Day: July 28, 2024

Sunday Post #638 Headed Home

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The Sunday Post is a blog news meme hosted here @ Caffeinated Reviewer. It’s a chance to share news~ A post to recap the past week on your blog and showcase books and things we have received. Share news about what is coming up on your blog for the week ahead. Join in weekly, bi-weekly or for a monthly wrap up. See rules here: Sunday Post Meme

We are tired, tanned and had a wonderful time. The Royals start school in two weeks, and I’ve got tons of laundry to do. Stay Caffeinated.

Last Week on the Blog
  • Broken Bayou By Jennifer Moorhead (audiobook review)
  • Shades Of Mercy By Bruce Burgos (guest post/ book review)
  • Max Abaddon And The Gates To Perdition By Justin Leslie (audiobook review)
This Week on the Blog
  • A Dead Man’s Favor Chris Tullbane (audiobook review)
  • Take His Likeness By Lyndsay Constable (guest post/ book review)
  • The Love Shack By Lori Foster (book review)
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Giving Kids Confidence

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Holly Peppe Author Interview

Sophie and the Swans follows a girl living by the lake who stands up to a bully throwing stones at the swans she has befriended. What was the inspiration for your story?

A few years ago, I made friends with a pair of swans I named Romeo and Juliet, who visited me at the shoreline below my house every day and brought their new family over every spring. They would greet me by nodding their heads and snorting to say hello. I was fascinated by their beauty, strength, and intelligence and started researching swan life and behavior. I already knew that swan couples stay together for life, but I was also struck by their loyalty to one another and hoped they never suffered from the often-thoughtless actions of human beings. They were still wild birds but recognized us and even followed us around the lake when we went out in our canoe. It was an extraordinary friendship and we grew to love them. I started writing a factual book about swans for children but decided it would be more useful to write a fictional book featuring the swans that gently taught a lesson.

Sophie has a chance to show the bully what it feels like to be mistreated but instead shows him kindness and compassion when he needs help. What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

Setting an example, giving kids confidence to stand up for themselves when confronted, learning that two wrongs don’t make a right, and some bullying behavior can be diffused with kindness.

What experience in your life has had the biggest impact on your writing?

Hearing my mother read poetry to us before bed was the origin of my love for poetry. My father made up stories all the time and would make up new ones when he was in the car with his 4 children—all fantastical and fun. I think an important moment was when he read me a poem by Robert Frost, “The Death of the Hired Man,” when I was about 10. I saw his eyes moisten and realized how moving writing can be. I’ve been writing since I can remember, and my first written poem according to my mother, was written when I was 5 or 6 and involved swans!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

2024 Family Choice Award Winner
2024 Purple Dragonfly Award tied First Place Charity/Making a Difference category
A portion of proceeds for the book will be donated to anti-bullying advocates

Sophie is a little girl who lives beside a lake and makes friends with a pair of swans who visit her every day. One day, when a bully starts to torment the swans, Sophie rushes to defend them not by attacking the bully, but by showing him kindness when he gets into trouble on the lake.

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Dreamlike Nature of Reality

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Mark Sabbas Author Interview

The Monarchs follows a teenage boy with unique psychic abilities living in a laboratory who escapes and goes on the run with an ordinary orphan girl. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

This is a good question, as it is often difficult to discern the source of the inspiration. The original idea for The Monarchs came to me all the way back in 2014 during a senior year of college spring break beach trip. At the time I was questioning what I wanted to do with my life (having chosen philosophy as one of my majors) and was searching inward for answers. My own process of spiritual awakening, questioning the nature of reality, and exploring the potentials of consciousness through modalities such as lucid dreaming were obvious inspirations for this novel and are reflected in Samuel’s journey.

Moreover, I’ve always been fascinated with psi phenomena and the possibility of supernormal abilities. Even as a kid, I was obsessed with the movie Matilda—about a young girl who could move objects with her mind—and the X-Men series. Eventually, I came across the concept of indigo children which reignited my interest in supernatural abilities—as well as a possible shift in human evolution—and inspired the idea for “new youth” children. Music was another big inspiration, particularly M83’s “Midnight City” music video, which shows psychic kids being tested at a facility. Only later when I researched the Montauk Project, which the show Stranger Things is based on, did I understand that this might be more of a reality than most people realize.

