Day: July 12, 2024

Georange Horange’s Storange

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Georange Horange’s Storange by Ryan Tait, illustrated by Julie Tait, is a delightful and imaginative children’s book that introduces readers to Georange Horange, a unique student at Sunny View School. This special school features a talented toy doctor, Dale, who creates custom toys to cater to its diverse student body. When Georange, a little orange, realizes no word in the English language rhymes with “orange,” Toy Doctor Dale steps in to lift his spirits. She invents an incredible sensory machine and names it after Georange. However, their journey doesn’t end there—they must now work together to get their invention’s name added to the dictionary.

The story of Georange and Toy Doctor Dale is a heartwarming tale of collaboration and innovation. Young readers will be captivated by the determined orange and the resourceful toy doctor, rooting for their success. Ryan Tait delivers a powerful message about teamwork, perseverance, and tackling challenges head-on. Georange Horange’s Storange is not only an engaging narrative but also a fantastic teaching tool that highlights diversity. Tait’s vibrant and expressive illustrations enhance the story, making it visually appealing and perfect for read-aloud sessions. The rhyming scheme throughout the book adds to its charm and accessibility for young readers. This story is an excellent addition to an elementary guidance counselor’s curriculum, offering valuable lessons in patience and determination.

I highly recommend Georange Horange’s Storange to parents and educators seeking inclusive and uplifting stories for their children. Ryan and Julie Tait have created a charming and inspiring book, and I eagerly anticipate more releases from this talented duo.

Pages: 38 | ISBN : 1990700411

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Dream It to Do It: The Science and the Magic

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Discover how ‘reality’ really works!

Integrating indigenous wisdom, spiritual experiences, and leading-edge scientific discoveries, Dream It to Do It will totally reshape your understanding of reality. This powerful book reveals the magical-like formula between envisioning the impossible and manifesting it into our external world.

Physician and Scientist, Dr. Howard Eisenberg, is a long-time explorer of the various realms of consciousness. In this multiple award-winning book, he shares his recent discoveries of our dream-like entrapment and liberation by ‘awakening’ to the underlying reality.

In this awe-inspiring book of spiritually and scientifically integrated ‘revelations’:

  • Discover who ‘You’ really are – beyond your ‘ego mind’ and brain
  • Transform your life by freeing yourself from the toxic emotions and illusions that entrap us
  • Apply your potential powers for ‘real magic’ – the kind that ‘manifests’ into physical reality!

As this inspirational & empowering book teaches – “The Now is your point of Power” – so order your copy now.

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New Tomorrows: Love – Courage – Hope

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New Tomorrows: Love – Courage – Hope, by Ann Heap, is a heartwarming tale of love, resilience, and community. Jon and Allie, both recovering from the trauma of 9/11, cross paths almost a decade later in the Virginia Appalachian Mountains. As their feelings for each other grow, they must overcome numerous obstacles before they can fully commit. This story is not just about two individuals finding love; it also chronicles the efforts of Jon, Allie, and the Hidden Valley residents as they create a domestic abuse advocacy program and shelter.

Charming, quaint, endearing, and peaceful are just a few words to describe this lovely book. The clean, slow-burn romance between Jon and Allie and the evolving sense of community among the Hidden Valley residents offer much to adore and revel in. Heap’s writing style is particularly noteworthy. Her vivid imagery immerses the reader in the story, making it come to life. In the opening crash scene, for instance, the disorienting yet eerily calm emotions Allie experiences are palpable, as if watching a movie unfold. The dialogue is another strong point, characterized by a realistic quality that avoids the overly sentimental tone often found in clean romance stories. Interactions between characters feel authentic, whether in simple morning conversations or in the sharing of thought-provoking memories. Heap skillfully captures the essence of human interaction. The pacing of New Tomorrows is also commendable. While the romance develops slowly, the story itself moves at a well-measured pace. Every word is carefully chosen, contributing to a smoothly flowing narrative.

If you are looking for a novel filled with heart and hope, New Tomorrows: Love – Courage – Hope, by Ann Heap, is a fantastic, cozy, and entertaining read. It is highly recommended and well-deserving of a spot on your TBR list.

Pages: 286 | ASIN : B0CHLFXCT8

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Sophie and the Swans

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Sophie and the Swans, written by Holly Peppe and illustrated by Aeron Cargill, is a beautiful and meaningful children’s book that will leave a lasting impression on readers of all ages. This book follows a young and compassionate girl named Sophie who lives on Fernwood Lake and enjoys watching and feeding the swans there. Sophie has created a bond with the pair of swans she has named Romeo and Juliet. One day, she sees Romeo in distress and rushes to see what is wrong, only to find a strange boy on the shore throwing rocks at them. She stands up to the boy, telling him that swans do not like bullies. Later she meets a nice boy about her age and discovers the bully is his brother and her new neighbor.

This children’s book provides readers with facts about swans and teaches children how they can deal with bullies in an empathetic and positive way. Standing up to a bully is hard, but Holly Peppe has shown that it can, indeed, be done and done in a way that fosters understanding and compassion, teaching children that just because someone is rude or a bully does not mean they are not deserving of help and kindness.

