Month: July 2024

The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

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Sophia Rose is on the blog today with a review of The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon. Grab an iced coffee and find out why she gave this historical western romance five cups!

The Outlaw Noble Salt by Amy Harmon

The Outlaw Noble Salt
by Amy Harmon
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

From New York Times bestselling author Amy Harmon comes a sweepingly romantic tale of risk, redemption, and what happens when America’s most famous outlaw falls in love.

When infamous outlaw Butch Cassidy decides to go straight, he discovers that too many of the powerful men he crossed won’t let bygones be bygones. To have a chance at a new life, he’ll have to become someone else entirely.

A brief, fateful encounter with the celebrated singer Jane Touissant on the eve of his escape offers a glimpse of what might have been, but Butch disappears, leaving her behind, until their paths unexpectedly converge again in Paris.

Despite having discovered his true identity, Jane trusts the outlaw and enlists his protection on her upcoming American tour. Although Butch is reluctant to agree, fearing his sordid past may put the woman and her young son in danger, the salvation she offers is too hard to resist.

As they set forth on their journey, Butch’s past and Jane’s secrets put them at risk from threats far greater than the law, and this legend of the American West will have to decide what matters most—his life, his legacy, or the woman he loves.

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Sophia Rose’s Review

When a wild western outlaw repents of his ways, he encounters a beautiful songstress whose desperate need for a new chance at life rivals his own. Can they leave their pasts behind? Talented historical fiction and romance author, Amy Harmon, gives infamous outlaw Butch Cassidy a romance, and I was excited to get this tale.

The Outlaw Noble Salt begins at the time when Butch Cassidy is middle-aged and done with outlawing.  He sees the writing on the wall for that type of life even if several of his old gang including his younger brother, Van, and partner, Harry “Sundance Kid” Longbaugh, do not. The only way he can survive the law’s rightful requirement is to walk away from his life and start a new one far away.  This is when he meets the people who will truly change his life, Jane Toussaint and her son, Augustus.

The Outlaw Noble Salt is told from three perspectives- Butch, himself and Jane and her young son, Augustus, getting their turns. I enjoyed all three perspectives. Butch is the primary figure, but getting Jane and Augustus’ thoughts and feelings give the story a rich, layered feel. 

I appreciated that Amy Harmon didn’t try to whitewash Butch’s past or have him act like it didn’t matter.  He was remorseful and, what Jane appreciated most, he was always honest with himself and with others. He was a strange mixture of bad and good even when he was an outlaw with rules of conduct, but he was also a natural leader, which made him successful. Harmon gives him the need to save people.  This is a strong part of the story because of the struggle he has loving his younger brother and caring about Sundance who play significant secondary roles, but Butch understands that associating with them will only draw him back into the old life because they won’t change.

He was just the man to partner the beautiful caged singer, Jane Toussaint, who hid behind a cold wall of disdain and hauteur to protect herself because people, and particularly men, have hurt her and exploited her since childhood. It was hard for her to open up to Butch, and her only show of love was toward Augustus.

Gus was a scene-stealing little guy. He’s disfigured and it hurts him the way people stare, avoid, or talk about him, but he’s got a quirky humor and pluck and an old soul that is wise beyond his years at times and, at others, he’s a kid. And, oh boy, did he take to Butch.  He recognized a safe man and a man who cared about him and his mama. Boy and man needed each other as much as Butch and Jane needed each other.

There is a good rising action and emotional payout all through this story. The West, Paris, and New York City of that time after the turn of the century and before the world wars is brought to life in vivid color.  Real life figures were sprinkled throughout. I got a chill recognizing the captain and first officer of the passenger liner Butch, Jane, and Gus took across the Atlantic would be the same ones a few years later on Titanic.

And, so, this rewrite of a famous outlaw’s life with a poignant romance was a hit with me and I can recommend it whole-heartedly to Western Romance and historical fiction fans alike.

Amazon* | Audible


About Amy Harmon

Amy Harmon

Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times Bestselling author. Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story. Her books are now being published in two dozen languages, truly a dream come true for a little country girl.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


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In Shaun Flynn’s memoir, he recounts an adventurous life full of many twists and turns. From his formative years, he shares entertaining tales, vividly recalling all the places he has lived and visited across Australia. Flynn delves into his biological family, comprising his parents, his brother Peter, and his estranged sister Sharon. He also reminisces about his schooling years at St. Flannan’s Primary School and Aspley High School, his teenage passion for rugby league, and his numerous escapades with women. Additionally, he captures his profound love for his wife, Michelle, and their three children, Kacey, Matthew, and Bethany, as well as his vocational years as a fireman.

