Month: June 2024

Nowhere But Up

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On July 16, 1964, James Gilligan, an off-duty police officer in New York, shot and killed a fifteen-year-old Black high school student, James Powell, who was almost certainly unarmed. Dozens witnessed the shooting. The evening of Saturday, July 18, around 150 people followed a pastor from Fountain Spring Baptist Church to the police station in […]

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award – Poetry

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes poets who demonstrate exceptional artistry and proficiency and push the boundaries of language and expression. The recipients are poets who excel in their technical skills and evoke deep emotional responses, challenge thoughts, and illuminate new perspectives through their work. The award honors those who contribute to the literary landscape with their unique voices and powerful words.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Literary Titan Book Award: Nonfiction

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes outstanding nonfiction books that demonstrate exceptional quality in writing, research, and presentation. This award is dedicated to authors who excel in creating informative, enlightening, and engaging works that offer valuable insights. Recipients of this award are commended for their ability to transform complex topics into accessible and compelling narratives that captivate readers and enhance our understanding.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Children’s Books

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The Literary Titan Book Award recognizes children’s books that mesmerize audiences with incredible narratives, vibrant illustrations, charming characters, and fresh ideas. Offering well-earned accolades, we salute the imagination and exceptional skill of authors who create tales that spark curiosity and delight in young minds.

Award Recipients

The High Sky Fliers by Priya Ramesh

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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Literary Titan Gold Book Award: Fiction

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The Literary Titan Book Award honors books that exhibit exceptional storytelling and creativity. This award celebrates novelists who craft compelling narratives, create memorable characters, and weave stories that captivate readers. The recipients are writers who excel in their ability to blend imagination with literary skill, creating worlds that enchant and narratives that linger long after the final page is turned.

Award Recipients

Visit the Literary Titan Book Awards page to see award information.

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False and Outworn Traditions

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Angel Dunworth Author Interview

The Ravens of Castle Keep follows a young girl who after her mom’s car accident is sent to school in a real castle that holds many mysteries waiting to be discovered. What was the inspiration for the setup of your story?

The pen and ink illustrations were originally an art study. I noticed that when ravens crane their necks, it looks as if there is a bone or tissue that other birds do not have. So as an artist (as most artists will) I began drawing the birds over and over to master them.

My mother told me to write a book about them. So I did. What an opportunity! I’d have the means to un-demonize these birds that are now proven to be the smartest birds on Earth!

Marcy and Ryan learn to trust one another and build a strong friendship in this story. What was your inspiration for the characters and their relationship?

I’m a “pantser,” a phrase coined by Stephen King. That means that I write off the top of my head. I first write the situation they must overcome. Next, I continue writing until my characters find a way out of that situation. (Though to be fair, I believe that none of us can do this by ourselves. Ergo, I make them compatible.)

What were some educational aspects that were important for you to include in this children’s book?

Most importantly, that animals are just that. They are not demonic, and neither do they understand the superstitions and personas that we assign them. A black cat has no idea why it’s not allowed outside on Halloween. Neither does a raven have any idea that people believe they walk the threshold between the living and the dead.

These are ridiculous, backward ideas. We rather disgrace ourselves when we distance ourselves from nature by following false and outworn traditions.

What is the next book that you are working on, and when will it be available?

I am working on a child’s picture book, The Pixie and The Elethunk. It is done in cut-paper illustrations and should be released soon. It is a lesson in gratitude.

I believe the next issues of Sonnet and the Dorthy L Sayers Literary Journal are due out this year. I have a few pieces in those. Pick them up!

Author Links: GoodReads | Amazon

After Marcy’s mother is severely injured in a car accident, her father sends her to live a dream. Marcy can’t believe her luck! She is to be schooled in a real castle! Overly imaginative she and her friend, Ryan, begin their stay asking themselves, “Does every castle really have a ghost? Or werewolves?” Even scarier, once they’ve visited the castle roof, they find giant, black monster birds sitting there. Oh no! Ravens? Aren’t they dangerous? Aren’t they vicious? Don’t they always stay hidden until Halloween? Marcy and Ryan embark on a deeply moving, educational journey to learn about the smartest birds in the world. Add to that a treasure hunt and you have an exciting tale for kids of all ages.

Award-winning writer, poet and artist, Angel Dunworth creates a fictional world, that teaches kids the truth about corvids. She seamlessly goes about the business of “un-demonizing” one of nature’s true miracles. Through her illustrations, factoids and fast-paced plot these birds are brought to life. The Ravens of Castle Keep, educates, entertains and enlightens. It’s a great addition to any bookshelf.

