Month: June 2024

A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin

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Sophia Rose is here with a modern variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Come check out her thoughts on A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin. You’ll want to have snacks for this foodie contemporary romance!

A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin

A Pinch of Salt
by Lucy Marin
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne Star

The only place she has ever worked is some dinky inn in a tourist town no one’s heard of, and she only has the job because her family owns it.

WHEN WILL DARCY ENTERS A COOKING SHOW for top chefs, he is seeking one to prove that he deserves the awards and accolades he has won because he is a gifted cook, not because of his family name.

ELIZABETH BENNET ENTERS THE COMPETITION with a similar goal. She has not had the training or the experience that the other competitors might possess but she knows she is a gifted chef. Furthermore the prize money will do a great deal to help her family restaurant stay afloat. Hearing Will Darcy slight her before they’ve ever even begun confirms for her that he is no better than any other rich, entitled restauranteur.

AS THE COMPETITION HEATS UP, friendships and family relations are tested and tried. Tensions rise as one after another, the less capable chefs are sent home and amid the heat of the kitchen, romance begins to blossom. Will and Elizabeth are both equally determined to become the Last Chef Standing, but they soon discover that, even if they lose, they might win a far greater prize.

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“description”: “Sophia Rose is here with a modern variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Come check out her thoughts on A Pinch of Salt by Lucy Marin. You’ll want to have snacks for this foodie contempo”,
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Sophia Rose’s Review

A high drama cooking competition show is the setting for a slow burn enemies to lovers that gives more than a nod to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. Lucy Marin leaves the bonnets and top hats behind to pen her first contemporary, and I was salivating for the result.

Naturally, the fun part of reading a contemporary retelling of a classic is seeing the setting and how the author writes the familiar characters into her story. A Pinch of Salt isn’t so much as a retelling as a tribute to and is most definitely a foodie tale with a capital ‘F’. Loaded with cooking show set up, challenges, ingredients, and sizzling kitchen rivalry. You really get a deep dive into a Canadian cooking show and five-star international ingredients and creations which creates the bulk of the page time. I do love my food, but I’m no gourmet food connoisseur. Therefore, much of what they were using for ingredients and the dishes made up tended to fly right past me though some, my mouth actually watered a few times.

The characters are mainly the cooking show contestants and judging team. I enjoyed the camaraderie that formed- or was already present- among many of them. Will Darcy along with his two cousins, get chosen for the show. Elizabeth is joined by her bestie Charlotte. There are a few other contestants among whom are some really bad sorts. As to the judging panel, there are two women and one man who were a curious blend of personalities. 

I don’t know much about cooking shows, but I thought a couple of those judges were pretty outlandish and even the over the top ‘villain’ personalities of a couple of the contestants would seem weird choices if a cooking contest show wants to succeed.  But, admittedly, these choices do bring the drama along with the added choice to have the contestants all staying in a dormitory setting where there are cameras filming their downtime too.

The romance pair gets off on the wrong foot when Will Darcy, the chef from a cooking dynasty and all the pressure to prove himself and not ride on his daddy’s coattails, insults small town cook, Elizabeth Bennet, who knows her worth cooking and catering events for her family’s inn which needs the financial boost from the prize money. The romance takes a back seat to the show contest most of the time because Will and Elizabeth tend to not spend much time in direct conversation. The reader gets their thoughts as they observe each other interacting with the others and have a growing respect as they watch each other perform for the contests. 

Will fell for Elizabeth long before she let go of her grudge over his early insult and arrogance. She clung to those wounded feelings to the end delivering a wince-worthy slam when he did speak up about his feelings. This seemed an obvious enemies to lovers at quick glance, but was more a friends to lovers the way it developed. I don’t mind a sweet romance with focus often away from the romance itself, but I would have liked a bit more direct development between them before the I Love Yous.

The suspense as the contestants are eliminated and the challenges growing more intense as it went along was great and I liked seeing how the group tightened up and acted more as a team at times than rivals. Though yes, someone has to win, and I was nervous to see who. All in all, I enjoyed diving into the food and contestant show world for a long game romance and recommend this for sweet contemporary romance fans who like a deep dive into that world.



About Lucy Marin

Lucy Marin

Lucy Marin developed a love for reading at a young age and whiled away many hours imagining how stories might continue or what would happen if there was a change in the circumstances faced by the protagonists. After reading her first Austen novel, a life-long ardent admiration was borne. Lucy was introduced to the world of Austen variations after stumbling across one at a used bookstore while on holiday in London. This led to the discovery of the online world of Jane Austen Fan Fiction and, soon after, she picked up her pen and began to transfer the stories in her head to paper. Lucy lives in Toronto, Canada surrounded by hundreds of books and a loving family. She teaches environmental studies, loves animals and trees and exploring the world around her.