One point I’d like to add is that although the novel may be taken literally (a teenage boy with psychic powers escaping a facility), from another perspective, it may be interpreted as an allegory for spiritual awakening and enlightenment. The opening scene, which is very dreamlike in nature, shows Samuel attempting to escape the laboratory complex with no end in sight. This represents the endless maze of the thinking mind, the dream of the egoic personality which many teachers and mystics insist that we must awaken from. Luna hints to this later in the novel when teaching Samuel how to meditate: “Beyond the thinking mind, escaping its never-ending labyrinth of illusion, there exists a force infinitely more intelligent.”

From there ensues a hero’s journey which forces Samuel out of his comfort zone, leading him to confront his shadow, learn through challenges, and awaken to his essential oneness with God (or, using an analogy of a book, oneness with the author and all other characters). This culminates with him breaking out of character and transcending the strings of time—symbolizing cutting the cords to his past and dying to his time-based egoic self. The evolution and awakening of Evelyn from her coma also represent that of the earth and humanity as a whole. This novel is loaded with symbolism and synchronicity, and although I left several things up to interpretation, there are many Easter eggs and hidden surprises that readers may not immediately pick up on.

The writing in your story is very artful and creative. Was it a conscious effort to create a story in this fashion or is this style of writing reflective of your writing style in general?

Thank you for the kind words. Because music is a central theme (and I often used lyrics from popular songs in the dialogue), in general, I did try to make the writing more lyrical and poetic, allowing the sentences to flow in a smooth manner. I wanted my writing to be affecting to the reader, instilled at points with uplifting wisdom, while being careful not to sound verbose or pretentious. Truthfully, because this is my first novel, it took me a while to find my writing style, and it is still a learning process. It took a leap of faith, and years of trial and error, to trust the ideas that came to me and discover how to put them together into a coherently written story. My editors were also a big help. I am grateful for the journey.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Beginning with Samuel’s conversations with his wise tutor, Walter, and expounded on thereafter, this novel explores several philosophical and metaphysical themes, including the existence of God, free will versus predeterminism, human evolution, planetary ascension, and the dreamlike nature of reality. Before embarking on his hero’s journey, Samuel tells Walter that he feels he has no control over his own destiny—that he is trapped like a puppet on a prewritten path. Here and at points throughout the book, we see Samuel developing a sort of metacognition of being a character in a novel—one who indeed is on a path that is already written, yet strives for free will.

Samuel must reconcile this paradox with the ultimate realization of his essential oneness with God (again, oneness with myself as the author). There is no separation between me, him, and all other characters; it is simply an illusion, a game of “one consciousness interacting with itself.” From this highest level, beyond the conditioned limitations of the egoic personality and into God or “author” consciousness, Samuel comprehends that he does have free will, as in a sense he has “written all of it.” His identity as the small, helpless, separate character dissipates as he attunes to the power to write his own destiny. He dies to his old self and is reborn as a Monarch, a symbol of personal sovereignty and spiritual transformation.

As previously mentioned, music is a central theme, as is the idea that we are living in a musical universe, or the view that “all things could be expressed through vibration, sound, and geometry.” To compliment this theme, many song lyrics are quoted in the book, some explicitly referenced, and others hidden in the dialogue. Samuel gradually picks up on the fact that there is music all around him—that his consciousness is but one note in a cosmic symphony. I had to receive print license permissions for 24 different songs to be included in the novel, from artists ranging from The Beatles to Fleetwood Mac to Jimi Hendrix to The Flaming Lips. This was a journey in itself, but it was worth it to preserve the musical element. Some song references may contain hidden clues pertaining to the story when interpreted correctly.

The book is not without darker themes, including the perpetual cycles of human war and division, government corruption, and secret experimentation (some researchers have spoken of “Monarch” mind control programming, which is the lesser-known negative connotation to the symbol). Although another human division is introduced in the book, between the larger-eyed “new youth” and the “ordinary” people and children, the ultimate theme I strove to emphasize is that only through unconditional love, acceptance, empathy, and forgiveness can we truly heal our planet and transcend the influences that have long kept us divided.

As the sagacious Leon puts it, “We are but dream characters in the mind of God, striving for Self-realization, though only a select few may consciously remember this. Most identify entirely with their egos, and this generates great inner conflict.” We all have a choice to stay stuck in our characters, our narrow ego identities trapped in the game of duality and separation, or strive toward something higher—a deeper connection with ourselves, with nature, and with all other beings. Taking this path requires a leap of faith into the unknown, opening our hearts and allowing a greater intelligence to guide us through life, which is one of Samuel’s main lessons.

