Day: July 27, 2024

Crossing to Safety

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During her thousands of hours of training and her marathon open-water crossings, the American swimmer Diana Nyad sang songs in her head. She did this to help pace her strokes, monitor distance, and pass the time while “trapped in the solitary confinement of that protracted monotony.” By Nyad’s count, 210 repetitions of “Ticket to Ride” […]

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Macronism in Retreat

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Emmanuel Macron doesn’t take kindly to sharing power. But on June 30, as French voters went to the polls for the first round of parliamentary elections, his outgoing prime minister, Gabriel Attal, proved insubordinate. Attal was aware that their centrist coalition, Ensemble, was facing a major defeat. To control the damage, he suspended the government’s […]

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Unwavering Dedication

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Robert Gass Author Interview

In When The Bell Rings – A Firefighters Journey, you share with readers your experiences as a firefighter and the mental and emotional challenges you faced throughout your career. Why was this an important book for you to write?

Writing When The Bell Rings – A Firefighter’s Journey was a deeply personal and essential endeavor for me. As a firefighter, I witnessed and experienced firsthand the intense mental and emotional challenges that come with the profession. Firefighting isn’t just about battling flames; it’s about confronting fear, grief, and the relentless pressure to perform under life-and-death circumstances.

This book allowed me to share the human side of firefighting, providing a window into the inner struggles and triumphs that are often hidden behind the brave exterior. It was important for me to give a voice to the emotional and psychological toll this career can take on some individuals. I hoped to foster greater empathy and awareness among the public, while also providing a source of support and validation for my peers.

What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

The hardest part of writing When The Bell Rings – A Firefighter’s Journey was revisiting and recounting the moments of profound loss and tragedy. As firefighters, we are often the first to witness the aftermath of accidents, fires, and disasters. Writing about the lives that were lost and the families that were forever changed was incredibly challenging.

I knew that sharing these experiences was crucial to painting an honest picture of what it means to be a firefighter. It was through this candor that I hoped to honor those who have sacrificed so much and to shed light on the profound impact these experiences can have on our mental and emotional well-being.

What is a common misconception you feel people have about the life of a firefighter?

A common misconception about the life of a firefighter is that our job primarily revolves around fighting fires. While responding to fires is indeed a significant and highly visible part of what we do, it represents only a fraction of our daily responsibilities. Many people are unaware of the extensive training, preparation, and variety of emergency responses that fill our days.

Firefighters are often first responders to a wide range of emergencies, including medical crises, car accidents, hazardous material incidents, and natural disasters. We also engage in community education, fire prevention, and safety inspections.

Additionally, the camaraderie and the sense of family within the fire department are crucial elements of our lives that are often overlooked. The bond we share with our fellow firefighters is built on trust, shared experiences, and a deep understanding of the unique challenges we face. This aspect of our lives is just as important as the heroics often associated with our profession.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from When The Bell Rings?

One thing I hope readers take away from When The Bell Rings – A Firefighter’s Journey is a deeper appreciation and understanding of the resilience required to be a firefighter. Beyond the physical bravery and technical skills, our journey involves confronting and managing intense emotional challenges, from the trauma of witnessing loss to the constant pressure of making life-or-death decisions.

I want readers to see the human side of firefighting—the vulnerability, the camaraderie, and the unwavering dedication to serving the community despite the personal sacrifices involved. By sharing my experiences candidly, I hope to inspire a greater sense of empathy and respect for those who put their lives on the line every day.

Ultimately, I hope my story serves as a testament to the strength and resilience of firefighters everywhere.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon


Forget Hollywood. This isn’t a story about glory. It’s a raw, unfiltered look at life as an NYC firefighter.
More than just burning buildings. Join a veteran firefighter with 27 years under his gear. Witness the adrenaline rush of the unknown, the camaraderie that sustains you through the firestorm, and the quiet toll it takes on the men and women who answer the call.
This book isn’t just for firefighters. It’s for the spouses who hold down the fort, the adult kids who wait by the window, and anyone who wants to understand the invisible scars left by heroism. This is a collection of stories of courage, of family, and the unspoken battles fought after the flames are out.
When the Bell Rings takes you inside the firehouse, onto the frontlines, and into the hearts of those who risk it all.
Are you ready to step into the heat?