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Barely Even Friends by Mae Bennett

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Barely Even Friends by Mae Bennett offers a delicious modern day retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” with a home improvement twist. A grumpy secluded owner, a cheerful staff and a designer eager to prove herself gave way to a delightful romantic tale complete with a library. Be still my heart.

Barely Even Friends by Mae Bennett

Barely Even Friends
by Mae Bennett
Genres: Contemporary Romance
Source: Publisher
Purchase*: Amazon *affiliate


Rating: One StarOne StarOne StarOne StarHalf a Star
Heat Level: One FlameOne FlameOne FlameOne Flame

Bellamy Price has just been offered the job of a lead contractor on the restoration of the mysterious and sprawling Killington Estate. If she meets the owner’s ridiculous timeline, she’ll finally make a name for herself in this male-dominated industry. But when she rolls up her sleeves, slips on her suspenders, and shows up at the crumbling mansion, Bellamy finds the estate very much occupied.

After a traumatic car accident that left his parents dead and himself injured, Oliver Killington, heir to the Killington empire, took up residence as the grumpy caretaker of his grandfather’s mansion. None too pleased by the presence of the hammer-wielding woman who’s moved into his house, Oliver tries to block her at every turn.

But when Bellamy discovers Oliver’s facing his own ultimatum from his grandfather, the two form a cautious truce, which leads to flying sparks that are definitely not from faulty wiring. As Bellamy restores the gleam to the Killington Estate, she’ll have to decide if the walls she’s built around herself are worth knocking down to make space for someone else.

Fairy Tale Humor ROMANCE SWOON

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“description”: “Barely Even Friends by Mae Bennett offers a delicious modern day retelling of “Beauty and the Beast” with a home improvement twist. A grumpy secluded owner, a cheerful staff and a designer eager “,
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Bellamy Price is taking the reins on a renovation job for Killington Estate and she needs to succeed to land her dream job. Wearing her suspenders and eager to begin, she was surprised to find the estate occupied. Let the fun begin!

I adore Beauty and the Beast, so I couldn’t help but grab Barely Even Friends. Bennett did a lovely job of creating an estate and characters who brought the tale to us with a modern twist. I loved the staff and the re-creation of the fire place scene on the first evening, complete with a dark, grumpy and very sexy beast.

Oliver Killington, heir to the Killington empire, has been in seclusion ever since a fatal car crash that took his parents and left him injured. His grandfather is in charge of the renovations, and we learn of some twists regarding the estate. I was hooked and enjoyed getting to know Oliver, Bell, and the secondary characters.

The romance was lovely with the staff pushing the two to engage in conversation and enjoy meals together. It had a slow burn feel that made it feel genuine in this force proximity romance.

I loved the renovations, library and developments. The conflict was ok, but was resolved quickly, leaving me smiling in the end. Barely Even Friends is the perfect beach romance to add to your bag this summer.


About Mae Bennett

Mae Bennett is a hopeless romantic who enjoys imagining and writing happily ever afters in her free time. A voracious reader and reviewer of romance books while her cat, King Louis, rules from his throne.

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Sunrise Over Casablanca

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Sunrise Over Casablanca by Pablo Zaragoza is a captivating sequel to “Brazzaville,” continuing the enthralling saga set in the aftermath of World War II. The story follows Rick, a resilient and resourceful character, navigating the complex political landscape of post-war Casablanca. As Rick attempts to rebuild his life and protect his family amidst the turmoil of Moroccan independence, the novel weaves a rich tapestry of historical events, personal struggles, and enduring love.

Zaragoza’s writing is both vivid and engaging, transporting readers to the bustling streets and intimate cafes of Casablanca. One of the standout aspects of the book is its detailed and immersive setting. The descriptions of the shanty towns, the Blue Parrot Cafe, and the intricate political machinations create a palpable sense of place that draws you into the world of the characters. For instance, the portrayal of Carrières Central, with its rundown wooden huts and open sewers, starkly highlights the harsh realities faced by the urban poor​​.

The characters are well-developed and multifaceted, particularly Rick and Ilsa. Their relationship, tested by the pressures of war and political upheaval, forms the emotional core of the novel. Rick’s internal conflict and unwavering dedication to his family are portrayed with depth and nuance. While the historical context adds a rich layer to the narrative, there are moments when the political intrigue can feel overwhelming. The numerous references to real historical events and figures, such as the involvement of French and American intelligence, add a layer of depth that history enthusiasts will particularly appreciate, enriching the plot with authentic historical context.

