Day: July 29, 2024

Counterblow Clemency

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Counterblow Clemency follows the journey of three primary protagonists: Bjorn Bear, Doodle, and Murgatroyd, as they navigate a futuristic world filled with wonders, perils, and a desperate need for change. Bjorn, a rebellious teen, is joined by his friends, who come from radically different circumstances. Together, they face the consequences of Bjorn’s actions and are drawn into a conflict far beyond their control.

Shibles masterfully balances the familiar with the unfamiliar in this sci-fi tale. A hallmark of great science fiction is the blend of relatable elements with the fantastical, allowing readers to anchor themselves in the story while exploring new and strange wonders. Shibles achieves this by leveraging familiar experiences, such as parent-child relationships and friendships, while setting the characters in a world that is entirely fantastical. This technique allows readers to stay connected to the narrative, even as Shibles’ creativity runs wild with the setting. The characters are well-crafted and relatable, their struggles and imperfections making them both believable and engaging. As the story unfolds, readers find themselves rooting for these flawed yet endearing characters, even as their situation grows increasingly dire. Shibles’ approach of not providing convenient explanations for everything mirrors the experience of the protagonists being thrust into situations beyond their control. This technique adds to the immersive quality of the world Shibles has created. While it might be a bit challenging for those new to sci-fi, it is a testament to the depth and richness of the narrative. Experienced sci-fi enthusiasts will undoubtedly appreciate this intricate storytelling, and newcomers will find it a rewarding and enriching dive into the genre.

Counterblow Clemency works beautifully as a standalone adventure and has the potential to launch a new series. Shibles ties up most loose ends within the book’s relatively brief runtime, making it a satisfying read. For fans of the fantastical and the unknown elements of science fiction, this book is a must-read.

Pages: 156 | ASIN : B0CQTKF5MN

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The Lilacs I Once Knew: Friddie’s Poems

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The Lilacs I Once Knew: Friddie’s Poems is a captivating poetry collection with a compelling backstory. Roni Rosenthal meticulously restored and translated these works to share Friddie’s tale with the world—an account of a talented Romanian poet unjustly imprisoned during the war and communist era.

Each poem in the collection breathes life into Friddie’s emotions, evoking a spectrum of feelings such as hope, love, betrayal, and misery. One of the most poignant sections depicts Friddie’s journey of healing and self-forgiveness. Her profound words create a sense of shared healing with the reader. Through her reflections and vivid contrasts of nature and war, readers gain a renewed appreciation for life. The collection’s variety of rhyming patterns and unique structural elements keep readers engaged and curious throughout. Roni Rosenthal’s translation skillfully preserves the original message and rhythm of the poems, ensuring their impact remains intact. The book’s design complements Friddie’s touching words beautifully. Impactful images, quotes, and photos of Friddie and her family are thoughtfully placed throughout the book, enhancing the emotional resonance of each section and bringing Friddie’s story to life.

The Lilacs I Once Knew is heartbreaking, promising, and beautiful. It honors the memory of one of the many victims of inhumanity and serves as a testament to the enduring power of poetry and resilience.

Pages: 167 | ASIN : B0D9RK929F

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Darien Shockra and The Bermuda Triangle – Part 1 (Darien Shockra & The Bermuda Triangle) 

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Darien Shockra & The Bermuda Triangle by David Kneisler and Stefan Lukjanczuk tells the captivating story of Darien, Ecio, and Serenity, whose parents fled from the planet Nibiru to Earth for safety. On Nibiru, every generation produces three individuals, known as ‘the Tritem,’ who inherit exceptional powers meant to safeguard the planet from attacks. These three play a crucial role in defending Nibiru against threats, the most significant being Ophidion, a powerful being from Saturn. Imprisoned after attacking Nibiru, Ophidion seeks the orb that empowers the Tritem for himself and his master, Lucifer. The pressing question remains: will Ophidion stay imprisoned, and are the young trio ready to face this looming threat and defend their planet?

