determination, for within lies the incredible potential to find yourself and create a life of authenticity and purpose.

Can readers look forward to seeing more from you soon? What are you currently working on?

I feel like the ink on My Health & Fitness Journey has barely dried off and at this point, I’m just extremely grateful for being able to share it with the world and to connect with my readers.

I’m currently working on partnering with One Tree Planted; a non-for-profit organization focused on global reforestation and supporting World Wildlife Fund (WWF) as a ‘Partner in Conservation.’ I believe it’s important we give back nature its resources, and protect communities, wildlife, and the places in which we live. That is why I have founded iKohaWorld with the intention to raise awareness about climate change and play my part in supporting global nature conservation efforts.

For readers who are interested to learn more about the book and iKohaworld, they can visit my website A FREE digital copy of the My Health & Fitness Journey is also available there.

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

itness Journal & Complete User Guide All-In-One.

With EDUCATION, GUIDANCE & MOTIVATION in its core, this book distinguishes itself from the rest. It transcends the mundane elements of simple workouts and meal logs; rather, it embodies its deep-seated commitment to accompanying you during your unique journey towards health and wellbeing.ACHIEVE your dream body, IMPROVE your physical well-being and TRANSFOM your life.
Avoid most common mistakes. No more guess work or hoping for the best; with My Health & Fitness Journey you are setting yourself for success.
Every detail of this book has been carefully crafted on the principle that we are all unique and our journey should match the individual with clear, PRACTICAL ADVICE and education.

My Health & Fitness Journey contains two distinct parts that go hand in hand. They go beyond merely documenting your journey; together they serve as a ROADMAP TO SUCCESS.

Part 1, My Journal, you’ll encounter several pivotal STAGES that lay the foundation for your path to personal growth and success while keeping you accountable.Three Challenges that span 10, 12, and 14 weeks (36 WEEKS in Total) are included to propel you ever so closer to achieving your Ultimate Health and Fitness Goals.
Mark your commitment by signing your Health & Fitness Agreement. Focus on your goals both long and short term.
Build strong and positive habits, record your progress, thoughts, and experiences. Part 1 is your personal diary, a canvas for painting your own journey.
Part 2, My Mentor, interconnects with Part 1, providing essential knowledge and actionable advice to fortify your road to robust health and improved fitness.Explore pivotal subjects like developing the right mindset, understanding body composition, fueling body with proper nutrition, maintaining physical activity, practicing self-control, sustaining motivation, and beyond.
Tip the scales in the right direction, evaluate and learn from your results and reach the physique you always wanted. No more YoYo effects, frustrations and lost time.
Each CHAPTER in Part 2 is instrumental in equipping you with the necessary tools to flourish. Envision this part as your personal mentor, steadfastly dedicated to education, guidance, and motivation.
My Health & Fitness Journey will ignite your motivation, strengthen your resolve, and propel you towards a brighter, healthier future.

Are you ready to embark on a transformative path of self-discovery and wellbeing?

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Colorful Characters and Their Banter

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Ward Paxton Author Interview

The audiobook Baseball Humor: A Collection of Stories from Master Storytellers takes readers on a delightful journey through the eccentricities of baseball as told by some of the greatest sports fiction writers of all time. What inspired you to put this collection of stories together?

I’m a big fan of baseball and love baseball fiction. Several years ago, I worked as a voice actor on a radio drama based on You Know Me Al by Ring Lardner and I really liked his writing style. Then, a couple of years ago, I narrated a baseball biography about a Major Leaguer named Cy Williams who played from 1911 to 1930. The author included excerpts from newspaper and magazine articles, and I noticed the “flowery” writing compared to sports writing of today. At that time MLB was the dominant professional sport and the sports stories were a major source of entertainment. So, I read more Ring Lardner. He started as a sports writer but also wrote satire for magazines. And I discovered that many other writers, not just sports writers, wrote pieces about baseball. It dawned on me that the colorful characters and their banter would work well in audio format.

This is an amazing collection of Baseball stories that many readers may not have ever found on their own. How much research did you undertake for this book, and how much time did it take to put it all together?

The idea for the book was to find short stories that were both humorous and had dialogue that would be fun to bring to audio format. There first golden age of baseball started in the 1920s. I concentrated on that era. This project started out slowly. At first, I recorded stories in breaks in my audiobook narration schedule. It’s taken two years to complete but not full-time.

What was your favorite story in this collection and why?

I’ll say my favorite is “Alibi Ike” by Ring Lardner. It’s a satire about a talented ballplayer’s habit of making excuses about everything he does, whether good or bad, on or off the field. That earns him the nickname Alibi Ike from his teammates. He falls in love with the sister-in-law of the team’s manager. She mistakes his excuses for modesty and falls for him. She goes on a road trip with the team. He proposes and gives her an engagement ring but tries to keep it a secret from the team. In fact, one night he denies it. She finds out and walks out. He stops hitting, the team drops out of first place, and the irascible manager has to fix the mess. The story is almost entirely told through Lardner’s delightful dialogue.

What is the next book that you’re working on and when can your fans expect it out?