I find a problem in well-written stories in that I always want there to be another book to keep the story going. Is there a second book planned?

Another great question. During most of my time writing The Monarchs, I didn’t plan for there to be a second book. Yet as my first editor told me, this story is almost too big to contain in just one book. I now realize that it is meant to be a trilogy, and I have already (albeit very loosely) outlined the story for books 2 and 3. I’m not going to give it away, but it will be done in a way that plays with time, lending a chance to fill in more of Samuel’s backstory, his time at the Facility, and the world in general, while also pointing toward an incredible future destiny.

Books 2 and 3 will further explore mind-bending themes such as the multidimensional nature of self, extraterrestrial life, other incarnational existences, and even other timelines. I’m excited to expand on this story, and I will continue to trust what comes to me. Stay tuned and thank you for the support.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

The eyes are the windows to the universe if one knows how to look. For a select group of extraordinary children, this has never been more apparent.

Born into a world ravaged by war, Samuel Helen is among the first in a wave of “new youth” children who possess abnormally large eyes and breathtaking psychic abilities. But Samuel’s powerful telekinesis cannot be managed by the team of scientists at General George Mabus’s military facility. He finds his only solace in his sessions with his wise tutor, Walter, who introduces him to music and philosophy, and his cherished weekly visits with an ordinary orphan girl, Evelyn, in the neighboring village.
When a twist of fate sends Samuel and Evelyn into uncharted territory, Samuel is forced to confront dark shadows from his past in order to unlock the deepest wells of his psyche, even the universe itself, and discover deep spiritual truths while harnessing his abilities-and facing off with vengeful enemies.
He soon realizes that he is part of something much greater than he could have ever imagined . . .

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A Curious Interviewer

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M. M. White Author Interview

Interview With a Sinner follows a professional mourner who meets a demi-goddess who is looking for someone to interview about humanity in their quest to create a new civilization. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Growing up Christian, I have heard so many interesting philosophical debates about the nature of worship and questioning why a benevolent Creator would allow awful circumstances to plague the innocent. So I started thinking how I would do any better while still granting people free will to act as disorderly as they want. It became a headache to ponder. All my random musings and speculations took form in Marigold, who could be a curious interviewer to some degenerates in this story. It wouldn’t have been interesting if she questioned saintly or righteous individuals, after all. They might have all the answers. Scoundrels like us have to be creative with our conjectures.

What are some things that you find interesting about the human condition that you think make for great fiction?

Morality, definitely. It can be boring to follow virtuous people we would like to be, and despise villains who represent everything we detest in society. But great fiction can provoke you to sympathize with the worst or even feel they’re relatable. Nothing was harder for me than to write the scenes of Hollace with her sexual temptations, but it was an exercise in showing the humanity of even the most shameful and perverse, and that her guilt pushed her to otherwise be as helpful and caring as possible for the outcasts. People who are horrible to each other can become friends, and deadly rivalries can sometimes dip into playful banter.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

It was essential for me to introduce as many theological concepts as possible for the debates. From Judgment to reincarnation, to what happens to the morally erratic if the world ends and they have to be sent to either Heaven or Hell. Also the rationale behind atheism or those who are content being agnostic. The book was never meant to pick a side or even truly confirm if Marigold is what she claims to be. Life itself is ambiguous and that was the theme behind every single question arising.

I found this novel to be a cutting piece of satire. What is one thing that you hope readers take away from your novel?

Artistic endeavors are a big part. That some aggrandize the idea of violence, death, or suicide for the sake of art, and I’m hoping this book kind of deflates that notion and makes apparent that such things in real life are gruesome, messy, and never convey an “artistic message.” Like how the snuff filmmakers brag their production company transcends the mere butchering of people, even though that’s the gist of it. We tend to insert superfluous ideas and meanings into our undertakings to pretend they’re something grander than they are, especially if our deeds are reprehensible. To rationalize a killing, there was an understandable motive. To justify discrimination, there’s a ridiculous “moralistic” excuse. There’s an illusion of “destiny.” Sometimes people who spout about their destiny are the scariest to me.