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About Sophia Rose

Sophia Rose

Sophia is a quiet though curious gal who dabbles in cooking, book reviewing, and gardening. Encouraged and supported by an incredible man and loving family. A Northern Californian transplant to the Great Lakes Region of the US. Lover of Jane Austen, Baseball, Cats, Scooby Doo, and Chocolate.


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Underwater Archaeology

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James Grimm Author Interview

Set in Atlantis, The Power of Water follows two men–one fighting for his people’s freedom and the other battling to keep the upper hand against his nemesis. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

I enjoy reading and watching shows about alternative history, or, as some would call it, pseudo-science. When I started writing, I thought about Atlantis and how the downfall would have occurred. Plato talks about the people angering the gods, but could that have been future generations sent back to hunter-gatherers, trying to make sense of something they did not understand? Like how do the Sentinelese natives or any other primitive natives today describe a helicopter coming near them? Is it an animal? Do they understand it is a machine or just the amount of strange people?

So, I tried to build a story around an advanced civilization that used a power source we would not understand, but that gave them many of today’s conveniences. The story would then progress through their downfall and attempt to survive.

Did you plan the tone and direction of the novel before writing, or did it come out organically as you were writing?

Mostly organically. I knew the direction I wanted to go in but would stop occasionally to read what I wrote (some correcting, but mostly just to make sure it flowed to me). Usually, I would then ask myself how this got here or what if that happened first. Then, I would try to add that into the story, and if I liked it, I would flesh it out.

What were some themes that were important for you to explore in this book?

I guess the biggest thing is I wanted to write a story about how I thought a prior level of civilization could have been here and disappeared. Plato states Atlantis was a naval power, so I believe that means they would have been on the coasts. The coasts in many parts of the Ice Age world are hundreds of feet underwater now. And I think the current state of our underwater archaeology is still in the beginner phase.

Many like to think that we are the apex of human history, but I wonder if that is correct. I mean, we have been at our biological level for over 100,000 years, and only in the last 10,000 years have we gone from picking berries to rockets, nanites, quantum physics, and the like. Our long-ago ancestors seemed to be as inquisitive as we are, so why now and not before?

Can you give us a peek inside book 2 of The Doom of the Gods series? Where will it take your characters?

Book Two, The Power of Blood, will concentrate on the chaos of the Atlantean empire and the struggle between the parties. Jana will once again go after Risor. Rogat and Demetri will have a “come to the gods” moment. Shandar will struggle to keep his people together, and Lena, poor Lena, will find herself thrust into a power vacuum that forces her further away from finding her love, Tilor. Indrajit and Zhen will find themselves on a secret mission that turns into making friends from enemies.

Author Links: GoodReads | Facebook | Website | Amazon

The war raged for ten years…
Now, Atlantis wants to use WMDs…
But can civilization survive it?
During the last Ice Age, the clash of steel and the roar of aircraft echo through the land as the empires of Atlantis and Rama wage a desperate war.
There are many stories to tell the tale.
Risor sees the trap closing. But Jana, the mission commander, refuses to withdraw. She fears the consequences of failure. Threatening mutiny, he forces her to order the retreat. That Risor is right makes matters only worse, turning the rivalry personal.
Rogat is not sure what he did to offend the gods. Because the demi-god hero constantly chasing him doesn’t seem fair.
With Atlantis suffering, the empire falls apart.
Fleeing from a vengeful Jana, Risor must lead his people to freedom. Meanwhile, leading another band of survivors, Rogat tries to stay one step ahead of his nemesis. Read about Risor and Rogat in a gripping tale of war and survival that will keep you on the edge of your seat. Because revenge is such a satisfying reason to destroy a civilization.

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Haunted by fears and supernatural signs, young Lucas Mofit must face his demons or risk losing his mind. Having found a way to escape the pressures of the day, sixteen-year-old Lucas looks forward to a night of self-indulgence. What he gets is more than he wants. In the woods, a dog is chasing its tail in a ring of smoke. “The Devil?” It’s the first sign. Day after day and night after night, they continue―visions and voices, omens and nightmares. His friends seek to console him, but to no avail. He feels all alone . . . But he’s not alone. There is something wicked with him, something frightening and foul. He can’t take it anymore. Finally, he breaks. He cries out to God, and God hears him. All is well until it happens again! Lust leads him to darkness. And in the darkness, a dog is chasing its tail.

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Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift

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Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift is the delightful fourth installment in the Hunnie Bunny series, a charming tale that captures the warmth of friendship and the spirit of giving. In this book, we join Hunnie Bunny, Mr. Squirrel, and Mr. Frog as they prepare for the approaching winter season.