I’m working on a story about a courageous mayoral aide who is dealing with the squabbles in her city between a wealthy condo developer on beachfront property and the grumpy neighbors who oppose it. She leads a staff team on a retreat at a lake where they are instructed in sailing as a team-building exercise. While sailing she spots a man overboard and makes a rescue, and receives five million dollars. With that money, they come up with a solution to the property squabbles of which they had not previously thought. The timeline on it 6 months to complete but I’ll also be doing audiobook narration, which has deadlines that vary.

Author Links: X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Baseball is more than a sport. The short stories in Baseball Humor: A Collection of Stories by Master Storytellers are written by some of the best humorists and satirists of the 20th century and poke good clean fun at the players, managers, wives, and fans. Included are some of the all-time greats like “The Pitcher and the Plutocrat” by P G Wodehouse, “Horseshoes” and “Alibi Ike” by Ring Lardner, “The Red-Headed Outfield” and “The Rube” by Zane Gray, and many others. These 14 endearing and amusing tales were originally published in the 1910s and 1920s when Major League baseball dominated professional sport and print media was THE source of entertainment. While the material is from a hundred years ago the struggles, ambitions, greed, envy, romances, wisdom, and quirks of the human spirit that come out still ring true today.

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God Got Me

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God Got Me, by Jason O’Neal Williams, is a heartfelt collection of poetry and reflections that delve into themes of faith, struggle, and resilience. The book opens with a series of poems dedicated to the author’s grandmother, whose influence and spiritual guidance have profoundly shaped his life. From there, Williams navigates through his personal battles, offering a candid glimpse into his experiences with hardship and his unwavering belief in divine intervention.

One of the standout aspects of Williams’ writing is its raw sincerity. The poems are unpolished in a way that feels intentional, allowing the reader to connect deeply with the author’s authentic voice. The author writes about working long hours and finding solace in his faith, a relatable narrative for anyone facing the grind of daily life. This piece, among others, showcases his ability to turn personal pain into universal truths, resonating with readers on a deeper level.

Williams’ poetry is steeped in spiritual reflection, often referencing biblical stories and teachings. The recurring theme of God’s protection and guidance, as seen in lines like “The Lord is my Savior / The Lord is my direction,” provides a comforting reminder of faith’s power to uplift and sustain. While the spiritual content is potent, it may feel repetitive to some readers. The repetitive nature might be a stylistic choice to emphasize the unchanging and steadfast presence of God in the author’s life, but it can also lead to a sense of redundancy in the overall narrative. The emotional intensity permeates the book with poems like “The Devil is a Lie” and “Can’t Give Up Now” reveal Williams’ inner turmoil and his relentless pursuit of peace and understanding. His vulnerability is palpable, and his struggle with adversity is portrayed with a poignant honesty that is both inspiring and heartbreaking. I feel this emotional candor is a double-edged sword; while it makes for compelling reading, it also means the book is an emotional rollercoaster that might be overwhelming for some.

God Got Me is a moving read for those who appreciate unvarnished emotional expression and spiritual introspection. Jason O’Neal Williams offers a window into his soul, inviting readers to share in his journey of faith and perseverance. This book is particularly well-suited for readers who are seeking inspiration and solace in their own struggles, as well as those who appreciate poetry that speaks to the resilience of the human spirit. While it may not appeal to everyone, particularly those looking for a more polished literary experience, it undeniably provides a powerful testament to the strength found in faith and personal resolve.

Pages: 87 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BYBKXJDF

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Little River of Amazements: New and Selected Poems

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Little River of Amazements is a captivating poetry collection that delves into a diverse range of themes, from the intimate dynamics of family to the boundless horizons of travel. Mary Kay Rummel’s poems invite readers to contemplate the complexities of the human experience. Her exploration of spirituality, particularly in pieces like “Life is Losing and Reinvention,” is both compelling and relatable, offering a candid perspective on faith and religion.

Rummel’s keen observation of the natural world is evident throughout the collection. Her ability to capture the essence of her surroundings is truly remarkable, as showcased in “Seven Ways to Change the Names of the Days.” The warmth and nostalgia in her portrayal of her deep connection with her grandmother add a poignant layer to the collection. These evocative poems stir memories of time spent with loved ones, creating a sense of intimacy between the reader and the author.

The author’s mastery of language is undeniable. Rummel crafts intricate sentence structures and employs vivid imagery, creating a truly immersive reading experience. Her poetry is both inspiring and challenging, encouraging readers to view the world through a fresh lens. Ordinary experiences are transformed into extraordinary poetic moments through her skillful use of language.

For those with a wanderlust spirit, Rummel’s travel poems offer a vicarious adventure. Her words transport readers to distant lands, inviting them to share in her experiences and insights. Through her poetry, one can almost feel the sun on their skin, the wind in their hair, and the wonder of new cultures. Little River of Amazements by Mary Kay Rummel is an invitation to view the world through the lens of the author. Rummel’s work is a testament to the power of language to evoke emotion, inspire thought, and broaden perspectives. Her ability to find beauty and meaning in the ordinary is a gift she generously shares with her readers.

Pages: 236 | ISBN : 978-1421835570

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