Day: August 3, 2024


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To understand the Kamala Harris phenomenon, you have to understand the depth of hopeless agony that Democrats—politicians, activists, ordinary voters—felt in the aftermath of June’s presidential debate. It was an agony perhaps best grasped by reference to those classical tragedies in which free will cannot do anything to prevent the catastrophe. Donald Trump had re-revealed […]

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Reporting from an Occupation

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In July Tariq Mir wrote a dispatch for the NYR Online about the Indian government’s attacks on Kashmir’s sovereignty alongside its construction of dozens of major infrastructure projects in the disputed region. Mir drew a connection between the two developments:  In 2021 New Delhi formulated a policy to “transform” Jammu and Kashmir into an “industrialized territory.” It has received […]

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A Tiny Dot in the Universe

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Gel See Author Interview

The Cosmic Ballet shares with children the wonder and science of a solar eclipse from the perspectives of the Sun, Moon, and Earth. What was the inspiration for your story?

I’ve always been fascinated by space and its vastness. The idea that we’re just a tiny dot in the universe is both humbling and intriguing. With the total solar eclipse that happened recently, I discovered communities that were buzzing with excitement long before the event. Their enthusiasm was contagious, and I found myself captivated by the phenomenon. I thought a book could spread that excitement to children, making them curious about the wonders of space. So, I started writing, and once I finished, I sought out an illustrator to bring the story to life.

As someone who loves astrological events, I found this book wonderful and something I would share with the children in my life. What part of the book was the most fun to write?

    Thank you so much! The most fun part was definitely imagining the eclipse from the Sun and Moon’s perspectives. Envisioning the eclipse as a grand show they’re putting on for us down here was delightful. It allowed me to inject a sense of playfulness and magic into the scientific explanation.

    I loved the whimsical art style you use in this picture book. How did you decide on Jeanne Ee to illustrate your story?

      I was instantly drawn to Jeanne Ee’s soft watercolor illustrations. They had this dreamy, enchanting quality that felt perfect for The Cosmic Ballet. When we spoke, she immediately understood my vision for the book. Her ability to translate that vision into such beautiful artwork made her the ideal choice.

      What advice would you give to a writer working on their first book?

        I’m very new and have a lot to learn, but if a friend asked me for advice, I’d say focus on creating a high-quality book that can stand alongside traditionally published ones. Don’t shy away from sharing your work with as many people as possible. It’s important to believe in your story and be your own biggest advocate.

        Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

        Step into the magical playground of space with The Cosmic Ballet: A Solar Eclipse Adventure, an award-winning tale that brings the wonders of the solar eclipse to life for young readers.
        Join the Sun, Moon, and Earth in a cosmic dance that turns day into night. This enchanting story follows the Sun as he announces a special day for a show-and-tell like no other. The Moon steps up, and together they create a magical eclipse, captivating kids and grown-ups alike.

        A Poetic Journey: Told in lyrical rhyme, this story invites readers to dream big under the sun and stars, exploring the beauty and wonder of a solar eclipse.

        Award-Winning Book: Winner of the Golden Wizard Book Prize, this captivating story showcases Gel See’s enchanting narrative paired with Jeanne Ee’s stunning illustrations.

        Perfect for sparking curiosity and wonder in children ages 4-10, this story will be cherished for years, read over and over again, and inspire every child’s heart.

        Embark on this celestial adventure and let the magic of the solar eclipse light up your night!

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        Knowing You’re Loved

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        Lisa Febre Author Interview

        Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable shares your story about fighting for your life against Stage-4C Colon Cancer and the hurdles you faced from people in the healthcare field and your personal life. Why was this an important book for you to write?

        First, it seemed as if there was a recent wave of younger cancer patients (under 50) being diagnosed, and as soon as I got my diagnosis and tried to research what was going on, I discovered that most of the information (including memoirs and biographies) mostly dealt with 50+ patients. Colon cancer historically affects older adults (in their early 70s), so much of the information didn’t apply to me. I actually didn’t set out to write a book at first, I was just blogging about my experience, but then another writer suggested I turn it into a book—I might reach a larger audience of younger cancer patients who needed to hear my story so they could have someone to relate to.

        Second, my issues with the healthcare field at the beginning are not uncommon. Since publication last fall, I’ve been contacted by many younger women, so I’ve heard too many stories from these women with colon cancer that they, too, had difficulty getting a proper diagnosis. I was very lucky that my gynecologist and primary physician were on top of my symptoms and tried their best to get me into the proper hands. Unfortunately, the first oncologists I met with were not as invested in my well-being. I think this is pretty common. I wanted other patients (women in particular) to know that they don’t have to accept the word of a doctor they don’t fully trust. It’s ok to walk away and start over again with a new doctor. Your life could depend on it, but we live in a society where we often feel we need to please people, and that doctors are somehow gods among men. This isn’t true! We, the patients, need to find our voices and speak up. It’s ok. No one is going to be insulted, but you will get better care.