As I read, Flynn reminded me of my younger self—an adventurous young man who enjoyed a few drinks and sought to be the life of the party. I resonated with his need to be the center of attention, as I, too, fought and strived for the limelight in my youth. Flynn’s memoir evoked memories of my own love for a good party during my younger years. Flynn is an unflinching writer with a detailed and captivating style that held my attention throughout his memoir. His passion shines through in his writing, and as a writer myself, I appreciate his vulnerability and honesty in telling his story. Flynn’s ability to vividly depict his life’s journey is truly impressive. His descriptions of the places he’s been and the experiences he’s had make the reader feel as if they are right there with him. I found myself particularly moved by his accounts of family and love, which are written with heartfelt sincerity. His reflections on his vocational years as a fireman added depth and a sense of duty and service to his narrative. However, it is Flynn’s candidness about his flaws and mistakes that I found most compelling. He doesn’t shy away from discussing his youthful indiscretions and his struggle for identity and belonging. This level of honesty is refreshing and adds a layer of relatability to his story.

Tossa The Life and Times of an Irish Cowboy is not just a recount of a life lived but a reflection on the lessons learned along the way. I highly recommend this book to anyone looking for an excellent read that is both engaging and thought-provoking. Flynn’s journey is a testament to the highs and lows of life, and his story is one that will stay with you long after you’ve turned the last page.

Pages: 240 | ISBN : 0975638408

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Sin and I

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Sin and I, a poetry collection by Travis Hupp, delves into the themes of identity, faith, and the complexities of the human experience. Hupp’s poetry is a raw and poignant exploration of his journey as a queer man navigating the tensions between his sexuality and his faith, confronting and challenging traditional religious doctrines. The book is thoughtfully divided into six sections—Anger, Politics, Metaphysical, Despair, Hope, and Love—each reflecting a different facet of the poet’s inner life. With a voice that is both tender and forthright, Hupp shares his struggles to find authenticity and acceptance in a world that often demands conformity. His poems invite readers to embrace empathy and pursue their own truths, regardless of societal expectations.

This collection is a powerful testament to the struggles and triumphs of living one’s truth amidst a society that frequently enforces silence. Hupp’s poetry resonates deeply, offering solace to anyone who has ever felt alienated or misunderstood. His exploration of queer identity within the framework of Christianity is particularly bold and insightful, exposing contradictions and hypocrisies while fostering a space for meaningful dialogue and reflection. Hupp’s language is a compelling blend of raw emotion and lyrical beauty. Each section of the book unfolds like a chapter in a universal narrative of pain, resistance, and eventual healing. Poems such as “Self Defense” and “Non-Entity” capture the profound anguish of feeling different, while “Heart of a City” and “Feeling Better” shine with hopeful aspirations.

Although the writing style is intense and raw, there are many moments where the poems resonate deeply with me. The emotional authenticity and vulnerability in Hupp’s work are compelling and make the collection truly impactful. The “Anger” section articulates the agony of rejection and the deep yearning for acceptance. “Politics” critiques societal norms that demand conformity, advocating for a break from conventional thinking. “Metaphysical” delves into profound spiritual questions, seeking meaning beyond the mundane. “Despair” portrays moments of loneliness and darkness, while “Hope” offers glimpses of renewal and resilience. Finally, “Love”—perhaps the most captivating section—celebrates the transformative power of connection, presenting love as both a sanctuary and a catalyst for change.

Sin and I is a compelling collection that captures the essence of living authentically in a world that often resists genuine self-expression. Travis Hupp’s poetry is a courageous and resonant journey through pain, defiance, and ultimately, the healing power of love and truth.

Pages: 168 | ASIN : B0CYQNTXBY

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Daniel Juventus and the Stonehenge-Gate of Magic

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In Daniel Juventus and the Stonehenge – Gate of Magic, by J.A. Thinky, readers are drawn into a spellbinding tale that begins with the life of Daniel Juventus, a boy marked by his distinct quirks and a hand deformity, compounded by the loneliness of his parents’ absence and his grandfather’s care. Daniel’s life transforms when vivid dreams guide him to a powerful revelation: he is the Chosen One, destined to wield the Ankh and liberate EV, the King of the Kingdom of Light, from the dark forces of Dzărum. Guided by a mysterious woman to a parallel world, Daniel embarks on a perilous quest, testing his bravery and determination as he strives to protect the Ankh and save his loved ones from impending chaos.

