Nature, Honor, and Belief

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Frank Dravis Author Interview

The Citadel follows a woman who faces her enemy to rescue her lover, a man who is the defender of his planet abducted by a religious order. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

By midway through The Matriarch, Achelous had acquired the attention of a number of powerful entities. At least two of them were hostile and driven by avarice. When you write the story, you let your characters act their part, and the religious order found Achelous first.

What was your favorite scene in this installment of the Dianis, A World In Turmoil Chronicles?

There are so many! Readers often cite the Halls of Norim, or when Sedge encounters the ULUP commissioners on board the Tempest Dare. Honorable mention certainly goes to Marisa when she threatens Em Auditor. I suppose my personal favorite is when Rachael and Fire Eye explore the dungeon of Ages Castle. However, when Rachael unleashes, for the first time, her kinetic energy to its full potential, and separately, when she snags Buzz Too off of Marisa’s shoulder, those are both classic.

How has character development for the main character changed for you through the series?

The main character started out as Achelous, but then Marisa’s force of nature, honor, and belief in all things good gradually takes over as she grows into her role of guardian of Dianis. She has more to learn and experience. Dianis will need her leadership.

Can readers look forward to a fourth book in the series? Where will it take your characters?

Yes, The Loch Norim is in draft. The Drakan Empire and the Western Alliance, supposed enemies, will face a new and surprising foe that neither is prepared for. The question is, will their pride keep them from uniting?

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The Citadel, a bastion on the protected planet of Dianis, is the third novel in the Dianis, A World In Turmoil chronicles. Achelous, the architect and orchestrator of the planet’s defense against extrasolars, has been abducted by the Paleowrights, a powerful religious order. Chained, tortured, and carried off to the Empire of Nak Drakas, Achelous’s fate is unknown.
After the mayhem and outrage of Achelous’s kidnapping, Marisa, his mistress and a trader princess, embarks on a mission of restitution. To rescue Achelous, she must go to the heart of her enemy, the Drakan Empire, and save him from Viscount Helprig. The Paleowright clergyman does not care what Achelous may know, just that he has blasphemed the Diunesis faith and shall be hung before the archbishop.
However, the commandant of the Drakan secret service is not so quick to execute. He suspects Achelous is an Avarian, an agent of a galactic federation, the very people the Paleowrights worship as gods.
Amidst the fight against corsairs raiding the planet, attacks by Paleowright armies, and the intervention of the Avaria Federation, Marisa must rescue Achelous, and if successful, can trigger a global war. Can one man be worth that outcome? The answer lies in what he knows.

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