Control is an Illusion

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Melanie and Amanda Huggard Author Interview

In Rootbound: A Mother’s Journey, A Daughter’s Pain., you share some of the most challenging aspects of your mother-daughter relationship and the fears and traumas that preceded your amazing healing journey. What inspired you to share your story with readers?

Melanie- I wanted to help other moms avoid the mistakes I made because of fear. I also wanted to help the moms who already made those mistakes make efforts toward repairing the damage. I knew that if I shared my experience, it would only be half of the story. That’s when I asked Amanda to write the book with me. She of course said yes.

Amanda- My mom approached me with the idea and felt like the work we had done to heal ourselves and our relationship could be beneficial for others to find freedom in their own stories. We had multiple people make comments on our relationship and how they wished they had the type of connection with their mom or daughter as we did. I have always wanted to write a book and loved the idea and said yes without hesitation.

I appreciated the candid nature with which you both told your story. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

Melanie- Chapter 6 titled Rootbound was the hardest for me. I share some heart-wrenching awakenings and losses in that chapter.

Amanda- I think the depth of vulnerability we get into throughout the book felt very scary to share with the world. You can’t take those things back once it’s out there. I was very aware of the potential backlash that may come with sharing various traumatic life experiences in such a candid way.

What is one piece of advice you wish someone had given you when you were younger?

Melanie- I wish someone would have told me about control being an illusion and taught me how to have boundaries instead.

Amanda- I wish someone had told me to take the pressure off myself and helped me understand how to do that.

What is one thing you hope readers are able to take away from your experience?

Melanie- I want the reader to know they are not alone. I hope they can take away a little bit of bravery to face the unaddressed parts of their story.

Amanda- I hope they can connect to it and find themselves in our story. And for those that do connect to it, I hope that it brings a sense of feeling seen and that they are not alone in this journey, and that restoration in parent/child relationships is possible.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website

Come hear the story of a mom or daughter whose life had been greatly affected by control, pain, judgment, fear, shame, and disconnection, this heartfelt book is here for you. Join us on a brave healing journey that has transformed our lives and could inspire yours too.
In “Rootbound: A Mother’s Journey. A Daughter’s Pain,” we share the poignant story of a mother and daughter who courageously embarked on a path to healing. This book is not a how-to guide for achieving a perfect relationship; it’s a testament to the power of love and healing, offering hope to those seeking reconciliation and true connection within their own families.
What to Expect:

A Sense of Wholeness: Find solace in knowing you are not alone in facing the myriad of challenges that can arise within family life. Our experiences may mirror your own, and our shared journey will make you feel seen and understood.
An Inside Peek into Our Healing Journey: We offer you an intimate look at our healing process, both together and separately. Filled with photos, tips, and resources, our story will inspire and guide you on your own path to understanding and growth.
A New Perspective: Discover not only new insights into your family’s history but also the potential for transformation in your future. Witness the power of love, healing, and reconciliation that brought us together and see how it can happen for you too, with dedication and effort.
Beliefs and Topics Covered:
Breaking the Chains of Control: Our family was shaped by a parenting style rooted in fear and control, and we explore how it affected us and our relationships.
Navigating Faith and Family: Our beliefs influenced our family dynamics and life views. We share how faith played a role in our healing process and how the systems of religion gave fear a highway.
Conquering Shame and Pain: Delve into the emotional challenges we confronted, how we worked through them, and how healing is an ongoing journey.
Our journey was never easy, but we believe that healing and reconciliation are within reach for everyone. “Rootbound” is an invitation to join us and find inspiration and encouragement, wherever you may be in your life. Pick up your copy today and let our story inspire you to embrace growth, love, and connection. Click the buy now button and start your healing journey!

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