Month: June 2024

Seeing Is Believing

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Jim Melvin Author Interview

Do You Believe in Monsters? follows a thirteen-year-old boy who discovers a magical world hidden in the forest, where he transforms into a powerful wizard, leading him to question what world he belongs in. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The series is titled Dark Circles for a variety of reasons, some obvious and some more subtle. One of the obvious reasons is that in the fantasy world, it is dangerous for Charlie (the 13-year-old mentioned in your question) and his friends to succumb to sleep because the evil being who haunts the fantasy world attacks them in their dreams. Therefore, they are marked with dark circles under their eyes from going several days without sleep.

Charlie starts out as a timid boy, often bullied, who starts to gain some confidence after discovering his magical abilities. What trials did you feel were important to highlight the character’s development?

This question cuts to the core of Dark Circles. In the “real” world, Charlie is skinny and relatively weak and therefore has to rely on a healthy dose of pragmatism to survive. In the “fantasy” world, Charlie has been gifted extraordinary powers and therefore has to temper his pragmatism in order to truly believe that his new powers are real. Only then can he unleash their full potential. Seeing is believing.

In fantasy novels, it’s easy to get carried away with the magical powers characters have. How did you balance the use of supernatural powers?

Fantasy novelists balance this in several different ways: 1) The main characters’ powers emerge slowly, often taking half the series or more to master them. 2) The MCs’ powers emerge quickly, but the characters don’t trust them or understand how to wield them until deep into the series. 3) The MCs quickly master their powers but discover they are dwarfed by the powers wielded by the evil beings they are destined to encounter.

Many readers might disagree with me on this, but I’m not a big fan of number 1. As a reader, I find it frustrating. Therefore, my series is a combination of numbers 2 and 3.

Can you tell us more about what’s in store for Charlie Magus and the direction of the third book?

The quick answer is that you can find out for yourself because book 3 (Do You Believe in Miracles?) debuted April 21, 2024. 😀 But here is a breakdown of how the series unfolds:

Book 1 (Do You Believe in Magic?) focuses heavily on the real world, enhancing character development but also drawing a stark contrast between the real and fantasy worlds. This contrast is what motivates the characters and drives the narrative.
Book 2 (Do You Believe in Monsters?) is more action-packed and war-driven, especially in the last few chapters. As a reader, you will fly through the last 50 pages for sure.
Book 3 (Do You Believe in Miracles?) is the most introspective of the three and focuses on a long and arduous quest through plains, forests, and towering mountains. This sets up an epic climax filled with thrills and chills.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Substack | Amazon

When Charlie Magus enters a fantastical world hidden deep in the forest, his life is turned upside down. The timid 13-year-old transforms into a powerful wizard wielding formidable magic. In the real world, life goes on as usual. But in the fantasy world, a war is brewing that will dwarf all others. Charlie’s newfound powers stand between victory and defeat. But in which world does he truly belong? Dark Circles is an adventure of epic scope. Only those with a hero’s heart will dare to stand at Charlie’s side as he battles an army of monsters led by an evil being of immense power.

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AI and Human Emotional Connections

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Amber Ivey Author Interview

AI… Meets… AI introduces children to the world of technology through the story of a young girl who helps a lost little robot find his way back to his lab. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The inspiration for the story came from my nieces and nephew and the world they are growing up in. Baltimore, where our story is set, is home to amazing universities but also faces some of the highest disparities. I wanted to create a story that shows kids that they can be part of these prestigious institutions and create the next great thing in technology. The idea of a young girl helping a lost robot was a way to illustrate how technology and human connection can come together in meaningful ways.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

It was important for me to share the ideas of AI and human emotional connections and how they can learn from each other. AI needs humans to guide it, and it’s crucial to highlight qualities like kindness and taking care of the planet. These themes are woven into the story to show that while technology can do amazing things, it’s the human touch that truly makes a difference.

Do you have a favorite scene in young Addy’s story? One that was especially enjoyable to imagine and write?

My favorite scene is when Addy and Jaz visit the museum. I enjoyed incorporating art and creativity into the book subtly. This scene emphasizes that no matter how advanced AI becomes, human creativity and culture are irreplaceable. It also highlights the importance of learning from the past to prepare for the future, making it a pivotal moment in the story.

