Trust Yourself

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Lisa Summerour Author Interview

Divorce Is Not a Destination shares with readers your experiences and extensive work as a breakup and divorce coach so that they can navigate a post-divorce life and regain their own joy. What was the hardest thing for you to write about?

Of the taboo subjects I write about in Divorce Is Not A Destination, if I were to pick one that was more difficult than the others to address, it was sharing about how I contracted herpes. It was important, to be honest about my anger, frustration, confusion, and diminished trust while also owning my choices. Chapter 2 is where I cover the Loss Cycle, and it was the perfect place to share that experience in hopes that my story would support someone else in dealing with the emotional aspects of their situation.

In the last chapter, I do mention other taboo subjects. Even then, while I was willing to be vulnerable and honest about challenges and decisions, it was important that I didn’t derail people’s ability to stay focused on their own issues by sensationalizing mine.

The challenge for me was how to write a book that is, in many ways, about me yet still leaves space for the reader to find themselves in it so they can do their work as well.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

Key ideas for me include the framework of Accountability, Alignment, Communication, and Trust (A.A.C.T.). I truly believe using the AACT framework can put a person on their path to healing and experiencing joy. It is normal to hurt when we lose someone we love. I want people to embrace the fact that our emotions can teach us so much, and we need to learn from what we’re feeling so we can move into healing.

Another key idea is to be okay with challenging beliefs you haven’t explored or experienced yourself, especially when those beliefs leave you feeling shameful, guilty, or inadequate. There is something unhealthy about holding onto pain because it’s connected to someone we appreciate or admire.

Finally, I can’t say the phrase don’t be so hard on yourself was an idea because I think it’s okay to challenge yourself with difficult questions. It’s part of being accountable, which might not be easy at first. I think we could be more intentional about being kind and loving to ourselves. At the end of the day, I hope that the reader understands and embraces the importance of working on, loving on, and believing in oneself.

What is one thing you hope readers take away from your book?

Trust yourself! Whether you call it listening to your gut, your inner wisdom, or discernment, when we trust that voice inside of us, we learn we can face whatever life brings our way. We are perfectly designed to live our unique lives. This doesn’t mean we live anxiety-free; it means we learn to tap into a courage and curiosity that can carry us through challenges. It means we can cry, feel hurt, be disappointed, and know where and when to go for solace and support. We can sit in the emotion, knowing it’s temporary. Trusting yourself opens the door to believing that life is happening for you and not to you. That breeds confidence. And that’s joyful.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

If you’ve gone through a breakup or divorce, particularly a difficult one, “Divorce Is Not A Destination” was written with you in mind. Only someone who has experienced the heartache, disconnect, and self-doubt that come from an emotionally devastating breakup could write this book. Drawing from personal experience, Dr. Lisa Summerour’s masterful storytelling will draw you in, encouraging you to examine your own stories and challenge your beliefs around divorce. This book serves as a lifeline, reeling you into the light and back onto your path to empowerment. It is a gift and guide for anyone struggling with the pre- and post-complexities of divorce while navigating everyday life.

The personal reflection exercises, tools, and strategies will put you on the path to re-establishing boundaries and improving your ability to communicate, first with yourself and then with those close to you. Now is the time to rediscover what’s important, rebuild your confidence, and lead your best self forward. “Divorce Is Not A Destination” was written for you, now.

This book is for you if:
You’re divorced, on the brink of divorce, or seeking support following a breakup, and you need guidance on how to engage, ignite, and empower yourself emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.

This book will help you:
* Heal from heartache and stop hurting yourself emotionally.
* Identify emotions-don’t be controlled by them.
* Set boundaries for toxic behavior.
* Create a support team.
* Unlearn debilitating beliefs about divorce.
* Stop embodying lies.
* Tap into your intuition and trust yourself again.
* Talk to your child about the breakup or dating.
* Model recovery for your child.
* Embody the confidence people think you already have.
* Celebrate because joy is your birthright.

After more than one divorce, Dr. Lisa Summerour learned how to stand on her story and not be stuck in it. As a breakup and divorce strategist, Dr. Summerour is a Master Practitioner accredited by the International Divorce Coach Centre of Excellence and The Dash Charity, a UK-regulated domestic abuse charity.

You are not damaged, defective, defeated, or done, because “Divorce Is Not A Destination.”

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