Day: August 2, 2024

Trump’s Oath of Denial

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Joe Biden’s departure from the 2024 presidential race produced almost instant clarity and relief—a tangle of doubts and fears brushed aside in a day. There was no scramble to seize his place, no mean-spirited list of reasons why Kamala Harris wouldn’t do, no shrug from a spiritless party. Against the president, for not quite a […]

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Categories: Uncategorized

Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Poetry

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes poets who demonstrate exceptional artistry and proficiency and push the boundaries of language and expression. The recipients are poets who excel in their technical skills and evoke deep emotional responses, challenge thoughts, and illuminate new perspectives through their work. The award honors those who contribute to the literary landscape with their unique voices and powerful words.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Categories: Uncategorized

Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Nonfiction

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes outstanding nonfiction books that demonstrate exceptional quality in writing, research, and presentation. This award is dedicated to authors who excel in creating informative, enlightening, and engaging works that offer valuable insights. Recipients of this award are commended for their ability to transform complex topics into accessible and compelling narratives that captivate readers and enhance our understanding.

Award Recipients


Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation by Betty Lou Rogers

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Categories: Uncategorized

Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Children’s Books

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes children’s books that mesmerize audiences with incredible narratives, vibrant illustrations, charming characters, and fresh ideas. Offering well-earned accolades, we salute the imagination and exceptional skill of authors who create tales that spark curiosity and delight in young minds.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Categories: Uncategorized

Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Fiction

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The Literary Titan Book Award honors books that exhibit exceptional storytelling and creativity. This award celebrates novelists who craft compelling narratives, create memorable characters, and weave stories that captivate readers. The recipients are writers who excel in their ability to blend imagination with literary skill, creating worlds that enchant and narratives that linger long after the final page is turned.

Award Recipients

Abbey’s Road by Danna Schweitzer
eMortal by Steve Schafer
The Third Estate Secrets of the Manor by D. R. Berlin

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Categories: Uncategorized