Thank you so much for your time and exploration of my debut novel.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Amazon

Awarded “Must Read” by Book Nerdection, and nominated for 8 Literary Awards. For Hollace, it becomes an awkward encounter when an older woman introduces herself as a newly autonomous goddess, ready to create an entire universe that will rival our own. But first, this supposed goddess would like to interview Hollace for seven days on her take on the world, humanity, and free will as a whole. Naturally Hollace deems this woman delusional or a strange liar, but has nothing better to do than humor her with this unorthodox interview. Taking the goddess on a weeklong tour through her life is complicated when they become ensnared in the affairs of dangerous snuff filmmakers and murderous cultists. Despite Hollace’s best efforts to showcase the best of mankind to the goddess, only the vilest taboos keep riddling what was supposed to be an uneventful week. Prepare for an interview dripping in blood, acid and frog guts throughout the hilariously obscene exchange between a seemingly goodhearted girl and a woman pondering if she should wipe out our existence to replace with her own creation. For those in thirst of dark comedies and extreme fiction, this interview has enough salacious, foul and outright absurd twists and turns to quench the most parched.

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Every Step on This Journey Matters

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Erin Andrea Craske Author Interview

From Purpose to Profit is an all-in-one solution that meets the needs of busy, time-constrained professionals by offering a comprehensive repository of valuable, bite-sized information in one place for professionals to gain the knowledge needed to be successful. What inspired you to write this book and in the manner that you did?

I was in a situation where I had to carry out multiple interviews with various businesses, all of which were supported by desk research. Both provided me with a massive base for analysis.

…And the results weren’t pretty.

Lacking knowledge of strategy, misunderstanding the meaning of a brand, disengaging from research and planning, and not recognising the difference between profitability and immediate cash made it clear that strategic business illiteracy was behind most business struggles and failures.

At the same time, it made me realise that my knowledge is rather unique. Getting a self-esteem boost from their feedback and seeing my thinking perfectly aligned with HBR’s professors, I realised my thoughts and experience were worth sharing. So, I decided to create an online course, which eventually turned into a book.

The only thing I wanted was not to have my knowledge and experience wasted, as I saw evidence that people could benefit from it. I also wanted to pay tribute to the brands as they are meant to be and are undeservingly forgotten.

As a strategist, I couldn’t come up with yet ‘another’ business book. I had to create differentiation. Otherwise, I would have been a poor strategist, right? I checked other books in this genre, and what appeared to me is that:
Many exceptional marketing books are dedicated to narrowly defined topics.
Renowned professors’ marketing manuals might appear intimidating to audiences less academically inclined.
Internet-based information often offers ‘how-tos’ without ‘whys’ and lacks guidance on application.
Authority books tend to partially share the knowledge, prompting readers to uptrade to more expensive services.
So, I decided to occupy a market gap created by existing works, and that led to the concept, writing, and format.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about entrepreneurship, marketing, and business strategic planning?

Oh boy! If you thought the previous answer was long, this one risks getting even longer. Not testing your patience, I would say that, in most cases, businesses don’t understand what strategy is and how it contributes to business longevity, profitability, and fluency in running a business. …And there are another dozen reasons enumerated which may bore to death not-so-business-inclined readers of this interview.

On the plus side, strategy seems to be slowly back on trend. Companies are starting to recognise that short-term gains can hurt long-term success by neglecting innovation, employee well-being, and brand reputation. Besides, the trending VUCA thing is nothing but a cry for strategy. Changing market conditions and unforeseen challenges have always existed—nothing new! Having forgotten about strategy, we had to put VUCA on the pedestal. While with strategy, even VUCA will be less than evil.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Although the book is strategy-focused, I still wanted to introduce brands and business owners to a holistic approach to running a business.

Yes, since it’s a practical guide, I wanted the readers to acquire practical tools and skills and guide them through an artsy process of crafting self-selling brands that resonate with the audience.

At the same time, from my experience, tools, and skills aren’t that valuable if the mindset isn’t there. So, I wanted the readers to:
Understand the link between strategy, business longevity, and profitability.
Realise that having customer empathy is a vital part of having a profitable business.
Get introduced to my favourite ‘why’ – the rationale behind the latest business trends and top solutions so they can outshine their competition and make strategic decisions with confidence.
I also wanted to introduce a few tips here and there about how to make running a business more satisfactory and enjoyable. Unfortunately, I couldn’t cover them in detail since the guide is still about strategy and not mindset or mental health. But as Lao Tzu once said, “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” And every step on this journey matters.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were starting out?

