Their Tragic Passion

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Susan E. Sage Author Interview

In Dancing in the Ring, you highlighted the story of a couple in 1920s and 30s Detroit who became known for their fierce commitment to social justice as they gained fame in dance halls and the boxing ring. What inspired you to write this story?

The story of my great aunt and uncle was one that my father shared quite often when I was growing up. Every time I heard it, or some part of it, I was amazed by these two relatives whom I had never met. While my father wasn’t the best storyteller, he talked about them with such passion that I could easily envision them. When I was younger, I probably romanticized Kate and Bob—their tragic passion. My father always encouraged me to write about them. I never thought I would until a few years ago. At that time, I had several vivid dreams about them, as well as my paternal grandparents. This was before I gave serious thought to writing the book. I guess you could say, the dreams inspired me, as well. As I was doing research for the book I was struck by their commitment to social justice and knew I wanted to incorporate it into the book. I didn’t want it to be simply their romantic courtship followed by their difficult marriage. Their lives were so much more than that. I was also inspired because I felt a need to honor their short lives.

How much research did you undertake for this book, and how much time did it take to put it all together?

I did a fair amount of research. I spent several months poring through family notes, photos, a few newspaper articles, and my father’s written account. I had a fair amount of information about my great uncle, but less about my aunt. There was very little I could find online, though I did find a few photos, as well as her college yearbook and some about his boxing career. While most of the characters were based on real people, some were not. I had no choice but to fill in the gaps with my imagination. Researching Detroit history online, as well as in a few books, helped me visualize the era. I spent close to a year on research, and almost two years writing the book. I worked from extensive notes and more of an outline than I usually do.

Were there any characters that you especially enjoyed writing for?

I especially enjoyed writing about Bob because I had more information about the Sage side of the family. Piecing it together made me feel like a sleuth. And yet I loved imagining what Kate must have been like, too. Since her family members were completely fictitious, I worried that it would be obvious. I wasn’t sure I could effectively fill in all the gaps. From the feedback I’ve received, I think I managed to do so. Another character I had a lot of fun writing about was Nana, Bob’s mother, who was my great-grandmother.

Can we look forward to more historical fiction from you soon? What are you currently working on?

This was my first attempt at writing historical fiction. I do have an idea for another one, but I’ve only written preliminary notes. My latest book will be published by Black Rose Writing this December. It’s a madcap river trip set in the 2030s. Magic Realism/Dystopian fiction probably best describes the novel’s genre. I’m currently working on a sequel.

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