The Primitive Instinct To Survive

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J.L. Feuerstack Author Interview

In And They Marched Up, a devil and an angel are fighting for survival against both their enemies and members of their own kind. What was the inspiration for the original and fascinating idea at the center of the book?

The predominant themes found in this series come from my background in psychology. The story begins with Anorexia in possession of a mortal who is auditing an evolutionary psych seminar. We hear discussion of modern maladaptive traits having historically beneficial attributes and the evolutionary justification for In-group favoritism. In-group favoritism is based on the belief that in-group bias gives rise to strong cultural groups and that these groups would be better equipped to compete for scarce resources. Yet, history is filled with instances where membership within a strong in-group is just as treacherous as the out-group opposition. Examples can be found stretching from the First Triumvirate all the way to the Night of the Long Knives. With the primal instinct of survival being a key theme in this book, I wanted to explore how an individual navigates a system designed to pit her against merciless foes, while standing alongside unreliable allies. The isolation in such a situation is meant to draw focus to the notion that in the end, nobody cares as much about your survival as much as you do.

What was one scene in the novel that you felt captured the morals and message you were trying to deliver to readers?

The fight between Anorexia and Chu Hua during the Battle of Teutoburg Forest really encapsulates many of the main themes of the story. The scene pits two close friends against one another in a life and death struggle, testing the bonds of friendship and their loyalty to their respective causes. It asks the questions: What does it mean to be a good soldier? What is a true confidant? How will the characters comport themselves when their survival is set against the survival of their loved one? I wanted to illustrate the notion that even the strongest of bonds may falter when put to an extreme test, and to explore the idea that the primitive instinct to survive has the ability to override even the strongest of ties.

What was your favorite scene in this story?

It’s very difficult, but if I had to pick a favorite it’s the battle of Thermopylae. I enjoy weaving the story of The Saga of Fallen Leaves into specific historical events, so the reader can see an event they may already be familiar with through a different lens. I also very much enjoy the parallel between the mortal, Ephialtes, and the Demon, Anorexia, both using the battle for intensely personal and selfish reasons, as opposed to romantic notions like patriotism or bravery. The last stand of the three hundred Spartans gets a new spin in this scene and there is a very detailed illustration depicting the culmination of the battle.

Can fans expect a fourth installment in the Saga of Fallen Leaves?

Yes, absolutely. Volume IV continues with the focus on Anna and Anorexia. It tracks through the nineteenth, twentieth, and twenty-first century, reaching as far as the war in Ukraine. As always, the next volume offers a unique view on historical conflicts while following the stories of the heavenly and hellish cast of characters.

Author links: GoodReads | X

And They Marched Up, Volume III of the Saga of Fallen Leaves, shines a new lens on the eternal struggle between Angels and Demons. The story revisits the contest of two Celestial brothers, God and Satan, who, by ancient decree, can only unleash their sibling rivalry when human beings engage in combat.

The citizens of both Heaven and Hell must find their place in the ongoing supernatural conflict. Readers will follow the adventures of the angel Anna Gold, and the demon Anorexia Nervosa Perplexus as each struggles to make her way through an ever-changing and dangerous world. Across their travels both warriors face treacherous foes and conniving members of their own brethren.

This novel of the epic struggle between Celestial forces covers great spans of human history from the building of the pyramids to the construction of cathedrals. Anna and Anorexia witness consequential battles and monumental events as they fight for their respective causes and make difficult decisions, while trying to survive.

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