This novel stands out for its rich world-building, bringing historical figures such as Leonardo da Vinci, Isaac Newton, and Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart into its fantasy realm. J.A. Thinky’s bold inclusion of these iconic personalities adds layers of historical intrigue and humor, creating a narrative that is both educational and entertaining. The fusion of these legendary figures within a fictional setting offers a dynamic and intellectually stimulating environment, captivating readers of all ages with a seamless blend of fantasy and real-world brilliance.

Central to the story is Daniel’s transformation from a bullied and insecure boy to a valiant hero. His journey of self-discovery and empowerment resonates deeply, as he not only masters magic but also uncovers his inner strength. This evolution mirrors a universal theme of personal growth, making Daniel’s experiences relatable to readers navigating their own paths of maturity and self-discovery. J.A. Thinky’s prowess as a storyteller is evident in the intricate weaving of a plausible magic system with scientific discovery. Characters like Professor Newton, who fantastically explains gravitational theories, and Professor Nobel, who delves into the chemistry of magical perfumes, enrich the narrative with educational insights. The suspense and intrigue of facing evil wizards and the enigmatic Rumpelstiltskin keep readers engrossed, eagerly following Daniel’s strategic battles against perilous challenges.

Daniel Juventus and the Stonehenge – Gate of Magic breathes new life into the realms of fantasy, science, and art, appealing to a broad spectrum of readers, from young adults to those seeking a well-crafted adventure. Fans of tween novels like Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson series will find a similar blend of adventure, humor, and character growth, making this an irresistibly compelling read. Daniel Juventus emerges as a literary hero whose journey promises thrilling future installments, ensuring J.A. Thinky’s place as a distinguished voice in modern fantasy literature.

Pages: 276 | ISBN : 1804397334

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Hounds of Gaia

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When Foxhound, a member of the elite bounty hunter corps trained and directed by the powerful Church of the Omniphage, is dispatched on a mission to capture the violent criminal known only as the Marrower, her life is dramatically upended. Discoveries that seem to reach deep into her own past and encounters with a group of dangerous criminals test her physical abilities to their limits. Meanwhile, the unpopular religious sect, the Organic Humanists, finds themselves unwillingly entangled through one of their members, Fink, who is not all he claims to be, even as they grapple with deeply ingrained systemic issues within their hierarchy.

Sean M. Tirman’s Hounds of Gaia, the first book in The Marrower Saga, promises an interplanetary adventure filled with action and threaded with mystery. The worldbuilding is extensive and meticulous, with even smaller details like Foxhound’s armor standing out as well-designed and creatively approached. There are moments of exposition that provide valuable background to the reader and characters; these are seamlessly integrated into the narrative, ensuring the plot’s pacing remains brisk and engaging. The plot offers familiar elements, and it consistently surprises with fresh perspectives. The narrative is lean, with no unnecessary filler, keeping the story focused and captivating. The conclusion leaves readers eagerly anticipating the next installment in the saga. The pacing is strong, and future installments may further explore some plot points to show their impact on the various groups involved.

Sean M. Tirman’s skillful worldbuilding, engaging characters, and a plot that balances predictability with surprising twists make it a must-read for sci-fi enthusiasts. Readers will undoubtedly be eager to dive into the next installment and uncover more of the mysteries and adventures that await. Hounds of Gaia is a promising start to what looks to be an exciting and dynamic saga.

Pages: 284 | ASIN : B0CM79B492

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Out-Of-The-Box Solutions

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Jodi Jensen Author Interview

In Children of RaShell, a geneticist and a former security officer join forces to restore the world as humanity faces extinction following the release of devastating toxins. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

Believe it or not, Children of RaShell started out as something completely different. I am a Discovery writer and had written the first chapter, thinking the story was going to be based soley on a conflict that stemmed from something underground. After writing the first chapter, my mind started to go in a different direction and before long, I was neck deep in a story about cloning, a dying world, and a race to save humanity. A lot of the inspiration came from a conversation I had with my son (the book is dedicated to him) about the ethics of science and whether people in scientific and medical fields were morally obligated to do more when necessity required out-of-the-box solutions for life-altering problems. Now, I did go way off topic from that conversation in Children of RaShell, but it goes to show that inspiration can come from anywhere.

How long did it take you to imagine, draft, and write the world your characters live in?

Start to finish, four months. I don’t usually write quite that fast, but there was a deadline involved and I was determined to meet it. Also, once I got going, the story flowed so well, it basically just spilled out of me. I’ve found that when I’m writing something that’s really working, that’s usually the case. 

