Attitude is Everything

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Vickilynn O’Donnell Author Interview

In The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac, young readers will explore farm life with two grandparents who lovingly tend their animals and demonstrate the importance of hard work. What inspired you to write this story?

The answer to that question is simple, my parents. The characters in the series The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac are based on my mom and dad and the values, integrity, and importance of a job well done that they instilled in me and my brother. Mr. Mac, my father, Mr. McClure, is a retired veteran with the nickname Mac. My mother’s name is Jean Kingsberry and my father refers to her as Granny Jay Kay. When I was younger and growing up in the country we always had a large garden, animals, and chores that needed tending to. Looking back there were times the chores seemed never-ending yet my parents in no way swayed from the responsibility and taught us to do the same. They demonstrated the satisfaction of what hard work can bring. This is something I’ve carried with me throughout my life and feel the need to share and pass along as well. Although the other stories in the series move away from the farm, taking them on a variety of adventures, you will find underlying lessons in all the books. This first story, however, pays tribute to the love and respect I have for my parents and the deep values they taught me growing up. My hope is others will journey through their adventures and be encouraged to find their path and sense of belonging.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

One of the main ideas I want to capture in my books and in life is that attitude is everything. If we keep an open mind and a positive attitude, all is better. From completing a simple task to the most difficult, we can determine how we react, positive or negative. In life there will always be a “chore” needing to be completed and venturing in with a negative attitude just makes things that much more unbearable vs. completing something with a positive mindset, giving it your all, and then allowing yourself to feel a sense of accomplishment when it is achieved can and will be so much more rewarding. I also wanted to share the importance of slowing down, resting, and appreciating the beauty that surrounds us like standing on a porch watching fireflies with your mom.

The artwork in your book is wonderful. What was it like to collaborate with illustrator Jenna Jordan?

Jenna Jordan is a kind, beautiful soul. I so enjoyed how she took the words from my head and portrayed them on paper. With her simple but impactful illustration style, she completely brought the characters and stories to life. She is a pleasure to work with, goes above and beyond, and I will always be grateful to her for bringing Mr. Mac and Granny Jay Kay into reality!

Can we look forward to seeing more books from you soon? What are you currently working on?

As I shared, The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac is a series. As of now there are five adventures that either Mr. Mac, or Mr. Mac and Granny venture on. Each story stands on its own, yet also works together as they progress through the tales. For the most part everything is written and illustrated. Currently though, Jenna and I are fine tuning some of the illustrations for book two, The Amazing Adventures of Mr. Mac, The Magic Trap with The Poke-A-Dot Cap, and I hope to begin working with my publisher, Yorkshire Publishing, for its release soon. We are both excited and looking forward to seeing Mr. Mac and Granny continue their journey.

Author Links: Facebook | Instagram

Join Mr. Mac and Granny Jay Kay as they travel through their rhyming world, finding adventures in the simplest of places. In The Farm Life Way: With Granny Jay Kay, Volume 1, the series begins with a whimsical, rhyming tale of daily chores on the farm.

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