Learning Should Be Fun

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Julie Kusma Author Interview
Derek King Author Interivew

Our Dinosaurs: Discoveries, Distinctions, & More takes readers on a journey through the prehistoric period to explore the age of dinosaurs and make the science of paleontology accessible to children and adults alike. What was the idea, or spark, that first set off the need to write this book?

I always had a fondness for dinosaurs as a little boy, and when Julie and I were discussing our next educational book to follow “Our Planets: Moons, Myths, & More,” I suggested we do a book about these ancient creatures. At first, Julie wasn’t as excited as I was, seeing the idea as a mammoth project, but she was equally excited as me when our research began.

What were some goals you set for yourself as a writer in this book?

We had several goals. First, we wanted to share dinosaurs that really don’t make it into the spotlight. Second, we always want to present information or find connections that perhaps haven’t been thought about or presented yet. Third, we always want to make a fun and entertaining presentation. Learning should be fun.

Did you discover anything surprising in your research of this book?

Yes, quite a bit. There is a diversity of dinosaurs, especially in their size, and there are discrepancies regarding each species. In the end, we reconciled this as paleontology is a living science, and by that we mean it is an ever-changing, ever-evolving science, as new information is found almost daily. We may never know all the truths about dinosaurs, but we know a heck of a lot more today than we did in 1676 when Robert Plot described the first dinosaur bone.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be published?

Julie and I are constantly working on books and since the publication of “Our Dinosaurs: Discoveries, Distinctions, & More” we’ve published our third children’s fantasy poetry book, “The Enchanted Faerie Realm, Too Volume 3,” a pair of ABC children’s concept books offering nutritional information entitled “Fruitabet: the alphabet one fruit at a time” and “Vegetabites: the alphabet one veggie at a time,” also “Ho’oponopono: Words to Forgive and Love, ”Illusion, The Lighter Half, Volume 4,” and “Slag & Other Worthy Things.” Oh, and “Monster Me ABCs: My First Look at Understanding Me,” a concept book about emotions with tips for parents on helping children de-escalate when their emotions run away.

Still, this year, we plan to publish the second book, “The Literary Hedgehog” in our Hedgerow Series, which includes book one, “The Poetry Mouse,” published in 2022, and maybe one more children’s book this year, too. Regarding my writing, I have two poetry books slated for publication, one in December of this year, “New Year’s Frost” and one in January 2025, “Beyond This Realm.” I’m also working on my first fiction novel. Julie’s writing a YA version about understanding emotions and has a MG supernatural vampire story coming out later this year. Next on our educational list of books to write? It just might be “Our Periodic Table,” and I wonder what fun spin we’ll put on it.

Julie L. Kusma Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Instagram | Website

Derek R. King Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Instagram | Website

From towering predators to armored behemoths, explore the remarkable diversity of dinosaurs and their unique adaptations…

Dive into the prehistoric world of “Our Dinosaurs: Discoveries, Distinctions, & More” and embark on an extraordinary journey through time. From the dawn of Earth’s formation to the twilight of the Mesozoic Era, this captivating book offers a panoramic view of the Triassic, Jurassic, and Cretaceous Periods, where giants once roamed and ruled.

Uncover the mysteries of Paleontology as you explore the fascinating realms of Saurischian and Ornithischian Dinosaurs. From the fearsome predators of the Theropoda and the colossal herbivores of the Sauropodomorpha to the majestic Ceratopsia, formidable Ankylosauria, and graceful Ornithopoda, witness the incredible diversity and distinctiveness of these ancient creatures.

Discover where dinosaurs are now and unravel the tales of the pioneering dinosaur hunters who traversed uncharted lands in the 1800s and 1900s, laying the groundwork for modern paleontological discoveries. Meet the trailblazers of today who continue to unearth new fossils and push the boundaries of our understanding of the prehistoric past.

Packed with mesmerizing artist representations, engaging activities, and some coloring pages, “Our Dinosaurs” offers an immersive experience for dinosaur enthusiasts of all ages. This book is sure to spark your imagination and ignite your passion for these ancient marvels.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/07/18/learning-should-be-fun/

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