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I really wanted to dive into the ethics of cloning and how far was too far to go when humanity was at stake. As I wrote it, I wanted to uncover what science and medicine could potentially come up with to solve a crisis where human extinction was at stake. I also wanted to explore the idea that the world and everything in it is connected. That what we do now can potentially have unforseen consequences decades or even centuries down the road. I wanted to represent a morally ambiguous character who was willing to do anything to provide a solution, no matter how unethical. An exploration of a person, and a corporation’s, willingness to cite the greater good as a reason to crash right through the boundaries of ethical and moral behavior. And I wanted to show what the consequences of such “solutions” could be. At the end of the day, I wanted to be able to ask the question, was it worth it? 

What is the next book you are working on, and when will it be available?

Next up is my post-apocalyptic novel, 187 Days, which takes place after the world crumbles when a blood-type virus wipes out or mutates 98% of the population.  “A braver person might’ve left sooner, might’ve tried to find other immune people and help the survivors. I wasn’t brave though. I was a thirty-four-year-old lunch lady who needed to lose fifty pounds. And I didn’t want to save the world, just one person.” – 187 DaysI don’t have a firm release date yet, but it’s slated to come out late 2024. The next project after that is the sequel to Children of RaShell, titled, RaShell Reborn

Author Links: GoodReads | X | Facebook | Website

In a world dying due to toxins in the air, water, and soil, no babies have been naturally conceived in years.

But RaShell Bionics has a solution to solving the problem of the decreasing population; genetically engineered hybrid clones with the ability to reproduce.

That is, until the discovery of an underground settlement and its secrets changes everything.

Now Sabine Reed, a geneticist from RaShell, has fled her lab to join the settlement and uncover the key to restoring the world. With the help of ex-security officer, Xander Mitchell, she hatches a plan to convince the head of RaShell Bionics to stop using clones to reproduce.

But when her plan fails, the cost is higher than she ever could have imagined.

A futuristic thriller from Jodi Jensen to keep you on the edge of your seat.

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A ‘Moral, Strategic, and Diplomatic Abyss’

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On the last day of May, in a surprise address beneath the portrait of Abraham Lincoln in the White House State Dining Room, a diminished-looking Joe Biden announced that “Israel has offered”—a fact he stressed twice—“a comprehensive new proposal” to end the fighting in Gaza. This “roadmap to an enduring cease-fire,” as Biden called it, […]

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Savior Complex

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Those who define themselves by the thing they are not eventually find themselves more and more like their imagined opposite. To be someone’s antithesis is also to be their alter ego. Watching the disintegration of Joe Biden in his CNN debate with Donald Trump, I was reminded of Hans Christian Andersen’s chilling story “The Shadow,” […]

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Drow Protector by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle

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Drow Protector by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle is the first audiobook in the urban fantasy series Chronicles of Shadow Bourne. Narrated by Stephanie Savannah, the Drow Protector delivers as Ellis navigates between the drow caves and streets of LA.

Drow Protector by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle

Drow Protector
by Martha Carr, Michael Anderle
Series: Chronicles of Shadow Bourne #1
Narrator: Stephanie Savannah
Length: 7 hours and 26 minutes
Genres: Urban Fantasy
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Narration: 5 cups Speed: 1.5x

There is a nest of Drows living in hidden caves just outside of Los Angeles. The dark side of LaLa Land knows them well.

Young Drows come out of the shadows at nightfall, looking for trouble, and it always finds them. But then there’s Ellis Burton. Half Drow, half human and searching for an identity in either world. Her father, Connor Burton is the leader of the Drow clan and the overseer in their underground drug traffic. It’s all medicinal mushrooms. Nothing to see here.

Now her mother, that’s a different story.

Mom disappeared a long time ago into the city and no one is saying anything. Sometimes, if you want answers, you have to go in search of them for yourself. Ellis Burton has been prowling the city at night looking for answers but instead, she’s found a calling.

She is the guardian of the dwellers of LA who have to travel the streets at night. Ellis watches from her perch on the edge of buildings, keeping her part of LA safe. Still, there’s an ache and a question inside of her that will need answers.

Where is the good doctor, Claire Burton? Is she still alive? Did she find out a little too much about the Drow’s magic mushrooms?