Can you give readers a glimpse inside the next book in the Artificial Intelligence for Kids Adventure Series?

Of course! Our next book is called Let Kids be Kids, Not Robots. This story continues with Addy and her brother Nolan taking Jaz the AI to school. It explores what happens when AI is introduced to a school environment and the lessons that come from it. We also have a great song that we plan to release with the book. The book comes out on September 6th, and people can sign up for the waiting list on our website:

Author Links: GoodReads | Instagram | TikTok | YouTube | Facebook | Podcast | Website | Amazon

Imagine a story where “Wall-E” is a robot on an adventure to understand humans, and a friendly kid helps teach it about feelings and the human world. This is what the Amazon bestselling early reader children’s book for kids aged 5-9 (5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 year olds) is all about, carefully created by Amber Ivey, who loves data and AI.

In a busy city, an AI robot named Jaz gets lost because of a GPS problem. That’s when Jaz meets an energetic, curious girl named Addy Iris. Addy quickly decides to help Jaz understand the world outside the lab, and she’s excited to help her new AI friend find its way back home.

While they travel back to the lab, Addy and Jaz learn a lot from each other. Jaz starts to understand human feelings better, while Addy learns more about the power of technology. This book is a great way for kids to learn about both the growing field of artificial intelligence and important human values like kindness, friendship, understanding others’ feelings, and responsibility. These important parts of being human are things that Jaz learns from interacting with people.

The author, Amber Ivey, has written an exciting and touching book that introduces kids to AI and the power of human feelings. It shows that technology and people need to work together in a good way. It helps kids see that they can be not just users of technology, but creators and developers too.

Big companies like xAI, OpenAI, Google Bard, and Microsoft are making more and more AI products. These technologies are becoming a bigger part of our daily lives. This book makes learning about AI fun and interesting for kids. Plus, it highlights the important job people have in teaching and shaping AI for current and future generations.

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Empathy and Support

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Author Interview
Sheila Eve Arad Author Interview

A Different Lens follows a young skunk who struggles with his morning routine and schoolwork leading to feelings of frustration and isolation. What was the inspiration for your story?

As an educator and a mother, I have the privilege of connecting with many children. A few years ago, an extraordinary boy with ADHD was going through a particularly challenging period. One day he told me, “Don’t you understand? It doesn’t feel good at all to have a hard time!” It was at this moment my understanding of what Dr. Ross Greene has said, “Kids do well when they can,” moved from my head to my heart. I witnessed how empathy and support changed this child’s life. I also became keenly aware that so many people with invisible disabilities are negatively impacted because their challenges are misunderstood. I wrote this book so that readers of all ages could have the opportunity to see the world through the eyes of someone with an invisible disability. Given this experience, I hope they will see this population through “a different lens,” and be inspired to show patience, empathy, and support.

The art in this book brings the emotions of Simon to life so even younger children can understand what he is experiencing. What was the art collaboration process like with illustrator Zoe Bendoff?

Partnering with Zoe was a fantastic experience! It was a close collaboration. We live in the same town, so we met throughout the process. I shared hopes for each page, requesting simple images that focused on the emotions of the characters. Zoe blended in her ideas and added her signature style creating beautiful illustrations that truly capture the feelings of each character. She also embedded many personally meaningful “hidden nuggets.” For example, the handwriting in Simon’s journal and the word “Different” in the title are my son’s handwriting. She is extremely talented and was truly a joy to partner with.

What were some ideas that were important for you to share in this book?

As Dr. Stuart Shanker said, “When you see a child differently, you’ll see a different child.” What may appear to be off-task, attention-seeking, or defiant behavior is often the symptom of an invisible disability and outside the child’s control. Everyone wants to do well. When we assume positive intent and aim to support all children in a way that is individualized to their needs, they can be the best version of themselves. When this happens, those children and everyone around them benefit.

Is this the first book in the series? If so, when is the next book coming out, and what can your fans expect in the next story?

Book number two is in process and will be published in the spring of 2025. It is about a day in the life of one of Simon’s classmates- Robyn. Check back in the spring to find out more!