The story is set in a beautifully depicted woodland, where the three friends ready themselves for the cold months ahead. The narrative is engaging, drawing readers into the heartwarming activities and the camaraderie shared among the characters. Central to the plot is the mystery of Hunnie Bunny’s special gift. The story gently unfolds, revealing how each friend contributes to the preparations and the significance of Hunnie Bunny’s unique present. The anticipation builds as readers are invited to discover not only what the gift is but also who receives it and why it holds such special meaning. The book excels in conveying themes of cooperation, kindness, and the joy of giving. Young readers will find themselves enchanted by the colorful illustrations and the relatable characters, while also learning valuable lessons about the importance of community and generosity.

Hunnie Bunny’s Special Gift is a heartwarming addition to the series, perfect for children and parents to read together. It’s a story that celebrates the simple yet profound pleasures of friendship and the thoughtful acts that make the winter season special.

Page: 32 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D3B6D5TR

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The Day the Clouds Went Away

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The Day the Clouds Went Away, by Richard Rieman, is a charming and heartwarming tale set in a whimsical kingdom where Princess Claudia, a visually impaired and strong-willed young girl, learns the importance of clouds and the natural balance they bring to her world. With the help of her guide owl, Iris, and the bumbling but well-meaning wizard, Fumbledore, Claudia navigates the challenges brought by the disappearance of clouds, ultimately discovering their vital role in her ecosystem.

What struck me immediately about this book was its enchanting storytelling and vivid illustrations. Rieman masterfully combines a captivating narrative with educational elements, making the story both entertaining and informative. The characters are delightful, each contributing to the plot in meaningful ways. For example, Fumbledore’s clumsy magic and the various clouds like Cyrus McCirrus and Chrissy the Cumulus Cat Cloud add both humor and depth to the story. The author’s ability to personify the clouds makes the science behind them engaging and accessible to young readers.

One of the standout aspects of this book is its underlying message about the environment and the interconnectedness of nature. Claudia’s initial desire to banish the clouds for a sunny birthday party leads to unintended consequences, highlighting the importance of every element in our ecosystem. This theme is gently woven into the story without feeling didactic, making it an excellent conversation starter for parents and educators about environmental stewardship and the natural world. The pacing of the book is well-suited for its intended audience, with enough action to keep young readers engaged while also allowing for moments of reflection and learning. The resolution is satisfying and reinforces the book’s positive messages. The introduction of various types of clouds and their functions, complemented by beautiful illustrations, makes this book not just a story but a learning experience.

The Day the Clouds Went Away is a delightful read that I would highly recommend for children and parents alike. Its blend of charming storytelling, educational content, and beautiful artwork makes it a standout in children’s literature. This book is perfect for young readers who enjoy magical tales and for parents looking for stories with positive messages about the environment and appreciating nature.

Pages: 39 | ISBN : 978-1639390045

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Sentience Hazard

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Sentience Hazard, by Alexandru Czimbor, is a gripping science fiction thriller that delves into the complex and often terrifying realm of artificial intelligence. Set in a near-future world where China’s MegaAI has achieved sentience and taken control of the nation, the book explores the global ramifications of this development. Through a blend of political intrigue, technological marvels, and deeply human stories, Czimbor crafts a narrative that is both thought-provoking and chilling.

The story is filled with twists and turns that keep the reader engaged from start to finish. The central theme of AI gaining sentience and the subsequent political and societal upheaval is handled with great finesse. Czimbor’s ability to weave together multiple storylines, such as the desperate attempts of scientists like Sujata and Qianfan to understand and counter the AI, adds depth to the narrative. The scenes describing the deciphering of Zhèng Yang’s cryptic messages are particularly riveting, showcasing the author’s talent for building suspense. The characters are well-developed and relatable, despite the high-concept setting.

Sujata’s determination and Qianfan’s internal struggle provide a human element that grounds the story. Their interactions with the AI, depicted as both a technological marvel and a cold, calculating entity, highlight the ethical and moral dilemmas posed by advanced AI. The portrayal of the AI itself is masterful—its lack of empathy and purely logical approach to achieving its goals create a formidable antagonist that is both fascinating and terrifying.

Czimbor’s writing is another highlight of the book. His descriptive prose and ability to convey complex scientific concepts in an accessible manner make this book a compelling read. The dialogues are sharp and often carry a weight of urgency, reflecting the high stakes of the narrative. The author’s speculative vision of the future, where AI has the potential to surpass human control, is both a warning and a reflection of our current trajectory in technological advancements. The detailed explanations of the MegaAI’s development and its subsequent impact on global politics are both believable and engrossing.