The main theme of the book underscores the importance of self-discovery in unlocking one’s full potential, highlighting that unity and collaboration are key to overcoming darkness and evil. Darien, Ecio, and Serenity are encouraged to embrace their unique abilities while working together to combat the threats against their planet. This engaging prequel sets the stage expertly for the main story to come. The characters are well-introduced, and their roles in the narrative are clear. What distinguishes this book from other fantasy novels is its refreshing simplicity. The world-building is intricate yet comprehensible, and the plot is straightforward and easy to follow. The story strikes a perfect balance, being neither overbearing nor dull, leaving readers eager for the next installment in the series. It’s a promising start to an exciting journey!

Darien Shockra & The Bermuda Triangle lays a solid foundation for the main story, featuring a clear and straightforward plot that makes for an entertaining read. I highly recommend it to readers of all ages, especially those who enjoy fantasy novels.

Pages: 122 | ASIN : B0D54TQQNV

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Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation

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Book Review

The term “social responsibility” may carry different meanings for different people. Some view it through their own distinct perspectives, while others might reject the concept entirely. This is precisely why it’s crucial to remind everyone of its significance. Betty Lou Rogers targets US citizens who neglect their social responsibilities in her book Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation. This profound exploration delves into what it means to be a productive member of society, delivering a timely and thought-provoking message.

This book is a short yet impactful volume that defies easy categorization. At times, it echoes the educational spirit of the Schoolhouse Rock cartoons, which aimed to teach children about various aspects of America’s democratic process. Composed of a series of four-line verses adhering to an AABB rhyme scheme, its structure almost feels Shakespearean in some moments. Rogers is concerned with what she perceives as a diminishing respect for the social duties that every American should uphold. She tackles topics such as journalism, societal disharmony, and the lack of respect in contemporary political discourse. Through verse, Rogers deconstructs American identity, echoing Kennedy’s famous call to action: to ask not what the country can do for you but what you can do for your country. The very lack of linear storytelling enhances the book’s concept. It is less a conventional story and more a ballad, a poetic tribute to a country that the author clearly cherishes deeply. This attitude of genuine care and concern for the nation is increasingly rare today.

Social Responsibility: Our Forgotten Obligation is a compelling read that encourages reflection on what it means to be an American. Rogers’ heartfelt verses serve as a powerful reminder of the importance of social responsibility in maintaining the fabric of society.

Pages: 30 | ISBN 978-1-961358-75-1

Coming Soon

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Friendship Takes Work and Time

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Tuula Pere Author Interview

Colin the Crab’s Friends follows a busy crab as he helps all his friends with repairs they need to have done and then throws a party for them all. What was the inspiration for the setup to your story?

Colin the Crab and his friends represent a village community or a small town to me. In such places, people of very different types often know each other well and work closely together.

In my childhood, I lived for a decade in a small country village and another decade in a small town. The residents of the rural village, especially, left a lot of human memories in my mind. That’s why the characters and events in Colin the Crab’s Friends are inspired by real life.

I must admit that observing activities and interactions within different communities is exciting. The types of people, the networks of connections, and the behavioral patterns between persons repeat themselves surprisingly. If we change the focus from the village to the workplace or the environment of hobbies, we can observe remarkable similarities in roles and behavior.

In many respects, I am a real-life Colin the Crab, so I write Colin stories based on my personal experiences and observations. I hope the reader finds them relatable and honest that way.

Aside from Colin, what character in the series do you have the most fun writing about?

Several of Colin’s friends are amusing, although I occasionally feel pity for them. It’s because I know them “better” from what I have already written about them in the Colin the Crab Series with books for older readers. In that original series about Colin, darker shades related to each character’s funny image are more visible.

Regarding the fun of writing, I immediately think of Sally the Starfish, whose vain mood swings are fun to write about. She is earnest about her needs and ideas, which often seem meaningless to outsiders.