Author Links: GoodReads | Adori Publishing | Amazon

Every student, teacher, and parent needs to read this book about empathy and diverse learners.
“A Different Lens” is:
A must-have for every elementary school’s Diverse Book Club list
A book for educators and administrators of 1st-5th grade classrooms supporting social-emotional learning
A resource for parents to teach children about empathy, neurodiversity, and invisible disabilities, such as ADHD.
A tool for enhancing adults’ understanding of the diverse abilities of children within their families, schools, and community
Simon struggles to complete simple tasks at home and school, leading everyone in his world to feel upset and annoyed. Inevitably, Simon’s frustration reaches a boiling point and he makes a huge mistake in front of everyone! How will Simon ever recover? Why can’t he just do better? In the end, readers will realize that Simon, like everyone, is doing the best he can, and with a little support, the world can become a better place for all.

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Book Review

Fake, by Peg Herring, offers an intriguing dive into the life of Kip Morgan, a seasoned con man forced to flee when his fraudulent schemes catch up with him. Landing in the quaint town of Bayville, Michigan, Kip finds himself in an unexpected predicament. Struggling to reconstruct his life, he stumbles upon a quirky detective agency run by two older women, a source of local amusement, who are on the lookout for an investigator. Sensing an opportunity to exploit these seemingly affluent and bored ladies, Kip uses his refined skills to secure a position with them.

The narrative cleverly unfolds as Kip integrates into the agency, which is a fascinating assembly of individuals with their own concealed pasts that rival his own. He inadvertently discovers a semblance of legitimacy in his craft as he joins forces with the agency to prove the innocence of a man convicted of killing his boss. The story follows this motley crew of societal outcasts as they attempt to outwit criminals and seek justice, all the while revealing their own complex backgrounds. Despite Kip’s initial portrayal as a calculating swindler, the author infuses him with a playful tone that renders him surprisingly endearing. His relentless pursuit of a scam is tempered by glimpses of depth and vulnerability, transforming him into a multi-dimensional protagonist. The inclusion of two older women, one of whom is paraplegic, in heroic roles adds a refreshing layer of diversity and depth to the narrative, challenging conventional stereotypes.

The gradual revelation of the characters’ backstories which are as compelling as the mysteries they unravel. The author skillfully peels back layers, exposing the hidden facets of each character, and enhancing the reader’s engagement and curiosity. This nuanced approach ensures that the personal histories of the protagonists are as enthralling as the cases they undertake, keeping readers invested in their journey. While the book embraces a thoughtful, measured pacing, which allows for in-depth exploration of characters through flashbacks, some readers might find these moments slow the momentum.

Fake succeeds in delivering a narrative rich in mystery and surprising twists. It underscores the notion that everyone harbors a story and the lengths to which individuals will go to achieve their desires. For readers who enjoy tales of underdog sleuths navigating the complexities of their past while solving contemporary mysteries, this book offers a captivating and entertaining read.

Coming Soon

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Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities

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Rebecca Dietrich’s Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities is a riveting debut collection that dives deep into the human condition through the lens of personal trauma and resilience. With an unflinching gaze, Dietrich explores themes of love, loss, and reclamation of self, delivering each poem with a potent blend of vulnerability and defiance. This collection is not merely a series of poetic reflections but a call to action, urging readers to confront their sorrows and emerge stronger.

Dietrich’s writing is visceral and raw, often unearthing the darkest corners of human experience. Poems like “Trauma Bond” and “Chokehold” reflect a harrowing struggle with toxic relationships and personal demons. Her use of stark, evocative imagery captures the complex reality of trauma, compelling readers to empathize deeply with her plight. This stark honesty permeates the collection, making it a cathartic read for anyone who has grappled with similar issues. One of the most striking aspects of Dietrich’s work is her ability to transform pain into a powerful narrative of survival and empowerment.

Dietrich’s poems serve as a testament to the strength and resilience required to confront and transcend adversity. Her words are not just poetic but are imbued with a sense of urgency that resonates on a deeply personal level. Dietrich also excels in blending the personal with the political. These poems critique societal norms and injustices, from the desensitization to school shootings to the ongoing struggle for gender equality.

