Magic and Miracles

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J. A. Thinky Author Interview

Daniel Juventus and the Stonehenge – Gate of Magic follows a boy with a hand deformity who experiences vivid dreams revealing his destiny to free the King of the Kingdom of Light. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

My inspiration was when reading about examples of people with extraordinary strength despite their flaws, I also wanted to write such a strong character.

Daniel struggles with bullying and not knowing anything about his parents when he discovers he has a powerful destiny. What was your inspiration for Daniel and how did you craft his outlook on life?

My inspiration was to find a world where Daniel could change and start a new life to free himself from his destiny. I want Daniel to become a brave person, his outlook on life is to absolutely not give up what he dreams and pursues.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

The important themes I need to explore in the book will be the Amazing Science, magic and miracles, along with the mysteries of the world’s wonders, Friendship, love, and forgiveness.

Where does the story go in the next book, and where do you see it going in the future?

The story will lead readers through many worlds within magical worlds, places that readers have never known. I hope in the future it will be an endless source of inspiration to revive the era of fantasy literature again. If it could become a blockbuster film; that would be a wonderful thing.

Author Links: GoodReads | X (Twitter) | Facebook | Website | Amazon

Daniel Juventus has always been the brunt of teasing and bullying from his classmates; his peculiar nature and a slight deformity in his hand earns him his classmates’ mocking. It does not help that Daniel has never known his parents and only lives with his grandfather, which leaves a gaping hole in his heart. When Daniel begins having strange dreams, his grandfather finally admits to the truth of his parents’ disappearance. In one dream, Daniel is given a powerful key – an Ankh – and is told he is the Chosen One to free the soul of EV; the King of the Kingdom of Light, who is imprisoned alongside Dzărum; the Lord of Darkness.

When one night, a strange woman appears in his bedroom and guides him to a parallel world, Daniel thinks his mission to save both his parents and EV has finally begun. Little does he know, what lies beyond is a continuing stream of dark forces preventing him from fulfilling his mission. These forces are after the Ankh as it can unlock the gate to Hell. Daniel must do what he can to save those he holds dear and thwart all attempts of the minions of darkness to take over the goodness of the world.

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