Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation

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Book Review

The term “social responsibility” may carry different meanings for different people. Some view it through their own distinct perspectives, while others might reject the concept entirely. This is precisely why it’s crucial to remind everyone of its significance. Betty Lou Rogers targets US citizens who neglect their social responsibilities in her book Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation. This profound exploration delves into what it means to be a productive member of society, delivering a timely and thought-provoking message.

This book is a short yet impactful volume that defies easy categorization. At times, it echoes the educational spirit of the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons, which aimed to teach children about various aspects of America’s democratic process. Composed of a series of four-line verses adhering to an AABB rhyme scheme, its structure almost feels Shakespearean in some moments. Rogers is concerned with what she perceives as a diminishing respect for the social duties that every American should uphold. She tackles topics such as journalism, societal disharmony, and the lack of respect in contemporary political discourse. Through verse, Rogers deconstructs American identity, echoing Kennedy’s famous call to action: to ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country. The very lack of linear storytelling enhances the book’s concept. It is less a conventional story and more a ballad, a poetic tribute to a country that the author clearly cherishes deeply. This attitude of genuine care and concern for the nation is increasingly rare today.

Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation is a compelling read that encourages reflection on what it means to be an American. Rogers’ heartfelt verses serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of social responsibility in maintaining the fabric of society.

Pages: 30 | ISBN 978-1-961358-75-1

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