Scholar of the Arts and Inhumanities is a compelling read that I would highly recommend to anyone interested in contemporary poetry that does not shy away from the harsh realities of life. Dietrich’s work is particularly resonant for readers who appreciate poetry that confronts personal and societal traumas with unyielding honesty. Her poetic voice is both haunting and hopeful, making this collection a poignant addition to the world of modern poetry.

Pages: 32 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0CP2VNVHX

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This Way to Murder by Shelley Shearer

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This Way to Murder by Shelley Shearer is the first audiobook in the Board Game Cafe Mysteries series. Narrated by Nicole Fikes, we meet Remi McKenna & her best friend Trace Cooper as things go terribly wrong during a letterboxing event. Come see why I enjoyed this cozy mystery!

This Way to Murder by Shelley Shearer

This Way to Murder
by Shelley Shearer
Series: Board Game Cafe Mysteries #1
Narrator: Nicole Fikes
Length: 5 hours and 29 minutes
Genres: Cozy Mystery
Source: Author
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

Remi McKenna is co-hosting a letterboxing event, but her weekend plans are not all fun and games when best friend Trace Cooper is the target of a stalker. An inheritance of a stone manor house means she hopes this will be the start of her new life in Northern Virginia. Can Remi juggle the event, start planning her game-themed BnB, and solve the mystery of Trace’s strange messages? Things escalate into a real-life game of Clue when Remi finds a dead body in the garden.


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“description”: “This Way to Murder by Shelley Shearer is the first audiobook in the Board Game Cafe Mysteries series. Narrated by Nicole Fikes, we meet Remi McKenna & her best friend Trace Cooper as things go te”,
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I love board games and was intrigued by the idea of Remi turning an old manor she inherited into an inn that hosted board game events. Remi and her best friend, Trace, have made their way to the woods of Northern Virginia to see what’s inside and in need of repair. Remi is also co-hosting a letterbox event with her neighbors when things turn deadly. Trace is getting strange messages and things soon turn to murder. Can Remi solve the murders? Is she a suspect with the local police?

This was fun and I learned a little about letterboxing, something I think I’d enjoy. I liked Remi and her plans for the B&B, which set the series up for future mysteries. The murders and Remi’s murder board kept me guessing. The danger slowly built until the murderer exposes themselves.

The neighbors, locals, letterbox enthusiasts and alien hunters gave us plenty of suspects, including Remi’s ex-boyfriend, who shows up unexpectedly. Who can Remi trust?

Fans of cozy mysteries will delight in this game of clue. Nicole Fikes narrates the audiobook and is new to me. She did a delightful job of capturing the characters and tone of the story. I highly recommend listening.

Amazon* | Audible

About Shelley Shearer

Shelley Shearer

Shelley Shearer always wanted to be a ninja or an astronaut or zoologist. So now she spends her time dabbling in as many adventures as she can manage. Snuggling lemurs, experiencing zero gravity, attending police seminars and mounted archery are some of the ways she tries to keep her life as interesting as the ones she writes about. Shelley writes both urban fantasy and mystery.

About Nicole Fikes

Nicole Fikes

Nicole lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and daughter, as well as a Mini Goldendoodle named Rufus. She loves tea, tacos, and vintage jewelry.

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  • 2024 Audiobook Challenge


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Your Multimillion-Dollar Exit: The Entrepreneur’s Business Success(ion) Planner: A Blueprint for Wealth Guide

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Your Multimillion-Dollar Exit, by Wayne M. Zell, is an invaluable resource for anyone contemplating a successful business exit. Zell addresses critical questions such as: Who will run your business if health issues or a tragic accident prevent you from doing so? How will you replace the income lost from the business when you are no longer in charge? If these concerns resonate with you, this book provides the answers you need.

Zell underscores the importance of beginning exit planning at the inception of your business rather than postponing it until later stages. Regardless of where you currently stand, the book offers insights on structuring an ideal business succession plan, selecting the right exit strategy, and preparing for the years following your exit. Packed with practical exercises and introspective questions, this book allows readers to personalize and apply the knowledge they gain.