Holly Peppe has written a story that shows people are capable of change when others model kindness and compassion despite negative behaviors and attitudes. Cargill’s vibrant illustrations allow younger children who cannot yet read to follow the story and grasp the message while bringing out the beauty of swans.

Sophie and the Swans is a valuable educational story for both children and adults. It shows the good in people and their ability to change. Peppe’s story empowers readers to stand up to bullies and defend those who cannot defend themselves, whether it be children or animals. This lovingly-penned children’s book would make the perfect addition to a school or home library.

Pages: 36 | ISBN : 1947187147

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Elevating the Standard for Insight

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Melinda Spaulding
Mitch Tull Author Interview

Finding Insight explores the transformative power of understanding human behavior, demonstrating how deep insights into relationships can enhance personal interactions and professional strategies. Why was this an important book for you to write?

MS – For a marketer, insights are critical to understanding consumers. However, insights are not limited to marketing. We would argue insights are foundational to any relationship between people. However, we are not formally taught how to uncover insights. This seemed like a glaring gap in the market.

MT – The word “insights” is one of the most abused and overused terms in marketing today. From our viewpoint, the term “insights” has been used so much that it has become colloquial. In doing our research before writing the book, we saw there had only been a handful of books authored on the topic with a primary focus on the “what” and “why” of insight discovery. The goal of our book is to elevate the standard for what a true insight is, provide individuals with the “how” and the level of thinking needed to employ when it comes to the discovery and activation of an insight.

Can you share a personal experience that highlighted the importance of understanding human behavior, which you discussed in the book?

MS – This is why we used personal stories to set up each chapter and section. Insights are about people. The story that has had the most “energy” from our readers for me is “someone is quitting on Monday” which kicks off Chapter 5. This is my story about making the transition from employee to independent consultant/business owner. Second to getting married, it is probably the most important decision and transition I have made to date. This decision was deeply emotional and relatable to so many of us that are balancing work and life. In hindsight I can connect it to the content in the chapter, but at the time I was living and “feeling” it rather than following a process. In reality, we can have processes and tools, but insights are usually felt. I hope this story continues to resonate with others on a personal level.

MT – It’s hard for me to pick just one personal experience. The first story in the book is about my obsession with Mercedes Benz. My loyalty to the brand is rooted in a childhood experience and my belief as a marketer in the importance of delivering an exceptional customer service. I like this story because it illustrates how understanding and addressing specific pain points can lead to lifelong brand loyalty. Another personal experience for me is the story I tell at the beginning of Chapter 6 which is about the importance of gaining others perspectives. “Let’s Get Real” is a story about my faith which again started in my childhood and has largely shaped how I view and interpret the world and human behavior around me. Being paired to co-facilitate a men’s Bible study with someone else who could not be more different than me from a demographic, education, and race perspective really allowed me to see the world and my faith from a different perspective. Remaining in our own shoes to interpret someone else’s world means we will never understand another’s perspective. Rather, we will be stuck in our own judgment, assumptions, and biases. I hope this story will encourage others to let go of their own personal biases and assumptions through seeing the world from the other person’s perspective.

How do you believe your findings can impact the way professionals approach marketing and customer service?

MS – I think we are getting pushed to believe insights are going to come from more analysis and rigor with the advancements of AI and machine learning. While I believe this to be somewhat true, we also need to apply context and interpretation to these findings. AI and machine learning will find patterns—but as we described in the book there are other elements of insights like pain points, perspectives and perplexities. I hope we have given marketers the tools to be critical thinkers in the context of advancements in technology and analysis.

MT – I could not agree more with Melinda’s response here. The challenge with these new forms of data when it comes to finding insights is they tend to be more observational and based on model assumptions. Often, a body of data can create an image or picture of a situation, a person, or a customer, but it does not provide the full texture and context of why the behavior is occurring, so our imaginations or the machines fill that in. In addition, the media and the digital world have a huge influence and greatly contribute to shaping our images, impressions, and stereotypes of others. We live in an age today where we want instant answers and are quick to “google” or search the internet for information, often leading us to biased sources that may not reflect reality or the truth. All these things can lead to a lack of curiosity if one is not careful which Melinda and I believe is a key enabler for finding insights. I would hope that readers of our book will recognize that discovering insights is both an art and a science and it requires elevating one’s level of critical thinking to do it well.

What is the next book that you are working on and when will it be available?

MS & MT – Good question. We are gathering information from our current readers for Finding Insight to see where the need is in the market. Readers, we want to hear from you!

Author Links: Facebook | Website | Instagram

Finding Insight delves into the essential yet often misunderstood process of insight discovery. 
This valuable guide is for anyone seeking to comprehend the motivations behind human behavior. Unlike previous works which explored ‘what’ and ‘why,’ Finding Insights uniquely illuminates ‘how,’ equipping people with the analytical tools and mindset necessary for unveiling and utilizing insights effectively. 
Employing personal narratives, practical examples, and interactive exercises, Finding Insights makes complex concepts accessible and engaging, all while adding a dash of humor. From marketers aiming to decode customer behavior, to coaches inspiring teams, journalists investigating subjects, politicians resonating with constituents, or simply individuals wishing to better understand those around them, Finding Insights caters to all. Its purpose is to enhance critical thinking skills and provide a new perspective on how we interpret and react to the world around us.

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