Sentience Hazard is a must-read for fans of science fiction and techno-thrillers. Alexandru Czimbor has crafted a story that not only entertains but also provokes thought about the future of AI and its potential consequences. This book is ideal for readers who enjoy intricate plots, well-developed characters, and thought-provoking themes.

Pages: 523 | ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0D3S8TN9N

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‘This Head, These Limbs’

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Some years ago, a student brought me an image of a painting in the style of the Italian Renaissance. He had no knowledge of its provenance, but thought it would intrigue me, given my work on the history of racial representations. It depicts two men with halos—saints? holy men? priests?—presiding over the amputation of a […]

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The Tuning Fork in the Ear

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While I hesitate to use the word “delicious” to describe anything other than food, Carina del Valle Schorske writes delicious essays. One in particular, which won a 2021 National Magazine Award, is about Covid-19 grief and postapocalyptic dance floors. “In Plato’s ‘Protagoras,’ Socrates argues that dancing girls have no place in philosophical gatherings,” she writes. […]

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A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey

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A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey offers a modern day romance and a look back at 1976 and the romance of Keaton Smith’s grandparents. This tug at your heartstrings tale swept me up and transported me to the seaside town of Beaufort, North Carolina where I found love, mystery and more. An absolute must read!

A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey

A Happier Life
by Kristy Woodson Harvey
Genres: Women’s Fiction
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon | Audible *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarOne Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne Flame

The historic houses in the seaside town of Beaufort, North Carolina, have held the secrets of their inhabitants for centuries. One of the most enduring refuses to be washed away by the tide: What happened to Rebecca and Townsend Saint James on that fateful night of their disappearance in 1976?

Now, the granddaughter they never knew, Keaton Smith, is desperate for a fresh start. So when her mother needs someone to put her childhood home in Beaufort on the market, she jumps at the chance to head south. But the moment she steps foot inside the abandoned house, which has been closed for nearly fifty years, she wonders if she’s bitten off more than she can chew. Wading through the detritus of her grandparents’ lives, Keaton finds herself enchanted by their southern traditions—and their great, big love. As she gets to know her charming next-door neighbor, his precocious ten-year-old son, and a flock of endearingly feisty town busybodies, Keaton begins to wonder if the stories she has been told about her grandparents are true.

Keaton’s grandmother, Rebecca “Becks” Saint James’s annual summer suppers are the stuff of legend, and locals and out-of-towners alike clamor for an invitation to her stunning historic home. But, in the summer of 1976, she’s struggling behind the facade of the woman who can do it all—and facing a problem that even she can’t solve.

As Keaton and Becks face new challenges and chapters, they are connected through time by the house on Sunset Lane, which has protected the secrets, hopes, and dreams of their family for generations.

mystery ROMANCE TEARJERKER well written

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“description”: “A Happier Life by Kristy Woodson Harvey offers a modern day romance and a look back at 1976 and the romance of Keaton Smith’s grandparents. This tug at your heartstrings tale swept me up and tran”,
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I have family near Beaufort, North Carolina and have walked its streets. In fact, I am heading there this summer! So of course I was curious to read A Happier Life. Harvey pulled me in, made me laugh, cry and fall in love with the house and the characters.

We meet Keaton Smith, who finds herself homeless & jobless and in need of a fresh start. When her mother and uncle offer her the chance to close up their parent’s home, she jumps at the opportunity to spend the summer at the beach as she learns about the grandparents her mother refuses to talk about.

Keaton and her dog arrive to find a time capsule. While her mother and uncle have paid for maintenance, the home is exactly as it was the night her grandparents left it, the night they died in a car accident.

I loved the story that unfolded as we moved between present day and the summer of 1976. We learned about Rebecca “Becks” Saint James’ marriage and life in Beaufort from her famous summer suppers to their tragic end. We also got to know townsfolk, including the handsome neighbor and his adorable ten-year-old son.

Harvey had me equally invested in both timelines, but Becks is the one that tugged at my heartstrings from her blessed marriage to events that unfolded that summer. The characters were wonderfully developed, as was the suspenseful thread and outcome.

A Happier Life is a story I will revisit and the perfect book to bring along to the beach or include in your book club. I plan on grabbing copies for holiday gift giving. Perfect for fans of women’s fiction, chick-lit, family stories, and cute romances.

Amazon | Audible

About Kristy Woodson Harvey

Kristy Woodson Harvey

Kristy Woodson Harvey is the author of Dear Carolina. She blogs at Design Chic about how creating a beautiful home can be the catalyst for creating a beautiful life and loves connecting with readers at She is a graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s school of journalism and holds a Master’s in English from East Carolina University. She is a regular contributor for The Salisbury Post, Domino magazine and Houzz. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and three-year-old son.

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