        What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

        I wanted mostly for people to understand that the experience of cancer is many-layered. We’re not just sad that we have cancer, or sick because we have chemo, or happy when we get a clear scan. There are so many facets to our new reality that it can be hard for people even to talk to their spouses about it. I’m lucky in that my husband and I are so open and honest in our communication that I could tell him exactly what I was feeling and know that he would try his best to understand. Not everyone has that (that doesn’t mean they’re not in a loving relationship, it’s just that sometimes talking about hard things can be, well, hard) and I felt that if I could lay myself out there open and honest to the world, then someone might point to a chapter and say, “If you read this chapter, you’ll understand how I feel right now.”

        I also wanted to point out how difficult it is to go through something as private as cancer in a world with social media. I made the conscious decision to go through my treatments in the public eye—again because I thought it would ultimately help someone else who was feeling alone. They could point to my blog or a post or a photo. I could be their voice so they didn’t have to share.

        What was most important, though, was to impress upon people that no matter how scary or dark the prognosis may be, there is a beautiful world going on all around us. It is a gift to sit in the grass, to pet the dogs, to eat a good meal, to hold your children in your arms, or be held by your lover. There is always hope. If you surround yourself with people who also believe in that hope, magical things can happen. I don’t mean friendship cures cancer! But it sure helps keep your mental state positive so that you can focus on getting better knowing you’re loved.

        What is a common misconception you feel people have about how to support family and friends who receive a diagnosis of cancer, and what is one thing they can do that actually helps?

        The first thing some people said to me was, “Let me know what I can do to help.” Cancer is so overwhelming, we often can’t think of much more than what we’re doing right at that moment. My husband was the one who decided what I would eat for meals because trying to decide for myself was too much. There was no way I could anticipate my own needs. So although the offer sounds great, it really is overwhelming—and I never ever told people what they could do to help because I didn’t know what I needed.

        What was actually helpful were those who said, “I’m coming over to do your laundry,” and “Look on your front porch, I left some food.” There were countless mornings where people left bags of food on our porch. Offering something specific, like “Can I run to the grocery store for you?” is way more helpful. People stepped up and said things like, “Don’t worry about getting to your next radiation treatment, I’ll be there at 12:30 to pick you up.” My friends who did not take “no” for an answer were the most helpful of all!

        And the one thing people can always do is check in often. Simple messages to say “I’m thinking of you,” have a huge effect. Especially when I was feeling down, and someone would text, “Just wanted to let you know I love you,” I would pop out of my dark cloud. There’s never a wrong moment to check on your friend.

        What do you hope is one thing readers take away from your story?

        I hope that they understand that my outcome was unique, I still haven’t met the 5-year survival statistic, and that I count my lucky stars every day that I’m still here. I’ve already lost two friends to colon cancer (who were also under 50) so I know how quickly these situations go wrong. Hold on to hope, but also hold on to facts, and face reality. Life is a gift, every single day, live to the fullest and never miss an opportunity to tell someone you love them.

        Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

        In 2021, as the covid pandemic stretched into its second year, a different kind of disease was brewing inside of Lisa, a 47-year-old vegan and yoga practitioner. Without any of the classic risk factors or symptoms, she was desperate to rationalize away the obvious tumors on her scans, wanting to believe anything except cancer was possible.

        The long and difficult journey to diagnosis was fraught with pitfalls and wrong turns, ambivalent doctors and insensitive nurses. Through the efforts of a strong advocate, she was finally placed in the care of some of the best doctors Los Angeles has to offer, only to be devastated to learn that she had Stage-4C Colon Cancer.

        Facing unspeakable odds, she dove head first into aggressive treatments that decimated her body, but never destroyed her natural optimism and positivity.

        Through the lens of the natural world around her, the young cancer survivor reveals the intensely private and deeply emotional aspects of fighting for her life. Sometimes with a pinch of humor but always with raw honesty, she holds on to bright hope that warmly invites you to share in her journey.

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        A Winning Combination

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        Author Interview
        Susan Rogers and John Roosen Author Interview

        In Tree Pose, Ric and Elaina’s romantic getaway in Tasmania turns perilous when a mysterious text from Ric’s past threatens to upend their lives. How important do you think the role of a narrator is in shaping the listener’s experience of an audiobook?