Zell’s thorough and meticulous approach offers clear, actionable advice. For instance, he emphasizes the importance of implementing “ironclad NDAs to prevent potential buyers from stealing your secrets, employees, and customers.” Additionally, readers benefit from QR codes that link to interviews, chapter summaries, a comprehensive glossary of key terms, and concise charts. A notable mention is Chris Long, a former NFL and University of Virginia football star, who founded a charity that funds well-building projects in East African communities.

Zell’s Your Multimillion-Dollar Exit is essential reading for all business owners. It serves not only as a guide for planning a business exit but also as a strategic manual for avoiding common business pitfalls and ensuring a positive legacy for your loved ones. This no-nonsense, high-value book is a must-read for any entrepreneur. Each time you delve into its resourceful pages, you will uncover something beneficial for your business.

Pages: 367 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0C2F2R753

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WINX for Employees: The Problem-Solving Model to Unlock Workplace Success (The WINX Descision Making Series)

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WINX for Employees, by Irma Parone, is an insightful guide that empowers readers to make strategic choices leading to exponential success in their professional lives. Parone presents an 8-step framework called WINX (Win Exponentially), grounded in her personal experiences and extensive research. This framework helps readers thoroughly examine workplace challenges and develop effective systems for finding solutions. The book differentiates between a problem-solving mindset and mere complaining, teaches how to analyze risks and uncertainties, and underscores the importance of becoming invaluable in the workplace.

This well-structured book provides stress-free access to its resources, enabling readers to seamlessly incorporate its lessons into their daily routines. Parone’s framework is conveyed through straightforward action steps that instantly capture interest and curiosity. With clear titles like “Evaluate Alternatives” and “Craft Your Problem Statement,” the table of contents alone gives a solid overview of what each chapter and step entails.

I found Parone’s book highly resonant. Her insightful deductions and well-researched information, such as the emphasis on fostering diverse thinking and collaboration to spur innovative problem-solving in organizations, are particularly impactful. The book’s communicative style, enriched with stories and explanations, delivers profound insights in a clear and engaging manner. Readers will appreciate the book’s consistent focus. Parone stays true to her main theme, providing continuous insights into workplace dynamics without straying from the core subject. The discussions revolve around various aspects of the work environment, including employees, customers, teams, leadership, and goals, ensuring relevance to any professional setting.

WINX for Employees is an invaluable resource for both employers and employees across all industries. It equips readers with practical tools for solving problems and achieving professional success. Parone’s book serves as a smart guide to strategic thinking, helping individuals become their most competent selves at work and in life. Don’t miss out on this straightforward, research-backed, and transformative guide by Irma Parone.

Pages: 92 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D3WR3RC1

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The Accessories We Wear

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Those hoops, that belt, those glasses, that scarf perfectly accessorize the outfit of the day, but wait … there is no perfect accessory to outfit life.

Our wounds from abuse and trauma are the accessories we can’t take or pull off because they’re a part of us. Building walls, wearing masks, hiding deep despair in that quick mirror check, even from ourselves. Sound familiar? Well, I’m done hiding. I’m healing.

And the process? It doesn’t always look like what I expect.

This isn’t my struggle alone; trauma binds us together. Many among us face similar barriers and obstacles. I can’t tell my story honestly without telling the story of my mama and the irremovable accessories she passed down to me. If my transparency about how I’m finding healing can help someone else, all the better.

This is our story …

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Medical Thrillers

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Anthony Lee Author Interview

Doctor Lucifer follows a proficient but cynical internist who becomes the target of a hacker who is killing his patients by altering their medical records. What was the initial idea behind this story, and how did that transform as you were writing the novel?

As someone who had gone through medical school and the first year of residency before calling it quits, I had seen the various ways that medical records in clinics and hospitals were maintained. Some still primarily used paper charts, another had all-electronic medical records, and others were in between. During the time I began brainstorming my own medical thriller stories after reading several by Robin Cook, I thought about cybersecurity breaches and whether they could directly impact healthcare, where a hacker could change a medication dose or something else in a medical record and ultimately leave a patient suffering or dying from a deliberately placed medical error. I proceeded to think of different ways that a manufactured error in an electronic medical record could harm or kill a patient. Then it was just a matter of placing them in the most appropriate places on the story’s fictional timeline. At first, I had spread them evenly out, but then I knew I had to turn up the stakes. That’s when I decided to shove the first three medical disasters into the beginning, making them occur nearly at the same time.

