Encourage, Motivate, and Empower Children

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Peni Clark Author Interview

Piper’s Perfect Pick follows a young girl frustrated with trying to excel in sports who takes the advice of her cat to try out boxing. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

​I absolutely love to box, even though I didn’t start boxing until I was 60 years old. The first time I punched a boxing bag I felt empowered. I thought, “Oh, I like this. I want to learn this sport!” So I did! Now I box 4-5 days a week.

Before I started to box, the only thing I knew about boxing was what I saw in the Rocky or Creed movies, which was pretty scary to me!

What I didn’t realize was that boxing is really about discipline, focus, and strategy, not just about throwing punches. It’s an amazing sport that is not well understood.

I wondered, “What if I had started to box when I was younger, say 8 or 9?” I probably would have been so much stronger, both mentally and physically. I would have had much more confidence in myself.

I started to think about how I wanted kids, especially little girls, to know that boxing is a great sport for them to try.

I thought, “Why don’t I tell them?”

Then…ding, ding, ding! The idea for Piper’s Perfect Pick came to me.

My rescue cat, Camelot, was the inspiration for Piper’s cat, Tater Tot. Before Cami got comfortable living with me, he would swat at my face whenever I walked by. I called him my little boxer! ​

The art in this book is fantastic. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Penny Weber?

I loved working with my illustrator, Penny Weber. We have a great relationship – after all, we are both a Peni/Penny! I had been looking for someone who did realistic illustrations, instead of cartoony ones. When I saw her portfolio I knew she was the one.

We are each other’s biggest fan – she loves my writing and I love her illustrations.

The only direction I gave Penny was the approximate age of my main character and the desire for her and her family to be of mixed race. Other than that, she had free rein. I had complete trust and faith that she would illustrate this book superbly – which she did!

Penny is already lined up to illustrate two more upcoming books of mine.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

I write books to encourage, motivate, and empower children, so my debut picture book needed to showcase all of those themes.

It was important to show that Piper’s family encouraged and supported her.

It was important that Piper showed resilience and determination to follow her own path, even though it was an unexpected choice.

And it was important that children feel personally empowered after reading Piper’s story. If she could do it, then they could too!

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

My next book, Heart Trouble for ZZ, is due out November 3, 2024. I have three more books coming out in 2025.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

In a world of frustrated sports attempts, Piper yearns to find her true calling. But just when she is on the verge of giving up, her cat, Tater Tot, inspires an unexpected idea: boxing. Piper discovers her passion while learning that courage isn’t just about throwing punches.

In this compelling tale of resilience and determination, Piper teaches us an invaluable lesson: true strength lies in the willingness to explore the unknown, to never surrender to failure, and to keep pushing the boundaries until we uncover our own unique path. Sometimes, what we love most is not what we expect, and Piper’s story serves as a powerful reminder that our passions are waiting to be discovered, only if we persevere and never stop searching.

In Piper’s Perfect Pick, witness a heartwarming transformation that will leave you cheering for Piper and inspire you to keep exploring until you, too, find the one thing that sets your soul on fire.

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/07/14/encourage-motivate-and-empower-children/

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