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Nature, Honor, and Belief

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Frank Dravis Author Interview

The Citadel follows a woman who faces her enemy to rescue her lover, a man who is the defender of his planet abducted by a religious order. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

By midway through The Matriarch, Achelous had acquired the attention of a number of powerful entities. At least two of them were hostile and driven by avarice. When you write the story, you let your characters act their part, and the religious order found Achelous first.

What was your favorite scene in this installment of the Dianis, A World In Turmoil Chronicles?

There are so many! Readers often cite the Halls of Norim, or when Sedge encounters the ULUP commissioners on board the Tempest Dare. Honorable mention certainly goes to Marisa when she threatens Em Auditor. I suppose my personal favorite is when Rachael and Fire Eye explore the dungeon of Ages Castle. However, when Rachael unleashes, for the first time, her kinetic energy to its full potential, and separately, when she snags Buzz Too off of Marisa’s shoulder, those are both classic.

How has character development for the main character changed for you through the series?

The main character started out as Achelous, but then Marisa’s force of nature, honor, and belief in all things good gradually takes over as she grows into her role of guardian of Dianis. She has more to learn and experience. Dianis will need her leadership.

Can readers look forward to a fourth book in the series? Where will it take your characters?

Yes, The Loch Norim is in draft. The Drakan Empire and the Western Alliance, supposed enemies, will face a new and surprising foe that neither is prepared for. The question is, will their pride keep them from uniting?

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Instagram | Amazon

The Citadel, a bastion on the protected planet of Dianis, is the third novel in the Dianis, A World In Turmoil chronicles. Achelous, the architect and orchestrator of the planet’s defense against extrasolars, has been abducted by the Paleowrights, a powerful religious order. Chained, tortured, and carried off to the Empire of Nak Drakas, Achelous’s fate is unknown.
After the mayhem and outrage of Achelous’s kidnapping, Marisa, his mistress and a trader princess, embarks on a mission of restitution. To rescue Achelous, she must go to the heart of her enemy, the Drakan Empire, and save him from Viscount Helprig. The Paleowright clergyman does not care what Achelous may know, just that he has blasphemed the Diunesis faith and shall be hung before the archbishop.
However, the commandant of the Drakan secret service is not so quick to execute. He suspects Achelous is an Avarian, an agent of a galactic federation, the very people the Paleowrights worship as gods.
Amidst the fight against corsairs raiding the planet, attacks by Paleowright armies, and the intervention of the Avaria Federation, Marisa must rescue Achelous, and if successful, can trigger a global war. Can one man be worth that outcome? The answer lies in what he knows.

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Manipulative Brainwashing

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Martina Gruppo Author Interview

In Hello Flower, you share with readers your experience as a victim of narcissistic abuse and give them the tools necessary for breaking free from abusive relationships. Why was this an important book for you to write?

I never imagined this could happen to me. Not in a million years. The shocking realisation that I wasn’t alone, that this was a textbook pattern of abusive behaviour carried out by so many made me want to help identify the signs, write in stark personal detail something which people might recognise and realise that their feeling of ‘ something off’ isn’t imagined but all too real. It was also important to dispel the myth that this is yet another ‘label’ and to demonstrate the horrific reality of living with a monster disguised as the person you trust the most.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

I think my initial instinctive answer to this question was remembering and writing about my Dad, his hope, belief, and optimism for me and my happiness, then I realised that writing about him was relatively easy. The hardest thing was writing about the original ‘love stories’ going back over and reliving how love-struck and naive I was each time, it made me really angry to see how I had been conned but it was necessary so I could help the reader understand why I fell for him and how that manipulative brainwashing starts. Writing that was sickening but key to unlocking the entire narrative.

What is one misconception you believe many people have about leaving an abusive relationship?

Please let me have two! The first is thinking it is easy to leave, to walk away from something which hurts you seems so straightforward to the uninitiated, I’ve often been asked ‘How come you put up with it for so long?’ a painful but understandable question. The trouble is when you are wrapped up in this sort of relationship you don’t believe you should walk away, you want to try harder, do more which simply results in a deeper entrapment. The other misconception is that once you are out you are fine, it’s over, time to just carry on and ‘let it all go’, if only. It takes a long long time to unravel all that damage, you improve, you do move on, but you are never quite the same.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your experience?

If any of it relates if even a tiny part of my book is familiar I hope, going forward, they raise their boundaries because in doing so it is the first step in saying what is and isn’t acceptable. It’s quite the game changer when you had none in place before.

Author Links: GoodReads | Substack | Amazon

A memoir documenting a narcissistic love story spanning several decades.