        For an Audiobook, the narrator makes or breaks the production. A seasoned, professional narrator or voice performer can heighten the storyline with a deep sense of storytelling. They can bring the listener into the “story world” with their voice.

        In many ways, an audiobook is a play that happens in the listener’s mind. It’s all about the words and the way they sound.

        We wrote the Yoga Mat Mysteries series as lyrical fiction. It’s not only meant to be read but also to be heard.

        We envisioned this long ago when we first started talking about this series. The words and combinations of words are carefully crafted to put you in every scene as if you were attending a play. Our narrator Rupert Degas is a consummate actor and voice actor. He has the ability to take the words from the written page and transform them into verbal voice images.

        We like to think of our stories as having magic. The storyteller can add that fairy dust which gives the stories even greater capacity.

        How involved were you in the selection of the narrator, and what qualities do you think Degas brings to the storytelling that enhances the listener’s experience?

        We spent over a year searching and listened to audition tapes each day. There were hundreds of auditions heard over the entire year. We were searching for the narrator that could collaborate well with us.

        We had written our prose that begged not only to be read but also to be listened to. Storytelling is an art and important in the Yoga Mat Mysteries series. We wanted to immerse the reader and the audiobook listener into the world of our characters.

        Overall, enriching our characters with the power of audiobooks, gave them a new world beyond the printed page. We had originally breathed life into them, but audiobooks gave them the clarity of clear speech.

        Our characters now had an expanded stage presence—and they could talk, laugh, and cry … in various accents!

        Rupert Degas brings his voice-acting energy into the strong characterizations that we have developed. In our joint project of working with Rupert, we have fused together a winning combination of the human voice speaking the award-winning prose.

        How did you feel when you first heard Rupert Degas’ narration of Tree Pose, and what aspects of his performance stood out to you the most?

        After a full year of searching, our compatibility meter zeroed in on Rupert Degas. Rupert has the uncanny ability to create, craft, and deliver an infinite range of voices. We had another unique set of voices in Tree Pose for him to voice perform.

        Once again, we gave Rupert a detailed biography for each character. We knew these characters well. We had lived with them for two years by then. John claimed that Ric, one of our main protagonists, was using his straight razor and leaving it wet on the bathroom sink!

        Hearing the prose spoken and Rupert’s interpretation of our characters was very fulfilling. We had read the book to each other numerous times during our edits. As this is book three Rupert has a thorough understanding of the main characters and how they would speak and react.

        We have poured our energy into their personalities, bringing them alive on the page. Rupert helped intensify the drama, love, humour, fear, and wonder of each of the characters.

        Were there any particular scenes or moments in Tree Pose that you were especially excited to hear brought to life through Rupert Degas’ narration?

        Every dramatic, funny, powerful story starts with the characters and storyline. The best narrator cannot resurrect a story that does not compel.

        We spent about a year on the written part of the book /audiobook. We are careful and diligent writers. We ensure excellence in terms of editing, proofreading, and production. The book has to be ‘5-star’ before we even start the audiobook production.

        Our goal is always ironclad: The voice of the storyteller had to enhance the listener’s experience of our stories.

        We were seasoned audiobook producers by the time we came to book 3, Tree Pose. We were excited to once again be working with Rupert.

        Our first audiobook, Dead Man’s Pose had captured the imagination of AudioFile, the premier review of audiobooks. It earned an Earphones award and the founder of audiobook, Robin Whitten, provided a ‘Behind the Mic’ podcast interview with Jo Reed.

        By the end of the year, Dead Man’s Pose was awarded Best of 2023 in the mystery/suspense category.

        Earlier this year, we won an award from IBPA for the Second Audiobook in our series – Cobra Pose. This was in the category of Best Audiobook – Fiction. A month later, we won the Best Audiobook for the (Mystery/Suspense/Thriller,Action/Adventure) category again for Cobra Pose from the Indie Reader Discovery Awards.

        The story of Tree Pose takes place on the island of Tasmania Australia and besides Ric and Elaina, the characters include our seasoned outback detective, Jack MacMasters, and Alfred Hastings a man who prefers sleep rough.

        Alfred’s voice was particularly difficult for us to describe to Rupert. We liked Chris Hemsworth’s Australian accent, but there was a particular commercial that we had heard where that male voice speaks with a gravelly sound to it. It took us a month to track down the commercial we had heard and describe what we liked about ‘gravelly quality’.

        Alfred is one of our characters who likes to sleep rough. He’s been ‘on the ground’ for over ten years. It was that gravelly quality that we were after.