Sunrise Over Casablanca is a compelling read that blends historical fiction with personal drama. Zaragoza’s meticulous research and evocative prose make this a standout novel for those interested in post-war history and intricate character studies. Readers who enjoy historical novels with a strong emotional core and a richly detailed setting will find this to be an excellent novel. Whether you’re a history buff or a lover of poignant narratives, this book is sure to captivate and inspire.

Pages: 251 | ASIN : B0D3FMNZXF

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Drawing Data with Kids

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Drawing Data with Kids is an engaging and informative book that cleverly introduces children to the world of data visualization. Through the charming narrative of Pariza and her data-nerd father, Abbu, readers are taken on a journey where everyday moments are transformed into opportunities to learn about data, graphs, and visual storytelling. The book’s unique blend of storytelling, practical examples, and interactive exercises makes it a fantastic resource for parents, educators, and anyone interested in making data literacy accessible and fun for kids.

One of the most delightful aspects of the book is its storytelling approach. Khan weaves educational content seamlessly into the adventures of Pariza and her family. For example, in the chapter titled “The Snore Graph,” Pariza’s curiosity about her father’s snoring leads to the creation of a line graph. This not only makes the concept of line graphs relatable but also demonstrates how data can be found in everyday life. The stories are both entertaining and educational, capturing the attention of young readers and making complex ideas simple to understand.

The writing is both friendly and engaging, striking the right balance between education and entertainment. Khan’s explanations are clear and concise, making it easy for children to grasp new concepts. The “Time Out” sections provide additional insights and details, helping to reinforce the lessons learned in the stories. For instance, the “Monday Blues” chapter introduces bar graphs using the number of letters in the days of the week, turning a mundane topic into an exciting data exploration.

Another thing I liked about this book is its interactive nature. Each chapter concludes with a “Your Turn to Play” section, encouraging children to apply what they’ve learned through hands-on activities. These exercises are thoughtfully designed to be both fun and educational, ensuring that the lessons stick. For example, children are prompted to create a pie chart using their own data after learning about pie charts in the “Snakes & Ladders” chapter.

Drawing Data with Kids is a wonderful resource for parents and educators looking to introduce children to the world of data visualization in a fun and engaging way. The book’s blend of storytelling, practical examples, and interactive exercises makes it an excellent tool for fostering a love of learning and data literacy.

Pages: 126 | ASIN : B0C66JJ48M

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The Sand Sculpture Competition

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The Sand Sculpture Competition is a delightful tale about friendship, teamwork, and creativity under the sea. Our main characters, Charlie and Chuck, two adventurous crabs, embark on a journey to create the best sand sculpture ever. Their project takes a magical turn when they meet Sandy, a mermaid who lends them a precious pearl necklace for their sculpture. Together, they overcome challenges, including a stolen idea and fierce competition, to create a magnificent lighthouse sand sculpture that dazzles everyone.

The writing is vibrant and engaging. The author does a fantastic job of creating an underwater world that feels fantastical and real. The descriptions of the underwater scenes, especially the kelp forest and the lighthouse, are so vivid that you can almost feel the cool ocean breeze and see the shimmering light reflecting off the shells. The characters are well-developed, with Charlie’s determination and Chuck’s strength and humor shining through, making them relatable and endearing.

The idea I enjoyed most in this children’s book is the importance of teamwork and friendship. Charlie and Chuck’s dynamic evolves from mere acquaintances to a powerhouse team. Their combined efforts, with Chuck’s physical strength and Charlie’s meticulous planning, underscore the message that different skills can complement each other beautifully. This theme is especially poignant when they face Claudia’s antagonism and still choose to focus on their own goals rather than getting bogged down by negativity.

The story also creatively integrates the concept of imaginative problem-solving. From the detailed planning of their sand sculpture to the ingenious use of Sandy’s pearls and other oceanic resources, the book encourages young readers to think outside the box. The scene where Charlie and Chuck plan the construction of their lighthouse, ensuring it stands out with unique elements like oyster shells for light and sea glass windows, is a testament to this. It’s a delightful mix of creativity and practical application that can inspire readers to tackle their own projects with similar enthusiasm.

The Sand Sculpture Competition is a heartwarming and fun read that I’d highly recommend to young readers and anyone who enjoys a good adventure. It’s perfect for children who love stories about the ocean, teamwork, and creative competitions. Author Joan Enockson has crafted an entertaining tale that imparts valuable lessons about friendship, perseverance, and the joy of creation.

Pages: 59 | ASIN : B0D3G2S6XZ

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