Self-deprecating, heartbreaking, and sometimes funny, this is ultimately a realistic and revealing insight into how even the strongest person can be susceptible to the most insidious form of abuse—and yet find the courage to walk away and shine again.

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Abbey’s Road

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Book Review

Abbey’s Road, by Danna Schweitzer, is a heartfelt exploration of family dynamics, secrets, and the journey of self-discovery. The novel centers on Abbey, a grandmother dealing with the recent death of her husband, Albert, who left behind a significant secret that unravels throughout the story. Abbey’s life, filled with seemingly ordinary moments, takes unexpected turns as she navigates her relationships with her children and the hidden past of her late husband.

From the outset, the book captivates with its strong character development and emotional depth. Abbey is portrayed as a relatable, multidimensional character whose struggles and resilience are both poignant and inspiring. The author skillfully reveals her backstory, including her marriage to Albert and the complexities of raising his child from a previous relationship as her own. This narrative thread adds layers of intrigue and sympathy for Abbey, particularly in how she manages the delicate balance of family secrets and her own need for closure.

One of the novel’s strengths is its portrayal of familial relationships, especially the bond between Abbey and her children, Margaret, Steven, and Shelley. Each child’s reaction to Albert’s death and the revelation of his secret is unique and reflective of their individual personalities. For instance, Margaret’s struggle with her identity and the truth about her birth is deeply moving, highlighting her internal conflict and her eventual acceptance of Abbey as her true mother. This dynamic is further complicated by Steven’s pragmatic approach and Shelley’s emotional responses, making for a compelling and realistic depiction of family life.

Schweitzer’s writing style is straightforward yet evocative, drawing readers into the everyday moments that define Abbey’s existence. The author’s ability to convey the passage of time and the evolution of Abbey’s character is particularly noteworthy. Scenes such as Abbey’s solitary visit to the zoo, where she reflects on her past while observing families, underscore the themes of loneliness and longing. These moments of introspection are beautifully balanced with interactions that reveal Abbey’s resilience and her capacity for love and forgiveness.

Abbey’s Road is a touching and thought-provoking novel that will resonate with readers who appreciate stories about family, secrets, and personal growth. Schweitzer’s ability to craft believable characters and a compelling narrative makes this book a worthwhile read. It’s particularly suited for those who enjoy contemporary fiction with emotional depth and a focus on relationships. Abbey’s journey is one of courage and self-discovery, making her story both relatable and inspirational.

Coming Soon

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Axel’s Baking Day (Axel and Ava)

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Axel’s Baking Day, by Tuula Pere, with delightful illustrations by Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren, is a charming tale that captures the heart of childhood curiosity and the joy of baking. The story follows young Axel, who faces an unexpected challenge when his parents have to leave, disrupting their usual Saturday baking routine. Determined to uphold the tradition, Axel sets out to bake on his own, leading to a series of humorous and relatable mishaps.

Pere’s writing is both engaging and accessible, making it a perfect read for children. Tuula Pere has a knack for capturing the essence of a child’s perspective, particularly through Axel’s determination and disappointment when things don’t go as planned. The narrative is straightforward yet rich in detail, which makes it easy for young readers to follow along and stay interested. For instance, the description of Axel struggling with the sticky dough and his efforts to call his friend Ava for help are both vivid and entertaining.

One of the highlights of the book is the illustration work by Nyamdorj Lkhaasuren. The images are colorful and expressive, adding depth to the story and bringing Axel’s adventures to life. Each page is filled with charming details that complement the text, from the messy kitchen to the final triumphant pancake. The illustrations not only support the narrative but also provide visual cues that enhance comprehension for younger readers. The book also subtly imparts valuable lessons about perseverance, problem-solving, and the importance of friendship. Axel’s determination to bake despite the obstacles, and Ava’s willingness to help, showcase the power of teamwork and resilience. The humorous tone and light-hearted approach make these lessons enjoyable and memorable.

Axel’s Baking Day is a delightful book that I would highly recommend to parents and educators looking for a fun and educational read for children. Its engaging story, combined with beautiful illustrations, makes it a joy to read aloud or enjoy independently. This book is particularly suited for young readers who are beginning to explore their own interests and hobbies, as well as those who enjoy stories about friendship and family traditions. Whether you’re a fan of baking or simply enjoy a good laugh, Axel’s baking adventures are sure to entertain and inspire.

Pages: 32 | ISBN : 978-9528200536

Buy Now From Amazon

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