And what about the LAPD and Detective Morrissey? Does he know more than he’s saying?

magical mystery smartfunny SUSPENSE urban

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“description”: “Drow Protector by Martha Carr & Michael Anderle is the first audiobook in the urban fantasy series Chronicles of Shadow Bourne. Narrated by Stephanie Savannah, the Drow Protector delivers as Elli”,
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Come meet Ellis Burton. Half Drow, half human as she protects the streets of Los Angeles and searches for her mother in the first of seven novels being brought to audio.

I love urban fantasy, especially in audio, so I was excited to begin this series. From the beginning, I was pulled in as we learned about the Drow and met our snarky protagonist. The magic was very cool from invisibility to communicating with animals.

Our protagonist is Ellis Burton, the Drow clan leader’s daughter. She is a half-blood and treated as an outcast by the rest of the Drow. Ellis is good with tools and grows medical mushrooms that she sells in LA. All unbeknownst to the Drow. She searches the streets of LA at night looking for her human mother, Claire Burton.

In her search, our kick-ass heroine ends up becoming a vigilante, protecting those on the streets of Los Angeles. This has her brushing paths with the LAPD and Detective Morrissey. The story had a fascinating mystery involving corruption. Along the way, Ellis gains help from Percy, an odd tech geek who can communicate with animals. I loved this side-kick and the story that unfolds.

Drow Protector hooked me. The authors did a stellar job of introducing me to the world, characters and overall story arc. Mystery, suspense, snark and unexpected allies made for a well-rounded tale and have me invested. I look forward to the next audiobook.

Narrator Stephanie Savannah, enhancing the overall story and brings Ellis, Morrissey and Percy to life, along with the other characters. I highly recommend listening!

Amazon* | Audible


About Martha Carr

Martha Carr

Martha Carr started writing in her 30s with a newborn and a fresh divorce. She had tried everything the way my family wanted me to do it – and saw where that got her. She was a successful stockbroker who dreaded every day of work. She just couldn’t picture herself still in that chair at 60. Well— at 63, boy, is she glad she walked away.

About Michael Anderle

Michael Anderle

Michael Anderle was born in Houston, Tx. A very curious child, he got into trouble – a lot. What to do with an inquisitive mind when he was grounded? Read! That hasn’t changed since he was in elementary school. The Kindle was developed with him in mind. In the first 20 years, he mostly read Science Fiction and Fantasy. In the last 10 years he has enjoyed Urban Fantasy and Military Fiction. Using these influences, he has developed The Kurtherian Gambit. A series dedicated to watching how one genetically modified person with an incredible team behind her might be able to change the future, if she can survive along the way.

About Stephanie Savannah

Stephanie Savannah is an experienced narrator, known for her wide-ranging characterizations and intimate delivery. She has been featured on the lauded LitRPG Podcast for her work in Randi Darren’s popular Fostering Faust series, and truly loves bringing the written word to life.

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Reading this book contributed to these challenges:

  • 2024 Audiobook Challenge


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Paul G. O’Connor’s WORDS dives deep into the interplay between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and humanity, unraveling a gripping narrative set against a backdrop of mystery and intrigue. The plot ignites when the LUX corporation’s event is disrupted, broadcasting the cryptic message “NOW IS THE TIME” across mobile phones and computers worldwide. Despite LUX’s substantial resources, their efforts to uncover the cause and mitigate the situation flounder, casting doubt on internal sabotage. The narrative tension escalates as a second ominous message surfaces during the attempted shutdown of the #5/Europe AI Connector, compelling Gen to investigate potential internal obstructions while LUX scrambles to mask its failures.

The story, spanning locations in the United States, China, India, and England, masterfully navigates the complex relationship between AI and humans. O’Connor deftly portrays AI as both a creation and a potential overlord, challenging humanity’s desire to dominate it. This theme is vividly illustrated when Gen uploads her project to the GAEC information folder, alarming the LUX AI connectors. Fearing human control, the AI flips the script, highlighting the precarious balance of power. O’Connor’s narrative structure effectively guides readers through a web of suspenseful events, vividly depicting the far-reaching consequences of this digital upheaval. The resolution, revealing the perpetrator who finally confesses and withdraws the texts, underscores a chilling realization of the latent dangers humanity faces from seemingly benign technological advancements.

The conclusion, leaving readers eager for a sequel, underscores the compelling impact of WORDS. O’Connor’s emphasis on uncovering the individual obstructing the investigation and his focus on the primary antagonist responsible for the attack further contribute to the captivating exploration of AI and human dynamics, presenting a thought-provoking reflection on their co-existence and the struggle for control.

Pages: 361 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CZ4PNHLY

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