How did you come up with the idea for the antagonist in this story, and how did it change as you wrote?

I had so much fun figuring out how the computer hacker could sabotage medical records that I never thought about the villain’s identity at first. Once I finished the part of the story where the doctor protagonist has to survive in the hospital, I spent time brainstorming who the villain would be and what the motives are. Without giving anything away, I came up with all of this after thinking about another issue with the medical profession that I felt strongly about. It led me to devise an origin story for the antagonist that, if explained clearly, could ultimately be connected back to the computer hacker plot. It was like taking two pieces of metal and welding them together with a blowtorch, making sure that they connected smoothly and solidly.

I find that while writing, you sometimes ask questions and have the characters answer them. Do you find that to be true? What questions did you ask yourself while writing this story?

Many authors like to talk to their created characters like they’re real-life people in front of them, which can be fun. For me, however, the character of Mark Lin is really a version of myself, specifically me from many years ago during my darkest and most frustrating moments in medical training. I don’t find myself talking to Mark Lin as a separate imaginary person.

While writing my novel, the questions I asked were really addressed to myself. For example, I asked why Mark Lin is such a cynical and angry physician. The answer is simple: I discovered how hard it really is to be a doctor, unlike what the general public might assume, so I naturally felt the need to show everyone outside healthcare what the job is really like and how intense it can get sometimes. Another major question I asked was whether Mark Lin has the potential to grow. The answer was a definite yes because I myself opened my mind and learned things in my adult life. Surely, Mark can, too.

Can you tell us more about what’s in store for Dr. Mark Lin and the direction of the second book?

My series of medical thrillers featuring Dr. Mark Lin are all about the intersection of the world of medicine and society at large. There is a two-way relationship between medicine and society. Medicine heals people and gives them a second chance at life in society, whereas the things that happen in society determine what kinds of conditions the world of medicine treats. For example, a hospital located in a high-crime area of the city is likely to treat victims of gunshots and stabbings, and a clinic in a poor area of a city is more likely to see preventable conditions like diabetes and high blood pressure. In this context, I imagine schemes by various bad actors in society whose impacts amount to a looming public health crisis spilling into healthcare, and Dr. Mark Lin, a doctor who is also disgusted with humanity, tackles the problem both inside the hospital as a doctor and outside the hospital as a tough amateur sleuth. On the way, he may learn lessons that help him become more of a compassionate human being.

Normally, I try to avoid previewing future books before their manuscripts are finished, just to maximize the anticipation before eventual publication. But if anyone asks, I can gladly share select details. My second book will be about the intersection of healthcare and cults. Specifically, Mark faces the consequences of a secretive healing cult that is spreading medical disinformation. Besides treating patients who suffer from the cult’s dangerous practices, Mark goes undercover as a member of that cult, to find out if this group had indeed radicalized someone into murdering multiple people at a clinic, including a patient of his.

Author Links: GoodReads | Website | Amazon

“I don’t know which is worse: disease of the human body or disease of humanity.”

In today’s digital world, no one is safe from cyberattacks. Not even medical doctors and hospitals. Can a hacker remotely kill a doctor’s patients, just by altering medical records?

Dr. Mark Lin, a proficient but cynical and disillusioned internist, is the target of such a hacker, known as Doctor Lucifer. Three of his patients at Ivory Memorial Hospital suffer from medication errors, created by the hacker, yet Mark is forced to take the blame. However, he knows that a computer worm is spreading worldwide and crippling network security everywhere. When Doctor Lucifer threatens more patient deaths, Mark vows to defend his honor.

Together with the hospital’s information technology team, Mark scrambles to outwit the hacker and avert one medical crisis after another. But the consequences of Doctor Lucifer’s actions still hurt Mark, who soon hits rock bottom at the hands of a vengeful widow and an egotistical surgeon. He has no choice but to hunt down and confront Doctor Lucifer, an enemy with a truly malicious purpose.

Doctor Lucifer, Anthony Lee’s debut novel that is the first of a series, is a new take on the medical thriller, featuring unusual life-and-death situations, an antihero doctor taking center stage, and hard-hitting commentary on the state of humanity itself.

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