Giving Kids Confidence

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Holly Peppe Author Interview

Sophie and the Swans follows a girl living by the lake who stands up to a bully throwing stones at the swans she has befriended. What was the inspiration for your story?

A few years ago, I made friends with a pair of swans I named Romeo and Juliet, who visited me at the shoreline below my house every day and brought their new family over every spring. They would greet me by nodding their heads and snorting to say hello. I was fascinated by their beauty, strength, and intelligence and started researching swan life and behavior. I already knew that swan couples stay together for life, but I was also struck by their loyalty to one another and hoped they never suffered from the often-thoughtless actions of human beings. They were still wild birds but recognized us and even followed us around the lake when we went out in our canoe. It was an extraordinary friendship and we grew to love them. I started writing a factual book about swans for children but decided it would be more useful to write a fictional book featuring the swans that gently taught a lesson.

Sophie has a chance to show the bully what it feels like to be mistreated but instead shows him kindness and compassion when he needs help. What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

Setting an example, giving kids confidence to stand up for themselves when confronted, learning that two wrongs don’t make a right, and some bullying behavior can be diffused with kindness.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

Hearing my mother read poetry to us before bed was the origin of my love for poetry. My father made up stories all the time and would make up new ones when he was in the car with his 4 children—all fantastical and fun. I think an important moment was when he read me a poem by Robert Frost, “The Death of the Hired Man,” when I was about 10. I saw his eyes moisten and realized how moving writing can be. I’ve been writing since I can remember, and my first written poem according to my mother, was written when I was 5 or 6 and involved swans!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

2024 Family Choice Award Winner
2024 Purple Dragonfly Award tied First Place Charity/Making a Difference category
A portion of proceeds for the book will be donated to anti-bullying advocates

Sophie is a little girl who lives beside a lake and makes friends with a pair of swans who visit her every day. One day, when a bully starts to torment the swans, Sophie rushes to defend them not by attacking the bully, but by showing him kindness when he gets into trouble on the lake.

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