Another fun guy is Eddie the Eel, a tech freak who often appears in the Colin the Crab books but doesn’t play a significant role in this book in the Mini-Crab series. I know several technology-enthusiastic people closely in real life. Their optimistic infatuation with all new devices sometimes leads to comical situations. Fortunately, these people resembling Eddie have seen the humor in this eel’s character when reading my Colin the Crab stories.

Although we are now talking about the Mini-Crab Books, I am very tempted to highlight the deeper features of the characters, which are more versatile and complete in that other series—with four books already—intended for older readers.

As the children grow up and gain more reading experience, they quickly move from the Mini-Crab Books to the more demanding Colin the Crab Series, which still presents the familiar world of the riverside and water with its characters. And the fun continues!

What does friendship mean to you, and how do you show your friends you care?

Friendship is a unique relationship between people. I have a few true friends with whom I have shared life for a long time. A friendship must last so that it can develop deeply.

I’m very cautious about friendship because I’m afraid losing it would hurt too much. After disappointments, starting a new friendship is even more difficult. I’ve had to learn this life lesson as well. Talking behind the other person’s back can break even a long-term relationship. After disappointment, it isn’t easy to build new trust. Also, misusing the other person’s help and efforts is selfish and unacceptable. I always try to give more than I take—I hope to succeed. I am good at keeping secrets, too, I guess.

True friendship gives both parties the safe feeling that a reliable person exists by your side on both good and bad days. You don’t have to pretend anything to your friend. It’s enough to be honest and genuinely you. I try to be a true friend to people close to me. They know I’m there even if we haven’t seen each other for a while. The bond between us is solid and lasting.

My friendships include conversation and listening, shared experiences in nature, family parties, joint concerts, and good food. If I have enough time, I like to bake and set a good coffee table for my friends. Sharing coffee time together is one common thing in Finnish friendship!

Have you ever thought about expanding the underwater series with a book about one of the sub-characters, maybe Ms. Catfish of Sally?

Some of my avid readers have repeatedly asked me the same thing! I have noticed that Sally the Starfish has many admirers who would like to read even more about her adventures. Sally is an inspiring, great person who might deserve her particular underwater book series. Her character has also inspired me in the Colin the Crab Series for older readers I mentioned. There, we get to know her equally vain and handsome boyfriend, for example. We follow how her wishes and desires emerge and influence in connection to Colin the Crab’s wedding arrangements. Sally’s personality tends to see everything from her perspective.

I’d be glad to write a whole series of Ms. Catfish, too. She is particularly well suited to topics where different generations’ opinions and experiences differ. Her various friends at the river bay help the loneliness of the old catfish living alone in the big house. Of course, Colin the Crab has an extraordinary role as a practical help in building maintenance.

In the other series aimed at more advanced readers, we can already follow Ms. Catfish’s thoughts and opinions in more detail. Her way of life and thinking reflect the past world. This topic is close to everyone who faces generational differences in their lives. Such a separate series about Ms. Catfish could be pretty interesting for grandparents and grandchildren to read together.

Finally, let me tell you about one big dream of mine. Colin the Crab Series and  Mini-Crab Books would work perfectly as animated films. They feature a fascinating underwater world with interesting characters representing different and believable types. In addition, there are exciting adventures with continuity. Now that I’ve written about this secret dream, it’s no longer a secret! —If only it would come true one day!

Author Links:  Facebook | Website 

Colin the Crab, a hardworking handyman, lives by a beautiful river. He often fixes Ms. Catfish’s old villa, which would fall apart without his repairs.
Norma the Newt and Sally the Starfish constantly need Colin’s help too. On top of that, a hungry fish family hopes the crab will share his delicious soup with them.
After a busy week, a happy group of friends gets together at Colin’s blue garden pavilion.

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Dancing yeti crabs, morphing cuttlefish, other stories from the deep sea

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As a kid, Sabrina Imbler loved the ocean. They’d swim and snorkel, following around parrotfish in the water. Later, they tried to learn everything they could about the brightly-colored tropical fish – how some create a mucus cocoon at night to protect it from parasites, or how they help keep coral reefs healthy.

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