A Toxic Friend

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Carolyn Summer Quinn Author Interview

There’s No Cure for Impossible follows a young woman working in the news industry who finds herself increasingly entangled in a former friend’s web of dangerous lies that threaten her career. Where did the idea for this novel come from?

I had heard that when a baby is abducted from a hospital setting it’s usually done by a woman who is not a career criminal at all. It’s by a gal whose motivation is needing a child to try and bind herself to a man, and to pass the baby off as “theirs,” when it isn’t. She doesn’t want her man to get away. Well, that intrigued me no end! It’s bizarre, and so extreme, and I was off and running with creating a story around the idea of a woman who would be crazy enough to try to pull off that sort of a kidnapping. This one doesn’t happen in a hospital setting, though, the baby is snatched at a store, yet it’s done for the same wacky reason. The character of Mila has recently miscarried and takes an infant because she wants to hold on to her boyfriend. He’s gotten fed up with her, as just about everyone in her life eventually does…

What was the inspiration for the relationship between Selena and Mila?

I think everybody has had a situation or two where they have a toxic friend, and are pushed to the point that, for their own sake, they have no choice but to go their own separate way. You can only take so much. Decades ago I had a friend at an entertainment industry job, one who turned out to be a pathological liar and was prone to throwing spectacular tantrums if she didn’t get her way. It was unreal and it had to be seen to be believed. After I left that job, I put a stop to any further contact with that one. Enough! So that’s where Selena is at the start of this story. She’s written Mila off because she just can’t take all the drama and craziness that Mila generates any longer. She wants out of the friendship, and she gets out, but when Mila’s latest stunt of grabbing a baby makes headlines, Selena is working for a television news station and accidentally lands in the middle of another Mila mess…

What was your favorite scene in this story?

All of it was fun to write. I think the part where Selena meets with an FBI agent and finds out a few tidbits she hadn’t known before is my absolute favorite part of this one. That throws everything in disarray and for quite a loop besides. And while I don’t want to add any spoilers here, I’ll say this. I also really like the way I ended this story.

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

Believe it or not, this past winter and spring I worked on three books at a time! UNTIL THE STARS ALIGN, a historical novel about the Kindertransport and World War II, has already been released and it’s doing well. Then there was this one, THERE’S NO CURE FOR IMPOSSIBLE, and finally the third, THE TEETOTALER’S BAR. All of them were enjoyable to write. THE TEETOTALER’S BAR is about a young woman whose distant relative is murdered and leaves her a fortune, a puppy, a whole apartment building filled with tenants she has to contend with, and a bar and grill. But the girl is a healthy-living teetotaler. She initially isn’t thrilled with owning a bar, and she also wants to figure out the reason behind the murder. It’s going to be available soon! I’m also already hard at work on yet another one, a mystery involving exotic animal traffickers.

If I may add this, I’d like to encourage anyone out there who hasn’t already done so to go for it if they have a creative idea they’d like to put into action and pursue. It has worked so beautifully for me! Just give it a shot. And as the old adage goes, “No guts, no glory!”

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Selena had long realized her old school friend Mila was quite a toxic character and was becoming increasingly worse. When two incidents that can’t be ignored take place in a row, Selena decides she has no choice but to write Mila off, once and for all. Yet when, months later, Mila goes so far as to kidnap a baby girl to pretend it’s her own child, done as a way of trying to hold on to one of her inappropriate boyfriends, Selena, now working at a television news station, fears she’s going to be found out and exposed as an old friend of Mila’s. She wants nothing more than to remain uninvolved, but of course, that doesn’t work. Then the situation explodes in a whole different direction, Mila is dead, and the baby is nowhere to be found. Or is she?

Original source: https://literarytitan.com/2024/07/14/a-toxic-friend/

Categories: Uncategorized

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