Starting out in business or starting out in writing? Either way, the best advice is first to learn what you are into. Don’t assume that you can succeed without prior knowledge. Forewarned is forearmed. Also, don’t believe everything that you hear from so-called gurus. Often, they are just to sell their services. Look for honest feedback… and you may learn that the devil is even blacker than he is painted.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

In a world saturated with tactical approaches, where businesses chase immediate profitability, the vital concept of brand strategy often goes overlooked. Yet, far too often, companies stumble into the same basic mistakes, jeopardising businesses and driving teams to burnout or quiet quitting. As detrimental as they are, they can be easily avoided. Running a business shouldn’t be draining or effortful. It means to be enjoyable for owners, employees, and customers alike.
In this guide, the author harnessed two decades of award-winning expertise in commercial branding, marketing, and communication strategies, along with in-depth knowledge of consumer insights and sixteen years of dedicated team coaching, teaching, and mentoring, to craft an all-encompassing A to Z strategy guide, so it becomes the key to unlocking the transformational power of strategy.

The book reveals why strategy is the cornerstone of business visibility, profitability, and longevity. It bridges the gap between strategic thinking and tangible returns on investment, providing a simple, step-by-step process for creating a robust brand and business strategy.

Yet, this guide is more than just theory; it’s a journey into the ‘why’ behind every strategic decision. You’ll learn how to build a meaningful brand that resonates while demystifying the fundamental principles of business, brand, marketing, launch, portfolio, and communication strategies. Guided by coaching questions, strategic reasoning, and research techniques, you’ll pave your way to business prosperity.

This strategic solution distils the essential skills brand owners need to thrive in today’s competitive landscape. Within its pages, you’ll discover a wealth of wisdom, ranging from timeless marketing frameworks, consumer insights, and inspirational quotes to cutting-edge strategies. It’s a fusion of leading theories and real-world experience presented in a structured, easily digestible format.

This all-in-one solution meets the needs of busy, time-constrained professionals by offering a comprehensive repository of valuable, bite-sized information. It’s designed to springboard your well-informed business journey and boost your confidence and belief in your abilities. It caters to young and mature, small-to-medium-sized businesses across various sectors, as well as entrepreneurs seeking to craft winning business plans.
Are you ready to rise above the competition? To craft a brand that shines with visibility, profitability, and longevity? To create a self-selling brand that’s easy to build, fulfilling to manage, and effortless to grow?
It’s time to transform your business journey into one that’s effortless, meaningful, and enjoyable. Gain the confidence to breathe life into your brand, unlock the keys to sustainable business profitability, and let this book be your starting point.
It’s time to turn your vision into reality.
TRIGGER WARNING: The guide mentions alcohol, tobacco, and sexual health products that may not be suitable for readers sensitive to such categories.

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The Logoharp: A Cyborg Novel of China and America in the Year 2121

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Set in the 22nd century, The Logoharp, by Arielle Emmett, transports readers to a world where Naomi, a human-cyborg hybrid, navigates the complexities of her existence as a “reverse journalist” in China. In Naomi’s reality, the interplay between media and truth creates a landscape both intriguing and terrifying. Dissatisfied with her life and disturbed by the rampant political power and media manipulation that the masses accept without question, Naomi dreams of rebellion. Her quest for meaning propels her down unexpected paths, where she hopes to find wisdom at the end of her journey.

Emmett’s novel fits snugly into the cyberpunk genre, addressing profound themes such as the search for personal identity and meaning in a world that demands conformity. The narrative echoes the dystopian tones of Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, yet it stands out with its unique exploration of a cyborg’s struggle against societal constraints.

Despite her cyborg nature, Naomi’s yearning for self-actualization is a universal human experience. Her desire to break free from routine and seek deeper meaning resonates deeply with readers who feel the same urge in today’s society. Naomi’s journey is fraught with obstacles, reflecting the real-world challenges faced by those who dare to defy the status quo. Her poignant angst and the prose, ranging from poetic to vitriolic, vividly convey the tumultuous emotions within her. The writing style is a highlight, mirroring Naomi’s inner turmoil with its shifting tones. Emmett’s prose captures the delicate balance between introspection and fierce defiance, engaging readers in Naomi’s emotional and intellectual battles.

The Logoharp offers a thought-provoking experience for those willing to confront unsettling truths. Some may find comfort in the familiar illusions of their own “Matrix,” while others may feel a revolutionary spark ignited within them. Ultimately, this novel serves as a mirror, reflecting each reader’s willingness to either accept the status quo or challenge it.

Pages: 466 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D7TCFTSN

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