Galatians 6:9

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Sandi Rebert Author Interview

In Due Season follows a fourteen-year-old boy who escapes a life of abuse by stowing away on a ship bound for the colonies, where he grows deeper in his Christian faith. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I like to “hook” my readers from page one of my stories, and an escape scene does just that. I’ve always been a fan of Charles Dickens, so I wanted to start with an “Oliver” twist by setting the story in a London workhouse. Five chapters later, he ends up in Williamsburg, Virginia, which is my favorite place to visit! I love the colonial era of American history, and with the Revolution taking place during the time of my story, there was a lot of action from which to draw. I also decided on the five major characters, all living in one household: James, the father, a loyalist with a debilitating disease; Bradley, his arrogant patriot son; Rebekah, James’ daughter embittered by her blindness and recent jilting by her fiance; Elizabeth, the newly orphaned housekeeper who is also tasked with the impossible job of helping Rebekah out of her self-pity, and John, the mistreated indentured servant. I had a general plot in mind, but with the characters’ differences and unique situations causing internal and external conflicts, they practically wrote the story themselves!

John endures many hardships and setbacks, but these only strengthen his faith as he moves forward. What were some driving ideals behind your character’s development and the development of his faith?

I love the character of John. He has suffered much, but because of a man who cares about his dire situation, he realizes God’s love for him and gives his heart to Christ. That decision, although he’s not perfect and struggles with anger, hurt, and bitterness, allows him to have the inner strength to face more difficulties. He grows in patience, love, and most importantly, the ability and desire to forgive.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

Forgiveness is a major theme, not just in this book but in most of my stories. The title, In Due Season, is taken from the Scripture verse, Galatians 6:9 – “Be not weary in well doing, for in due season ye shall reap if ye faint not.” This is the promise Elizabeth clings to when the progress in helping Rebekah seems slow.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

I never intended for this to be more than a standalone book. However, it is now Book 1 in a trilogy. Book 2, Season of Uncertainty, is scheduled to be released on October 1st! It covers 1778-1781. I was amazed when researching for the book how many things relating to the American Revolution happened in and around Williamsburg. It’s made for a very exciting story! The beloved characters from Book 1 are back, and some new characters are introduced. (There’s some sweet romance, too, as in all my books, but, as usual, it takes a back seat to the main plot.)

Author Links: GoodReads | X | Website

Born in a London workhouse, John has suffered years of physical and verbal abuse. Finally managing to escape, he stows away on a ship bound for the colonies, only to be discovered while out at sea. After another failed attempt at freedom, he is sold as an indentured servant to the bootmaker in Williamsburg, Virginia. His new-found faith in Christ is tested daily by his master’s arrogant son. Then Elizabeth walks into his life… (A Christian Historical Romance Novel)

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