Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable

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Lisa Febre, a talented musician and yoga enthusiast, brings her creative flair to her memoir Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable, which centers on her journey with colon cancer. The title’s play on the word “Abdominable” immediately grabs attention and sets the tone for the book’s blend of humor and inspiration. Febre masterfully weaves her story, offering an unembellished account of her medical experiences while highlighting the critical role of companionship. This memoir not only addresses the physical battle against cancer but also delves into the profound self-reflection that accompanies it.

Febre’s writing is remarkably engaging and transparent. Her vivid recollections, complemented by her reliance on the memories of others, bring authenticity to her narrative. Her storytelling is rich with personality and character, particularly in the way she uses metaphors. A standout story involves her dog, Dusty, who had to wear a cone after an injury. Once freed from it, Dusty destroys the cone, symbolizing Febre’s determination to overcome cancer and chemotherapy, her own “cone,” and envisions tearing it apart. Another poignant section of the memoir deals with the varied reactions of her friends to her diagnosis. Some friends became distant, a reaction that initially upset Febre but one she eventually understood. This part of the book is especially valuable for readers who may be unsure how to support loved ones with a cancer diagnosis. Febre candidly discusses how certain well-meaning phrases can be unhelpful, providing insight into the emotional landscape of cancer patients. Round the Twist is an invaluable memoir not only for those facing cancer but also for medical professionals. Febre extensively acknowledges the crucial support and care she received while also highlighting moments of neglect from some healthcare providers. These experiences underline the importance of seeing patients as individuals rather than just diagnoses. The clarity with which Febre addresses the impact of compassionate care makes this book a must-read for both patients and physicians, emphasizing the human element in medical treatment.

Round the Twist: Facing the Abdominable is a heartfelt and insightful memoir that combines humor, honesty, and profound life lessons. Febre’s ability to inspire and educate through her personal journey makes this book a compelling read for anyone navigating the challenges of cancer or seeking to better understand the patient experience.

Pages: 297 | ASIN : B0CB1SQQLD

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