        As a connoisseur voice actor, Rupert nailed Alfred’s voice. As Alfred roams around Tasmania, his role becomes instrumental and his voice perfect for this mystery thriller, hinting at just enough romance for this third story in our series.

        Recently one of the reviewers of Tree Pose confided they stayed up all night listening to it. Now that is music to our ears!

        It makes every minute of the year of unsuccessful listening, the time in our unventilated closet, the nights wondering about ‘What’s the Plan?’ … all worthwhile.

        We want every listener to listen to our stories and be so enthralled, they stay up all night to listen. Or they, “go around the block just one more time” so they can hear the end of that story.

        Author Links: Website | Amazon

        Available on Amazon

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        Fear Dynamics: Harnessing Fear and Anxiety to Create Lasting Happiness and Meaningful Achievement

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        Stephen J. Dietrich’s Fear Dynamics is a powerful memoir-cum-self-help book that offers a lifeline to those grappling with fear. This acclaimed corporate attorney unflinchingly shares his journey through the darkness of childhood neglect and abuse, including sexual abuse from his father. Dietrich’s transformation from victim to victor forms the heart of this compelling narrative, as he provides readers with practical strategies for overcoming fear and anxiety.

        “In many ways, self-acceptance is the antidote to neglect and abuse… By accepting ourselves, we reject the way people in our past have tried to define, contain, and control us.” The book is a masterclass in self-awareness, as Dietrich illustrates how seemingly mundane interactions can be haunted by past trauma. His candid portrayal of his own struggles, from the isolation he experienced to the challenges within his marriage, offers readers a relatable and empathetic perspective. Through his journey, Dietrich underscores the importance of confronting the past to build a healthier future.

        While Fear Dynamics primarily focuses on individual healing, it also touches on broader societal issues. Dietrich’s observations about workplace pressures and the importance of work-life balance offer a refreshing perspective. His exploration of the tendency to mask struggles with a facade of perfection resonates with many readers who may feel isolated in their experiences. Dietrich’s strategies, dubbed the “Fear Dynamics Techniques,” are grounded in his personal experiences and offer a tangible path to healing. His emphasis on self-acceptance provides a foundation for rebuilding trust in oneself and others.

        Fear Dynamics is a must-read for anyone looking to understand and conquer their fears. This book is not just a guide to overcoming fear; it’s an open and heartfelt discussion about the author’s struggles and triumphs. Dietrich’s story is a testament to resilience and the power of self-help techniques in transforming one’s life. The lessons he imparts are valuable and practical, offering readers a roadmap to navigate challenges with strength and confidence.

        Pages: 232 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D7JT21DF

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        Trusted Friends and Lovers

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        Trusted Friends and Lovers, by Roxanne Burkey and Charles Breakfield, is an engaging collection of short stories exploring themes of love, friendship, and family. This compilation features seven interconnected tales: “Fears, Tears, or Cheers” follows Jo, a Brazilian model, and JJ, a Chief Master Sergeant. “Hidden Target” introduces Brayson, a cyber security expert, and Marian, a former Air Force member. “Remember the Future” centers on Wolfgang, his daughter Julianne, and his grandson Jacob. “Caribbean Dream” showcases Judith and Zee, friends working in San Juan to fund their college education. “Love’s Enigma” features Buzz and Zara, a couple who moves to San Juan and become teachers. “The Jewel presents Haddy and Otto, new parents to a baby daughter. “Hot Chocolate” highlights Petra and Jacob, along with their young son, JW.

        To fully appreciate this collection, it is recommended to read it alongside the authors’ other works, as these stories provide additional insights into the characters from the Enigma series. The collection effectively highlights pivotal moments in the characters’ lives, and several stories are beautifully interconnected, especially those depicting generational family relationships.

        Set in diverse locations worldwide, the stories encompass a wide range of scenarios, such as distant memories, first meetings, reunions, proposals, weddings, and family celebrations during winter holidays. These varied settings and events keep readers hooked and invested in the characters’ journeys. After finishing this book, I was eager to delve deeper into the lives of the characters featured and explore the authors’ other works. A couple of the short stories felt rushed, with months or years passing in just a few pages. Additionally, some backstory details about the characters could have been conveyed more naturally. For instance, descriptions about Jo and JJ would have flowed better as part of the narrative rather than through dialogue, which occasionally felt unnatural. Despite this, Trusted Friends and Lovers remains a captivating read.

        The collection’s ability to weave together rich, interrelated stories makes it a worthwhile addition to the Enigma series. Fans of the series and new readers alike will find much to enjoy in this exploration of relationships and life’s significant moments.

        Pages: 250 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CX2XK5D1

        Buy Now From Amazon

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