Every Step on This Journey Matters

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Erin Andrea Craske Author Interview

From Purpose to Profit is an all-in-one solution that meets the needs of busy, time-constrained professionals by offering a comprehensive repository of valuable, bite-sized information in one place for professionals to gain the knowledge needed to be successful. What inspired you to write this book and in the manner that you did?

I was in a situation where I had to carry out multiple interviews with various businesses, all of which were supported by desk research. Both provided me with a massive base for analysis.

…And the results weren’t pretty.

Lacking knowledge of strategy, misunderstanding the meaning of a brand, disengaging from research and planning, and not recognising the difference between profitability and immediate cash made it clear that strategic business illiteracy was behind most business struggles and failures.

At the same time, it made me realise that my knowledge is rather unique. Getting a self-esteem boost from their feedback and seeing my thinking perfectly aligned with HBR’s professors, I realised my thoughts and experience were worth sharing. So, I decided to create an online course, which eventually turned into a book.

The only thing I wanted was not to have my knowledge and experience wasted, as I saw evidence that people could benefit from it. I also wanted to pay tribute to the brands as they are meant to be and are undeservingly forgotten.

As a strategist, I couldn’t come up with yet ‘another’ business book. I had to create differentiation. Otherwise, I would have been a poor strategist, right? I checked other books in this genre, and what appeared to me is that:
Many exceptional marketing books are dedicated to narrowly defined topics.
Renowned professors’ marketing manuals might appear intimidating to audiences less academically inclined.
Internet-based information often offers ‘how-tos’ without ‘whys’ and lacks guidance on application.
Authority books tend to partially share the knowledge, prompting readers to uptrade to more expensive services.
So, I decided to occupy a market gap created by existing works, and that led to the concept, writing, and format.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about entrepreneurship, marketing, and business strategic planning?

Oh boy! If you thought the previous answer was long, this one risks getting even longer. Not testing your patience, I would say that, in most cases, businesses don’t understand what strategy is and how it contributes to business longevity, profitability, and fluency in running a business. …And there are another dozen reasons enumerated which may bore to death not-so-business-inclined readers of this interview.

On the plus side, strategy seems to be slowly back on trend. Companies are starting to recognise that short-term gains can hurt long-term success by neglecting innovation, employee well-being, and brand reputation. Besides, the trending VUCA thing is nothing but a cry for strategy. Changing market conditions and unforeseen challenges have always existed—nothing new! Having forgotten about strategy, we had to put VUCA on the pedestal. While with strategy, even VUCA will be less than evil.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Although the book is strategy-focused, I still wanted to introduce brands and business owners to a holistic approach to running a business.

Yes, since it’s a practical guide, I wanted the readers to acquire practical tools and skills and guide them through an artsy process of crafting self-selling brands that resonate with the audience.

At the same time, from my experience, tools, and skills aren’t that valuable if the mindset isn’t there. So, I wanted the readers to:
Understand the link between strategy, business longevity, and profitability.
Realise that having customer empathy is a vital part of having a profitable business.
Get introduced to my favourite ‘why’ – the rationale behind the latest business trends and top solutions so they can outshine their competition and make strategic decisions with confidence.
I also wanted to introduce a few tips here and there about how to make running a business more satisfactory and enjoyable. Unfortunately, I couldn’t cover them in detail since the guide is still about strategy and not mindset or mental health. But as Lao Tzu once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” And every step on this journey matters.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were starting out?

Starting out in business or starting out in writing? Either way, the best advice is first to learn what you are into. Don’t assume that you can succeed without prior knowledge. Forewarned is forearmed. Also, don’t believe everything that you hear from so-called gurus. Often, they are just to sell their services. Look for honest feedback… and you may learn that the devil is even blacker than he is painted.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

In a world saturated with tactical approaches, where businesses chase immediate profitability, the vital concept of brand strategy often goes overlooked. Yet, far too often, companies stumble into the same basic mistakes, jeopardising businesses and driving teams to burnout or quiet quitting. As detrimental as they are, they can be easily avoided. Running a business shouldn’t be draining or effortful. It means to be enjoyable for owners, employees, and customers alike.
In this guide, the author harnessed two decades of award-winning expertise in commercial branding, marketing, and communication strategies, along with in-depth knowledge of consumer insights and sixteen years of dedicated team coaching, teaching, and mentoring, to craft an all-encompassing A to Z strategy guide, so it becomes the key to unlocking the transformational power of strategy.

The book reveals why strategy is the cornerstone of business visibility, profitability, and longevity. It bridges the gap between strategic thinking and tangible returns on investment, providing a simple, step-by-step process for creating a robust brand and business strategy.

Yet, this guide is more than just theory; it’s a journey into the ‘why’ behind every strategic decision. You’ll learn how to build a meaningful brand that resonates while demystifying the fundamental principles of business, brand, marketing, launch, portfolio, and communication strategies. Guided by coaching questions, strategic reasoning, and research techniques, you’ll pave your way to business prosperity.

This strategic solution distils the essential skills brand owners need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Within its pages, you’ll discover a wealth of wisdom, ranging from timeless marketing frameworks, consumer insights, and inspirational quotes to cutting-edge strategies. It’s a fusion of leading theories and real-world experience presented in a structured, easily digestible format.

This all-in-one solution meets the needs of busy, time-constrained professionals by offering a comprehensive repository of valuable, bite-sized information. It’s designed to springboard your well-informed business journey and boost your confidence and belief in your abilities. It caters to young and mature, small-to-medium-sized businesses across various sectors, as well as entrepreneurs seeking to craft winning business plans.
Are you ready to rise above the competition? To craft a brand that shines with visibility, profitability, and longevity? To create a self-selling brand that’s easy to build, fulfilling to manage, and effortless to grow?
It’s time to transform your business journey into one that’s effortless, meaningful, and enjoyable. Gain the confidence to breathe life into your brand, unlock the keys to sustainable business profitability, and let this book be your starting point.
It’s time to turn your vision into reality.
TRIGGER WARNING: The guide mentions alcohol, tobacco, and sexual health products that may not be suitable for readers sensitive to such categories.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/07/28/every-step-on-this-journey-matters/

Categories: Uncategorized

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